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"Stop!" Ford's voice urged, making Star lose Marco's eyes and turn behind his head to see Ford in the elevator doorway. It didn't matter how much darkness took over the basement. Star could still see it - the frantic terror in Ford's eyes. He held his hand out in front of him as if to have an effect on his demand. "Star," He muttered. "Set down the rift - carefully."

"Tell me, old friend." Bill intimidated Ford without turning around. "Why should she, huh?"

Ford didn't need to see Marco's face to know he was letting his teeth show, up in a wide, amused smile. "No, kids! Listen to me! You don't know what you're doing! Put it down!"

"Come on, Blondie." Bill taunted Star. "Smash it. Stomp it into the ground. You can go home if you just break it!" The hard shove at Marco's body was surprising not just for Star, but for Bill, too.

"Marco! No, stop!" Star pleaded with rage. In the sudden attack that Ford gave to Bill, she felt the globe slip halfway out of her hands.

"Careful!" Ford yelled with his heart stopping when he saw her struggle with the rift. "Don't let it drop!" Star felt her hands sweat and go numb from the fright of almost dropping the rift and juggled it for a millisecond before saving it.

"Many long years, and this is the heartwarming greeting I get?" Ford turned his focus back to the smiling kid he had pinned against his work desk. His face held pure fury. His eyebrows weighed down with anger and his teeth were gritted together.

"Don't act so surprised, Sixer. You knew we'd meet again!" Bill chuckled, feeling the pain of Ford's assault on him, yet, enjoying the strike that shook Marco's nerves.

"Cipher!" Ford said under his breath, clutching tightly to Bill by Marco's T-shirt collar. As Bill let out a disturbing, echoed laugh, Ford flinched by the sound of it. He hadn't heard that exact laugh in thirty long years and now it was back to haunt him once more.

Star stood off to the side, practically feeling her legs want to suspend her to the ground. She failed to wrap her head around what Marco was saying, considering he had only just met Ford three days ago. It was only that Star decided that she was going to faint when Ford held up his triangular laser gun to Marco's head.

"If you don't let him go, I'll make you." Ford declared, but Bill's smile didn't even falter. It stayed to mock the old man and laugh at him.

"You won't do it." Bill sneered. "But it would be cute to watch you try - adorable, even!"

"I said, 'stop'!" Star commanded, cradling the rift in her left arm and holding her wand up in her other. The wand was activated by Star's strict rage. It sparkled and shone its neon colors to the - no longer - gloomy basement. Her hearts on her cheeks glimmered along with the wand's magic, as did her eyes. Her hair whipped and blew swiftly with the neon color, as well. "Lay another finger on Marco and I'll turn you to dust." Star's stern and dead cold face gave Ford the hint that Star meant business. So, he let Bill go, letting him sink off the desk and plummet to the tough ground.

"I'll be back later, Devil Horns! Mark my words! This isn't the last you've seen of me! I'll be back and there's nothing you can do about it!" With Bill's fading chuckle in the distance, he was soon gone.

As Ford hid his gun back in his pocket, Star went over to Marco's aid. He was slumped on the ground and his eyelids were shut. "Marco. Marco. C'mon. Wake up." Star said, shaking her friend's shoulder. When his head began to rise and his eyes fluttered open, she stopped.

"Star?" He mumbled.

"Marco!" Star's enlightened face grinned, only to quickly be wiped away. She was relieved he was alright, however, remembered what he had said.

"What?" Marco asked. As a reply, Marco got Star's back to him. She got up and left, ignoring his protests. "Star, wait! Come back."

"Let her go." Ford insisted, giving Marco a helping hand to get back on his feet and into the swivel chair. The teen clenched up every time he felt his sore body ache and get a striking pain. "Marco, we have to talk."

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