Unicorn hunt

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Both Dipper and Mabel came down the hall to discover Star in tears. She slammed the door with a powerful might and ran quickly down the stairs. They both figured that it was Star and Marco who was causing the disturbance of peace and quiet in the shack. Never in their entire lives have they heard such a serious and loud argument. Even their own sibling bickerings were no match for this one.

In harmony, Dipper and Mabel exchanged worried looks. "Woah." Mabel began. "What was that all about?"

"I don't know. I think they were fighting. Guess that makes more people in the shack who will be angry and yelling all the time."

"Yeesh. And I thought Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford were bad." Mabel mumbled.

Ford's voice projected itself throughout the shack and cut the twins' talk short. "Family meeting! Family meeting!"

Though his bones still had a soft ache, Marco was able to make it down the stairs on his own. He may still have been run-down, but that didn't stop him. By the time he reached the living room full of voices, Ford and the twins glanced over at him. He supported himself with the door's frame, blanket over his shoulders and ice pack clutched to his head.

"What's going on?" He asked casually.

"Marco," Ford sprung up from his seat at the dining room table. "Glad to see you up and moving. Come. Grab a seat. We were just talking." Marco did as he was told and looked over at Dipper and Mabel who seemed to be uneasy ever since he entered the room.

"Kids, I need to ask you something." Ford announced, pulling out his scrolls from his old, torn, faded brown bag. "I know I told you yesterday that Marco became possessed, but I didn't explain to you the whole story. Do any of you recognize this?" Ford unraveled a scroll with many hieroglyphs and alien-like symbols that seemed to be unsolvable. But the biggest thing that Dipper found his eyes staring at was the single unmistakable eye in the center of the page. Following the eye, was a shape of a triangle and a bow tie.

"Bill." He muttered. His heart jump started with a fuel of fear just by staring at the demon on the scroll who made his summer a living nightmare - literally.

Ford didn't expect any of them to know, honestly. Still, he had to ask. "Wait-you know him?"

"Know him?!" Dipper exclaimed. "He's been terrorizing us for, like, the whole summer!"

"That's exactly what I was afraid of." Ford commented. "Look, kids. We need to take Bill seriously or else we could all be in grave danger. Fortunately, I know how to keep our minds Bill-free." Ford picked up the Journal 1 and began flipping through the pages. He only stopped when he found the page he was searching for. "Let's see. Moonstones, mercury, and...the last ingredient..." He stopped flipping through, raised his head to think, and rubbed his chin. "Ah, yes. Unicorns."

"Unicorns? You're kidding, right?" Marco chuckled, though his ribs felt like they were going to break apart and his brain throbbed against his skull. Mabel jumped up in the air with her feet on the chair and her hands planted on the table for support. She let out a wailing cry of excitement as she did so. Marco and Dipper both had to cover their ears to block out Mabel's scream.

"Unicorns!" Then, she realized. "Wait, unicorns? How is that gonna solve our problem?"

"Well," Ford began, fixing the glasses that were sliding down his nose. "As ridiculous as it may seem, a unicorn's hair has magical properties that will help guard the shack against Bill. I need one of you to go to the depths of the forest and get it. But only the purest of heart can do it."

Mabel's face looked as if it was going to burst and fly off her body. "Grunkle Ford!" She screamed. "I am obsessed with unicorns! Please let me go! Please! I'm the most purest of heart person in this room! Please!"

Ford looked at both Dipper and Marco and then back at Mabel. "Well, since you're the only one that appears to want to go so badly," Mabel screeched, throwing off whatever Ford was going to say next. In a matter of seconds, Mabel had taken the phone in the kitchen and dialed Candy and Grenda's number. "Candy! Grenda!" She cried. "We're going on a unicorn hunt!"

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