Big Sister Mabel Part 1

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This is split into two parts.

What if Dipper and Mabel weren't Twins BY: GravityDies

Dipper POV

Hi, my name is Dipper Pines. I'm 10 years old. I'm the youngest in my family. I have only one older sibling and her name is Mabel. She is 12 years old. We are...okay in our relationship. We have our know...siblings and different ages and so on.

We were sent up to Gravity Falls for the summer for our Great uncle Stan. Who has the tourist trap which was his house.

It was really interesting.

I wonder around the place. It was really interesting. I reach up to touch this eye ball thing and my hand was smacked with a cane, "Don't touch the merchandise!" Grunkle Stan snapped. I rubbed my hand.

Mabel came up behind me as Stan leaves. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I muttered, still rubbing my hand.

Then Mabel looks up and had that look on her face. I looked back and could see a boy. I sigh. She was going through this boy crazy phrase. It must be a preteen thing. She got this dreamy face, "I'll be right back." Then she headed over to the boy and started to flirt with him.

She was going to turn 13 at the end of the summer...I just turned 10 in spring.

Then Stan came back, "Mabel! I need you to do a job for me!"

Yeah...we are part time workers for his shop.

"I'm kind of busy Stan." Mabel growled, eyeing at the boy to tell Stan she was busy with the boy.

"Mabel I need you to do a job. You work here! There is no time for flirting with boys."

Mabel groans, "Fine." Then she drags her feet to Stan. Stan then stuff sighs into her arms, "Go into the woods and hang them up."

"What? Me? Why?"

"Because you are the only one around. Wendy is too lazy to do it, Soos is busy, and Dipper is too young to go out in the woods by himself."

Mabel groans, "Arg, fine." Then she headed out to the woods. I grabbed my Gameboy and hid in a corner and played the games.

"Dipper!" A sudden voice just shouted.

I yelp in fear, dropping my Gameboy. Mabel was laughing. "Don't do that!" I whined. Mabel laugh, "Oh come on Dippy, that was funny." Then she jumped over the box that I was hiding myself with and she had a book on her lap, "Look what I found in the forest."

"A book? I thought you didn't like reading." I reply.

"Oh hush." Mabel scolded me. Then she opened the book. It had pictures of monsters and other creatures. I lean in, "Is this a monster book?"

"Sort of. It's a journal. See...these are journal entries. An author wrote this book about these creates."

"It's a monster book."

"No, Dipper, this is real. Real things."

"Like the monsters under my bed?"

"There are no monsters under your bed, I checked Dipper, but it's the same thing. Monsters...creatures...these things are real!" Mabel starts to go through the journal, "I thought I was going crazy that there is something out here...."

I pulled up my legs to my chest, "Are they mean monsters?"

Mabel chuckled, "I don't think not all of them, but I'll make sure nothing will happen. Okay Dipper?"

I nod my head, "Okay."

Mabel then ruffle through my hair, "That's my brave baby brother."

I giggled.

Mabel spent the rest of the day reading through the journal. I looked over it, mostly looking through the pictures. Some pictures where creepy. Mabel came in, "Dipper, why are you looking through the journal."

"I'm just looking at the pictures."

Mabel sighs, "I've been looking for that! There was a boy that was hitting on me but my gut is telling me that he isn't human. I got to see what he is." Then she took the journal from my grip.

"I wasn't done!" I whined.

"You can see it after I'm done." Mabel snapped a little. She went through the journal, "He's a zombie! I knew it." Then she hands me the journal, "I'll be back Dipper!" Before I could say anything, she was out the door.

I sigh as I opened up the book and started to go through the pictures. I was finish with the pictures and started to color.

Mabel came in, she looks like a mess. Her hair and clothes was a mess and wasn't neat like how she usually does it. She had blue jeans with sparkles around the belt, and a t-shirt with a shooting star on it. Now it was cover with dirt all over it. Then there was leaves in her brown hair that was in a pretty braid.

For me I have gray shorts, a long sleeve shirt where the sleeves alternate colors of blue and gray and the main part was gray with a blue pine tree in the middle. Then my brown hair is always loose and messy, covering my Big Dipper birthmark.

"What happened?" I asked.

Mabel picked out the leaves out of her hair, "Well...Norman...the boy that was hitting on me...wasn't a zombie but just a bunch of gnomes. I stopped them though."


"Don't worry about it Dippy. I took care of it."

I nod my head.

Mabel then smile and came up to me, "What are you drawing?"

I smiled, "I'm drawing my favorite creature that I found in the book." I drew the triangle thing, "He looks interesting and funny how he's a Dorito. I like Doritos."

Mabel chuckled, "Cute."

I giggled, "Thanks."

Mabel brushed up my bangs and kissed my forehead. Then she sat next to me and she started to color with me.

After going through things she's been hanging out with Wendy. They've been good friends. I was in the shop and it was almost closing time. "Got to go sports. Going to hang out with my friends." Wendy smiled.

"Can I come? I want to come!" Mabel beg.

Wendy thought about it, "I don't know man...they are pretty rough."


"How old did you say you were?"

"'m a teenager."

"Cool. Okay then...I'll be right back."

Then Wendy left. I went up to Mabel, "When did you have your birthday?"

"I just want to hang out with Wendy."

"Can I come?"

"I don't think you should go Dipper."

"Why not!" I pouted.

"Because Dippy, you are too young to hang out with the big kids."

I folded my arms, "I can be a big kid."

"Sorry Dippy."

Then Wendy came, "Already dude?"

"Yep." Mabel smiled. I came up to Wendy, "Can I come too?" Wendy bites down on her lower lip, "I don't think so Dipper. You are too young."

I sigh bitterly, "Why does it have to deal with age? So what I'm 10! I can things! Please Wendy! I won't get in the way!"

Wendy sighs, "Okay...just this once."

I cheered, "Yay! You won't regret it!" I then headed out of the door. Mabel sighs as she followed me and Wendy. They headed out and there were her Wendy's friends. We all introduce each other. Robbie was the mean one.

"Robbie just leave him alone. He just wanted to tag along with his sister. He isn't going to bug us." Wendy scolded Robbie. Robbie growls, "Fine, but if he goes running home to mommy don't blame me."

Then we all got into the car. Me and Mabel were in the back seat. Mabel had a sharpie with her and I took it from here and I put in, 'you look amazing.' I smiled, "See!" Mabel chuckled, "funny."

Then we headed into this abandon store. "It says to be hunted." The older kids chuckled.

I pulled on Mabel's arm, ""

"Don't worry Dippy. I'm sure it's nothing." Mabel assured me.

I nod my head, "O-Okay."

They started to climb the fence. I climbed over it, it was like the playground at school with the net thingy. I got down pretty well. Mabel smiled, "Good job Dippy. My brave baby brother."

I smiled boldly. Then we got to the store. Mabel broke in by going through the vents. I high 5 her, "Great job sis." Mabel smile, "I know." Then we played in the store. Having a food fight and so on. While running around I saw what I thought was gone.

My eyes widen, "Smiley Dip! I thought they were gone forever!" I then started to grab some packets and starting to eat it...and more...and more of them.....

Mabel POV

Going around and playing with the teenager. Sure I might have lied but this was fun! I was also glad that Dipper was having fun too. Speaking of Dipper, where was he? I walked around the place, "Dipper?" I then found his laying on the ground. I went up to him, "You asleep?" Then I notice that something was off.

There was this pink powers all over the place and empty or almost empty packages of Smiley Dip. It was Dipper's favorite candy before they stop shipping them. I kneel down to Dipper's side, "Dipper?" I shook him lightly.

That is when I learn that Dipper wasn't asleep. His eyes was open and his pupil were dilated and he was muttering unintelligent words. Smiley Dip was all over his face and some was oozing out of his mouth.

"Dipper!" I spoke louder, "Dipper!" He wouldn't respond to me. I sigh, "This isn't good. Dipper I'm sorry that I let this happen to you." I looked around, "What am I supposed to do now?"

Then Wendy came around, "Hey Mabel, Robbie found something cool. Is Dipper alright?"

I looked back at Dipper and bite down on my lower lip. I want to hang out with them...but then there is Dipper. Well there is nothing I could do for Dipper. I'm guessing he's just sick for eating too much. will just wore off.

I smiled, "Yeah...he's just asleep."

Wendy chuckled, "Crashed during the party. Anyways come on." I smiled as I followed Wendy. We went behind the counter and saw tape on the floor in shapes of bodies. It was a crime scene. "Oh my gosh!" I gasp out.

"Isn't that cool?!" Wendy smiled.


Then one of our new friends step on the ground, "I wonder what will happen if I lay in one of these." Then he laid on the ground in the outline of the body. Then suddenly the line started to glow. My eyes widen, "Whoa...what's going on?"

Then the lights started to flicker. Then I saw a glow right next to me and Tamari Just disappeared. We all scream out as her phone was the only thing that drop to the floor. Wendy picked it up and read it out loud, "Status update: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Then suddenly the TV just turned on and there she was. Tammy bang her fists on the screen from the inside, "Help!"

We all screamed.

"L-Let's get out of here!" Robbie screamed and shoves everyone out of the way. He shoved me pretty hard and I fell to the ground and I hit my head, temporary blacked out.

I was being waken up by Wendy, "Mabel! Mabel please wake up!" I opened my eyes, "Uh...what' going on?"

Then I notice that everything was different. Everything was floating around and I then notice that we were up on the ceiling.

"W-What' going on!" I gasp out.

"Welcome to your graves young trespassers!" A eco voice laughs.

I looked up and I could see...Dipper! "Oh my gosh!" I gasp out. There was Dipper but something was completely off. He was floating and his eyes glowed white for his eyes was completely white.

"D-Dipper?" I questioned.

Wendy just grab my arm and we quickly hide in an ice machine or something. I couldn't tell because I was being dragged into it so quickly.

I pant, "W-What's going on?"

"It's a ghost or something...We...we are trap here!"

"Calm down...we just got to think. Ask what the ghost wants. Then maybe he will let us out."

Wendy nods, "Okay...." I then headed out, "I got this. He got my I'm going to get him back."

I then got into view. Things were flying around his him. "Hey! Ghost!" I shouted. Then the ghost turns around...first the head then the rest of the body. It sent chills up my spin seeing a ghost using my brother's body like this. My baby brother's body.

I felt myself being lifted up, "What do you want from us! I want to trade something...for what you want...for my brother."

The ghost sneer, "You filthy teenagers think you can do anything you want."

"Well that's the brother isn't a teenager."

"That's why we took over we can end the rest of you teenagers and let him go."

"Well here is a flaw....i'm not a teenager!"

Then the setting changed. Dipper's eyes change back to the sweet brown. Then two ghosts appeared right behind him. Then Dipper dropped to the ground. "Really?" The old male ghost.

"Y-Yeah. I'm 12....technically not a teen."

"Teenagers have been a pain for us. They are the reasons why we are dead!" The woman added.

"O-Oh. I guess that makes sense but is there anything I could do to let all of us go."

They thought about it. Then they held each other's hands, "We love children because they always do silly dances...silly little dances. Know any?"

I swallowed. I do know one. The Mary Dance. My mom would dress me as Mary and Dipper as my lamb. It was a silly dance that we did together but they can be separate. I sigh, "I do know....The Mary Dance....but I can't do it without a Mary costume." I folded my arms boldly. Then the male ghost snap his fingers and I was in a Mary costume.

"Well then....okay....then." I then swallowed hard. I really didn't want to do this in front of Wendy. I wanted to be good friends with her and this would make me look like a fool...but it is for my brother.

I took a deep breath and started to sing and dance, "Weeeellllll! Who wants a little lamby lamby? I do! I do!" And that was only the beginning part...the rest of the don't want to know. it's too embarrassing.

I finish the song and ghosts where pleased. " can go...but don't come back." Then I was back in my normal clothes.

I smirked, "Trust me...we won't."

Then they disappeared. Then everything was going back to normal...and by normal....we all had to go back to the ground by falling. I groan and sat up, rubbing my head. Then I look over at Dipper, who was laying on the ground moaning.

I quickly went over to his side, "Dipper! Dipper are you okay?"

Dipper groan, "Argh....I don't feel so well."

I chuckled, "No more Smiley Dip for you."

Dipper just groan, "No kidding."

After that I was going to keep by baby brother safe from these supernatural things. Having him possessed by a ghost....luckily he doesn't remember anything. That Smiley Dip really got to him.

After that I still did the hunts while leaving him home. Don't want him to get hurt. Then he wanted to see this show that was in town. He saw it on the TV. It was the Tent of Telepathy I sigh, not really wanting to go because he was just a fake. The Gideon guy. Also Stan agreed with me but I've been pushing him away from hanging out with me so I figure why not just go see this fake.

We got into the show and it was going to start. Dipper bounce in his seat, full of excitement. I had to place my hand on his shoulder, "Sit still Dippy!"

"I'm sorry. I'm just so excited! Thank you for taking me!" Dipper smiled. Then he hugged me tightly. I smiled, "Of course little brother."

Then the lights dimmed down. "The show is about to start." I announce. Dipper smiled as he straighten up and sat on the bench, swinging his legs since he couldn't touch the ground. Then the Gideon guy was just a kid. He was about Dipper's age with white hair that was high up and in this county like clothes. It was weird.

Then he started to sing. I wasn't really paying any attention to it and it was ridiculous. I looked over at Dipper who was having a great time with it. I smiled lightly, I like seeing him happy. The thing that brought me out of my thoughts I just stood up, along with everyone else. I looked around, "Whoa....what?"

Why did I just stand up?

After the singing thing, everyone was clapping and cheering. I then sat back down to watch the rest of the show. Apparently he was a mind reader and had magic. I found it fake magic. Then finally the show as over. Dipper clapped with joy, the rest of the people did. We just left. Dipper grab a hold of my hand and skipped as I walked, "That was fun!"

I chuckled, "I'm glad that you had fun."

Then I was getting that sense thing that I've been watch but when I looked back nobody was there. "You are just going crazy." I muttered. Then Dipper and I headed home. The next day the door bell rang.

"NOT IT!" Dipper shouted. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile as I headed to the door. When I opened it, Gideon Gleeful was there. I was really surprise about this, "Gideon?" I questioned.

Gideon smiled, "And you are Mabel Pines. It is nice to see you face to face."

"How do you know me?" I questioned, bring a bit creeped out.

"I'm a mind reader!" He smiled.

I raise my eyebrow, "Um....I don't believe in the mind reading and magic stuff." Well...not his.

Gideon slowly nod his head, "Okay then..."

"Why then I was at your show? My little brother wanted to go and isn't old enough to go by himself. That's what. See I can be a mind reader too." I smirked.

Gideon gave a small chuckle, "Indeed. Now...Mabel...I was wondering...well...I saw you last night and I couldn't get you out of my mind...and...and I just want to hang out."

I raise my eyebrow, "Um...I don't know. Hang out with you? You are just as old as my little brother. It's kind of weird."

"Really? Well I'm more mature then him for sure..."

"Sorry. You can't hang out with can hang out with Dipper though if you like. He's been wanting a play date with someone."

Gideon growled. I then smirked, "So I'm guessing that is a no." I then sigh, "Well if that is all...just coming here and try and hitting on me...then just leave. I'm not interested in someone who is the same age as my brother. It's just weird. It would be like me dating my brother and that is just wrong."

"But..." Gideon started.

"Sorry!" I then close the door. I then sigh, "Boy that was awkward." I then headed upstairs where Dipper was coloring. I came up to him, "What are you drawing this time?" Dipper smiled, "I'm drawing the show from last night. My favorite part was the birds." Then Dipper showed me his drawing. I smiled, "I'm glad you enjoyed the show." I then sat next to him.

"Isn't Gideon cool?" Dipper asked me.

"Um...Whatever rattles in your head...just promise me that you won't hang out with him. he isn't worth it." I ruffled Dipper's hair.


"Just trust me."


I then started to color with him.

After that weird talk with Gideon he never really bugged me. Whenever he sees me he will try and to flirt with me. I had to push him away. It was just creepy. Then we went off going doing our normal things. I did my things with the supernatural things and luckily throughout the whole time Dipper didn't get hurt by this. Well...for the summerween accident he almost got eaten...but it didn't stop him for being with me. He helped me get Mermando back into the ocean. He was my first kiss and it was really sweet.

I try so hard to keep him away from this...but I can't...but I can at least keep him away from the more dangerous things....Like Gideon.

Not only stalking me, trying to ask me out, and trying to get Stan's tourist trap...he also crossed my lines.

Dipper jumped on me, "Sissy! Wake up! Wake up! Mabel!" I groan as I opened my eyes, "What?"

"Can I play outside?" Dipper asked.

I chuckled, "Is that really all you got to ask me?"

"Well...yeah. Grunkle Stan is still asleep and I don't dare to wake him up to ask to play outside."

"Okay Dip."

Dipper jumped off the bed, "Yyyyaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!" Then he race out the door. I chuckled as I cuddle more with my pillow and started to go back to sleep. After a few more hours of sleep I finally got up and got ready for the day. I headed down the stairs and Stan was there, making Stancakes.

"Morning Mabel! Is your brother still asleep?" Stan asked.

"No, he's outside playing."

Stan didn't believe me for the moment, "Really? I went out there to take the trash and he wasn't there."

"I think he was on the other side of the house when you came out. I'll go get him."

I then headed outside, "Dipper? Dipper time to come in now." I waited for a response or Dipper jumping out of somewhere scaring me. There was nothing. I headed down the steps of the porch, "Dipper! Come on, time to come inside. Stancakes are ready for you!"

Still nothing.

I wonder around, trying to find Dipper. There was no sight of him. I placed my hands on my hips, wondering where he could be. Dipper would never leave the property of the house to go out in the forest. Only maybe the edge of the forest but was still in sight of the house.

"Dipper? Dipper where are you?" I was starting to get worried. Where could he be?

After looking around some more, I couldn't find him at all. Now I was really worried. I headed in the house to tell Stan that Dipper is missing but when I got in the house the phone rang. I was right next to it, "I got it." I announce to Stan and I picked up the phone, "Hello?"

"Ah! Mabel Pines! So glad you answered the phone."

I groan, "Gideon what do you want? How many times do I have to..."

"I would hold that tongue of yours my love. I know what you are going to stay and I don't like it."

I rolled my eyes, "Listen Gideon, I'm not interested in you or anything about you...."

"Not even your brother?"

I raise my eyebrows, "huh?"

"Well you said anything about me...and your brother is part of that deal."

I tighten my jaw, "What are you playing at!?"

"I have your dear little brother, sugar!"

"I don't believe you."

There was a moment of silence but I could here movement.

"Hello?" A sniffled answer the phone and it dropped my heart.


"Mabel! Mabel please help me! Gideon is crazy and..." Dipper started before there was a scuffle.

"Give me the phone!" I heard Gideon shouting.

"No! Mabel!" I hear Dipper crying for me.

Then I heard some grunting over the phone. "There!" I heard Gideon giving a victory shout.

"Mabel!" I hear Dipper in the background crying.

I got even more angrier as my big sister starts kicking in, "Gideon! You let go of my brother right now or I'll skin you!"

"Calm down my love, I'm not going to hurt him....yet. Come to my ware-house on gopher road. Come alone and come now or in a few minutes." Then Gideon hanged up before I could say anything.

I tighten my grip on the phone. Nobody touches my little brother! I'm going to hurt Gideon so bad that he will wish that he was never born!

I then slam the phone down, back into the receiver. I then took a deep breath, "Stan! I'm going to help Dipper get his ball out of the tree. Don't wait up for us."

"Okay." Stan replied.

I then stormed up to the ware-house. I then opened the doors of the ware-house. It was full of boxes and other things to store things. I wasn't really paying any attention to what was inside, only Dipper, and he was there. He was in the middle of the room, sitting down, and hugging his knees.

"Dipper!" I happily called out. Happy to see him not hurt.

Dipper raise his head and his whole face brighten, "Mabel!" Then he quickly got to his feet and ran towards me, but he didn't get far. He was suddenly lifted up in the air, "Ah! Mabel!" Dipper cried out.

"Dipper!" I cried out also as I ran towards him but he was lifted too high up in the air.

"Glad you came." The twerp came around the corner.

I growled, "Okay, I'm here Gideon. Now give me back my brother!"

Gideon pretended to think about it, "um, no."

I growled even more and took some threating steps, "You give me back my brother right now!"

"Not until you be my girlfriend! That is all I wanted! How hard is it?"

"How many times do I have to tell you!? I'm not interested in you! You are too young and now this! I would never!"

Then Gideon tighten his grip around his amulet, "That isn't very smart sugar..."

Then I heard Dipper gasping for breath, "M-Mabel!" I looked up and could see Dipper struggling in the air, against an invisible force that was choking him.

"Stop it! You're hurting him!" I shouted at Gideon.

"Then be mine!"

I growled, but hearing Dipper gasping for breath, I had to give him what he wants....or do I? I then went over to Gideon, acting nice and flirty...ish. "Okay....fine....I'll be yours."

"M-Mabel!" Dipper gasp out.

"Hush Dipper."

I continue to walk towards him.

"you really mean it?!" Gideon's eyes widen. Then I was right in front of him and I smiled the whole way there. Then I looked down at his glowing amulet. "No!" I shouted as I grab his amulet and rip it off his neck, "Of course not you creep! You hurt my brother! I'll never forgive you for that!" Dipper dropped to the ground as the force was no longer there.

"My amulet! Give it back!" Gideon cried out as he tried to reach for it but I was much taller than him.

"you took my brother and hurt him! I was never interested you in the first place but I was being nice about it...well not anymore!" I shouted as I slam the amulet down to the ground, breaking it.

"No! My powers!" Gideon gasp out.

"I don't want to see you again! If I see you again...then I'll make sure something other than your amulet will break!" I threaten. I then turn back and I went up to Dipper. Dipper got to his feet and hug me. I hug him back tightly, and kiss the top of his head, "Let's go home bro bro."

Dipper nods his head. We headed home.

I thought at that point everything was fine and I got Gideon off our back. I was wrong. He ends up summoning a demon to get this job done. He wanted the Mystery Shack. Dipper saw the whole thing with Soos. Dipper explains that it was the Dorito man.

I went through the journal and it had to be Bill Cipher and he was going to invade Stan's mind to get the code to the safe that holds the deed to the Mystery Shack.

Stan was sleeping on the chair, Bill was already there. I pulled out my journal and me, Soos, and Dipper went inside his mind. I really didn't want Dipper to come in but we needed more people to stop this demon.

We wonder Stan's mind. It was weird. It was gray scale and it was full of old things from the past and the Mystery Shack.

"Okay...we just got to look for the triangle guy." I warned.

"Yeah! Look out for the triangle guy!" A echoy voice cut through the air.

We all turned around and could see the triangle demon at the porch. Dipper grabs my arm, "It's the Dorito man."

"Look who we got here! I was wondering when you would show up! Question Mark, Pine Tree, and Shooting Star!" At that point he made a gun out of his fingers and shot at me, I thought it was nothing until a ray just came out of his hands and went through me. I cried out as there was a hole in the middle of me!

Dipper had his hand go through me, "This is weird." I smack his hand away, "Stop it."

I then growled at Bill, "You get out of my great uncle's mind!"

"I'm on my own doings here. I got a deal here and I'm planning on keeping it." Bill snapped. Then he twirls his cane in the air as he leans back, "And you can't do anything about it."

"I bet we can!" Dipper just stepped up.

Bill laugh, "This is the mind, kid, and I'm the master of it." Then Bill just pulls out a pocket watch out of nowhere, "Well look at the time! I've got to go! But hey! Who wants to play a game?"

"I like games." Dipper pointed out.

"Dipper..." I tried to hush him but Bill stopped me, "Race ya through the memories! The first one to find the code to the safe wins!" Then Bill just disappeared. Dipper grabs my arm and tug on it, "Come on Mabel! We got to win! We got to!"

"Okay! Okay! Calm down Dipper!" I pulled my arm away from him. Dipper then started to run up the stairs to get into the house, "Come on!"

"Right behind you little dude!" Soos cheered as he also went up the stairs.

"Wait!" I called out but they were already inside, "Mabel! Come on!" Dipper called out for me inside.

I growled as I headed up the stairs and headed inside the shack. It was a weird place. It wasn't like the Mystery Shack from the inside at all. Just lots of stairs and lots of doors. Dipper was starting to run around.

"Dipper!" I tried calling for him but he wouldn't listen.

"Okay! We got to find a door I'm guessing with the memory of the Grunkle Stan putting in the code! There is three of us and one of him! We will beat him at this game!" Dipper cheered.

"No...there isn't three of us." I stepped up.

"What do you mean?" Dipper stopped jumping around.

"I is two against one. Dipper you are staying outside."


I could see that he seemed really hurt about this. I took a step towards him, "This demon isn't going to play nice, Dipper. I don't want you to get hurt."

Tears swell in Dipper's eyes, "But I can help!"

"I know you can but this is too risky. He isn't going to be nice! I don't want you to get hurt!"

"I can handle myself! Mabel! I can help! I want to help Grunkle Stan and..."

"And you will by not getting in the way and getting hurt. If you get hurt....then I have to put all of my effort in protecting your and getting you somewhere safe!"

"So...So I'm only in the way?" Tears was now streaming down his eyes.

I sigh as I tried to reach out for him, "Dipper..."

Dipper took a few steps away from me, tears running down his cheeks, "I just wanted to help..."

"Dipper I kn..."

"No you don't know! I want to help...I always want to help but you won't let me because I'm in the way!"


"I can do things too! I'm not so little! I've helped before...."

"That because at those times it wasn't as dangerous! I read about Bill, Dipper, and he isn't a nice play time buddy."

"So was the summerween thing!"

"At that point I had no choice with it! Now I do have a choice in this and you are staying outside."


"Outside now and stay there."

Dipper lowered his head, tears still streaming down his face, "I hate you!" Then he just ran off crying. I sigh. I hate doing that to him but it was for the greater good. I didn't want him to get hurt with this demon.

Soos stood there awkwardly.

"What?" I asked him.

"Uh...nothing. Just thought that was a little mean."

"I'm just want to protect him. Bill is a nasty thing...I don't want him to get hurt."

"You can't keep him protected forever."

"I know...but for now I can. He got hurt before...and I don't want that to happen again."

Soos opened his mouth to say something about it but I stopped him, "Can we just drop it? He's my little brother and I'm in charge of him, not you. Can we just find that code memory?" I then started to walk around with Soos behind me.

We started to open doors but we got nothing. "We got to find it quickly, before Bill." I muttered. I then face Soos, "Soos, you know Stan better than I do. You've worked for him for years and years. If Stan is hiding something...where would he hide it?"

Soos thought about it, "Well, when Mr. Pines hides all of his warrants under the rug in the shack."

"Under the rug...I thought I saw that around here. Oh yeah!" I then took off and found the rug where I saw it when I was walking in. I grabbed the rug and flipped it over and there was a door under the rug. "Please be it...Please be it."

Then when I opened the door it was the memory of Stan putting in the code. I jumped up, "We did it! Soos! You are a genius!" Soos came around the corner, "Cool. Wanna see what else I could do?" Then Soos just raise his hand and the door was lifted off the ground and up in the air.

I was surprise about this, "Wow! How did you do that Soos?"

Then suddenly a voice cut in, "Hey Mabel! I just saw Stan on roller blades and shorts!" I turn back and I saw...Soos?! I looked back at both Soos, "oh no."

Then the first Soos started to laugh, the echoy laugh. Then suddenly his form just changed and it was Bill Cipher.

Bill laughed with the door in his hands, "It's funny how dumb you are! All I had to do was followed you and you'll find it for me! Now I win in this"

I growled as I tighten my fists, "You cheated!"

"You snooze, you lose!" Bill laughed as he just started to take off through the house.

"Come on Soos!" I called out for him as we chase after Bill. At first I thought we lost him but I saw him at the corner of my eye. He was talking with Gideon. Bill started to tell him the code. There was something that we can do to stop this.

Then Soos just pulled out a small nerf gun, "Heh, so that's where that's been."

"Let me see that." I took it from his gasps and I shot at the door, out of Bill's hands, and into an open door about the bottomless pit. Something that Stan showed us earlier this summer. "No! no! No!" Bill shouted as he chased after it but it was gone.

I laugh, "Ha-ha! I've never missed a shot! Not here and not ever!"

Then Bill turns around, "Did you know what you just done!?"

Then I notice that there was a screen on Bill and it was Gideon.

"You know what Cipher! The deal is off!" Gideon shouted at Bill.

"No! No! Wait! I can fix this!" Bill tried but he failed.

"I'm going to plan B! It's off!" Then Gideon just disappeared. Bill then shattered into pieces but just appeared in this red and creepy form, "SHOOTING STAR!"

I took a step back as the red version of Bill grew a bit larger, "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU JUST DONE! YOU'LL GOING TO PAY!" Then suddenly, where his eye was, symbols just started flashing.

Then fire circles around us as Bill raise his hand and suddenly the ground shook and we were up in the air, into this black space. I was starting to panic.

"EAT NIGHTMARES!" Bill shouted.

Dipper POV

I sniffed as I wonder around the place. Trying to find the right door to get out of here. All I could open was doors to Grunkle Stan's memories. "Stupid place. Stupid useless kid. Stupid Mabel." I sniffed all the way around the place.

All I wanted was to help Mabel and Grunkle Stan...but I'm guess I'm just in the way.

I opened another door and it was just another memory, but this memory was when Grunkle Stan and I was playing catch. Grunkle Stan was teaching me how to catch a ball properly without using my face to do it.

He toss the ball at me and I tried to catch it with my glove but I missed it and it bounce away.

"That was close Dipper." Grunkle Stan encouraged me.

I groan as I bent down to pick up the ball, "I can't do this Grunkle Stan."

"Just try a little more. You are doing a lot better! You aren't catching it with your face. Which is good. I don't want to explain to your parents about all of those bruises, concussions, and black eyes."

I then threw the ball at Grunkle Stan. It hit the ground first and rolled on the ground. Grunkle Stan scooped it up with his glove, "Okay Dipper...I believe that you will catch this one."

"I don't know..." I mumbled.

"Hey! Doubt is the number one step of failing. Don't doubt. Have a little faith."

I sigh, "Okay."

Then Grunkle Stan toss the ball out to me. Then, for the first time in the history, I actually caught the ball. My eyes widen, "Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Stan! I actually caught it!"

Grunkle Stan smiled, "Told ya kid! You can do it!"

I then threw my hands up and the ball fell out of my hand and into the forest, "Woops."

"Don't sweat it kid."

I nod and headed out to the forest to get the ball.

I smiled at this memory. I then saw a butterfly and I just reach out to it, only to expect me to hit a wall between me and the image but I was just pulled in. I stumble onto the grass.

Grunkle Stan turns back, "Dipper?"

I was startle by the whole thing, "G-Grunkle Stan?"

Grunkle Stan tilt his head, "Why are you crying?"

I was startle by this. I wipe my eyes, "No reason."

Grunkle Stan then came by me and kneeled down, "I know that is a lie."

"It's Mabel. She told me that I'm too young and weak to do anything. I wanted to help but I would only get in the way."

"Well...around here things are different."

I looked up, "Huh?"

"Here...I think you'll be more helpful then Mabel."

"What do you mean?"

"This is the mind Dipper. Anything could happen."

Grunkle Stan then snap his fingers and a drink came into his hand. He opened up the soda and took a sip out of it.

"Anything?" I asked.

"Anything your imagination could take ya." Grunkle Stan smiled.

Then I heard cries from Mabel and Soos and sounds of explosions. I looked back at the door way and I saw some light sparking around. Then sounds of the Dorito's laughs.

"Mabel!" I gasp out.

Then Grunkle Stan place his hand on my shoulder, "Well...what are you going to do about it?"

"M-Me? But..."

"Remember kid...this is the mind. A whole new different world. Different world and so different rules."

My face brighten, "Really!?"

"Of course kid. You are always helpful and this is the time to show it."

I was now full of confidents. "Yeah!" Then I race out to save my sister.

By doing that, we use the mindscape to stop Bill. I used lasers that came out of my eyes, while Mabel used sparkle arrows, and Soos used question mark beams that shot out of his chest. It was cool! We were beating this Dorito man! Then we safe the Mystery Shack!....well...we thought. Until Gideon went and bombed the place and kicked us out! And I thought he was cool.

Well...he kicked us out and Grunkle Stan had to send us back home. We weren't going down without a fight! So we tried to use the gnomes that tried to kidnapped Mabel, but it failed. He had this whistle and the gnomes were on their knees for him and then he took Mabel's journal.

We were put on the bus on heading home. Then Gideon came at us with this hug robot! He crash the bus and we were on the cliff, and he took Mabel but I jumped in because nobody is going to take my big sister from me! Then we fell off the cliff but Mabel got her grappling hook and saved us. Grunkle Stan got that for her.

Then Gideon went to jail and we got the Mystery Shack back!....and that was only the beginning of the summer.

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