Choices and Axes

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This one was interesting.....It's even more interesting because I'm going through this phase....I don't know what phase it this may be a bit weird or confusing.

What if Dipper had cut Wendy with the ax instead of the shape shifter? By: Lapi5_Lazuli

Dipper POV

I didn't know what was going on or who the real one was. There was Wendy fighting with...Wendy...for the journal. One of them is the shapeshifter...but which one. The real Wendy was fighting for the journal to protect it and to give it back to me and for the Shapeshifter to not use it. The Shapeshifter in the other hand was planning to use my journal to change into any creature that was in the book. That could defiantly lead to bad knows.

I held the axe close to me, my hands tighten around it. I look frantically at the two Wendys. "I-I don't know which one! G-Give me a sigh!" I looked at both of them. The first Wendy wink at me and smiled...boy her smile was amazing. Then the second Wendy did our keep secret, lock the mouth and throw the key away. I knew the first Wendy was the Shapeshifted. Even though I like the wink but the real Wendy wouldn't do that...maybe not right now.

I came charging with the axe to the first Wendy but saw me coming. The first Wendy swing hard with the journal, having the second Wendy swing with it, this happened during the time I swing the axe....and I hit someone.

The Wendy I hit screamed and fell to the ground. There was much red blood....I hit Wendy...the real one.

"Wendy!" I screamed. I drop to my knees, "Wendy! Oh my gosh! Wendy I'm...I'm so sorry!" Tears ran down my cheeks. The Shapeshifter Wendy laughs, "Yes! Be careful what you see!" Then the Shapeshifter slams the journal to my head. I fell to the ground, my head was pounding and black dots swam in my eyes and mixed in with the tears.

"Dipper!" I heard Mabel calling out.

"Thanks for the book kid." I hear the Shapeshifter sneer. Then I felt a sharp and hard blow to the face with a boot and everything went black.

Mabel POV

"Dipper!" I cried out as the other Wendy slams to journal to his head. I watch Dipper fall. "Thanks for the book kid." The Shapeshifter Wendy sneer. Then he kicked Dipper to the face. "No!" I screamed. Then I lung at Shapeshifter Wendy but he just kicked me down to the ground. He laugh, "You worthless girl!" Then he looks at the book, "Finally all the creatures I can turn into." I glare at him, "You can't take that! That's Dipper's!" Then the Shapeshifter change to his normal form. I crawled away just a few inches. Then the Shapeshifter grab Dipper's unconscious form by the ankle and lifted him in the air upside down and his hat fell off, "So Dipper...Very interested in the author are we?"

"You leave him alone!" I snap out as I got to my feet, "You let him go right now!" The Shapeshifter then swing his arm and hit me pretty hard and I flew in the air and crash to the ground. My shoulder stated shoot out pain and I gave a painful gasp. The Shapeshifter laughs. I stagger to sit up as I cradle my shoulder. The Shapeshifter looks at Dipper closely, "Humm...I could have some used for him actually. I bet he read this journal many times and knows it by heart...he could lead me to the author...or at least closer than I am...maybe for something else too..."

"No! You can't!" I wince. The Shapeshifter laugh, "And you are going to stop me for what I want to do? Ha!" Then he looks at me, "Now I'm going to let that other experiment get you...I got other things to do...maybe once I do give him a few treats he will leave me alone. I'm done playing cards with him...what a worthless piece of crud he is." I went pale. I was about to be eaten alive by this creature...what kind of experiment did that author made?

Then he face Dipper, "Time to go my little pet." Then he change into this creature that as six eyes, a large hairy body and had four arms and hands with to legs. In one hand was Dipper, still dangling by his ankle.

Then I watch as the Shapeshifter gallop away with my brother. "Dipper!" I cried out but they were already gone. I got up to my feet, my shoulder still hurts very much. Then I looked down at Wendy. "Wendy!" I cried out. I then ran to Wendy and kneed beside her. "Wendy? Wendy!" There was an axe in her stomach and blood was everywhere. Wendy was barely alive at this point. Tears stream down my face, "Wendy?" Wendy slowly opens her eyes, "M-Mabel...wh..Dipper?" I wipe some tears from my cheeks, "The Shapeshifter has him. Wendy Dipper didn't mean to hit you. The Shapeshifter moved you in the way...he don't mean to."

Then Soos came running to my side, "Oh boy this isn't good." Then he bent down to Wendy.

"I-know...He...didn't mean to." Wendy muttered. I started to cry; "Now we are all going to die." Soos pat me on the back, "Don't worry Mabel we are going to make it..." Then Soos bent down and grab the axe and yank it out of Wendy then he hands me the axe. Then Soos took off his shirt and apply pressure to the wound. "It isn't deep but there is a lot of blood." Soos reported, "Don't worry Wendy"

I still had tears running down my cheeks. "What are we going to do?" I cried, "Dipper is taken, Wendy is bleeding, and a creature is still out there and it is going to eat us!" "Mabel we aren't going to be eaten...don't worry." Soos reply. I sniffle, "How are we going to get Dipper back?"

Soos pause for a moment, "We...we will find a way don't worry."

"Don't worry! Soos, Dipper is in the Shapeshifter's hands!" I reply.

Soo nod his head, "Alright...Mabel...I got to tell you have to get Dipper back."


"Yes...I can't leave Wendy's side. You have to. Don't worry...I'm sure you can do it."

I nod my head, I clutch the axe. "Alright, I'm getting Dipper back. He shouldn't have gone far." I look at Soos, "Soos what if the creature comes to you?"

"Don't worry Mabel...I'm sure it's nothing....we can take care of ourselves." Soos explain.

"Just go Mabel." Wendy added weakly. I nod, "Alright." Then I started to head out to the hole where I saw the Shapeshifter went through.

I listen closely to figure out where they could be since there was many paths to go. I didn't want to call out so the shapeshifter wouldn't know that I was coming...coming for my brother. I went around listening for his voice...the shapeshifter's voice or even Dipper's...if he was awake.

Then I heard it.

"Let's see what we got here...." It was the Shapeshifter. I heard it through the tunnel to my left. I then slowly went through the tunnel. I turn to a corner and there he was. He was sitting down in this human form and Dipper was laying on the ground next to him still unconsciousness. I took a deep breath, "Alright Mabel...let's do this...for Dipper." I then started to creep up to the Shapeshifter with the axe. Then he turns his head...and just his head...not his body. I freaked out and I drop the axe.

Then he suddenly just stood up really tall, "you think you could really try to hit me with an axe and save your brother?" "I-I-I." I stuttered. Then all of a sudden a tentacle just reaches and rap around me. Then picked me up in the air. I struggle as the tentacle tighten around me, "If you want things done your got to do it yourself!" He sneers as he tightens. I gasp for breath. "Any last words?" "Let her go!" A voice cried out. Then there was a slice and the Shapeshifter screamed. And I was drop to the ground.

There was Dipper holding an axe and he just cut off the Shapeshifter's tentacle. Then Dipper swing again at the Shapeshifter but another tentacle came from the other side and grab Dipper before he can swing. The axe drop to the ground as Dipper was lifted up in the air, "You Stupid boy!" I then crawled to get the axe but then the Shapeshifter grabbed it. Right now he was a human with three tentacles on his back and had a very long let like a giraffe. "Foolish girl." The Shapeshifter sneer.

"Run Mabel!" Dipper cried out. At the end of that I heard a gasp. "Quite boy! It's not your turn to speak!" The Shapeshifter sneer. I then just jumped up and grab the axe in his hand. "What are you doing!" The Shapeshifter cried out. He wasn't letting it go and neither was I. Then another tentacle grabs me and yanks me away. "Nice try sweet heart." Shapeshifter sneer. I struggle with the tentacle, "You let me and Dipper go!"

"Oh...I'll let you go...after I squeeze the breath out of you...for you brother...never!" The Shapeshifter sneer. Then he started to squeeze me and I was unable to breath. "Mabel!" Dipper gaps, "Don't! Let her go! I'll do anything! Just let her go!" Then there was a pause for a moment on the squeezing. "Anything?" The Shapeshifter asks darkly, "Anything and everything! Just let her go! Please just let her go!" Dipper pleaded.

"Dipper..." I barely gasp.

The Shapeshifter gave a dark smile, "Already then...I've already got plans for you...but...if I let your sister would have to do as I tell you and not rebel and give me all of your efforts." Then another tentacle went under Dipper's chin and raises his head, "With this I could use you even more than I expected."

"Dipper....don't!" I gasp.

"Deal!" Dipper cried out.

Then I was dropped. I landed on the ground and laid there coughing and gasping for breath. Dipper was also dropped. "Mabel!" Dipper cried out as he ran to me, "Mabel! Mabel are you alright?" I nod my head. "Well time to go....minion." The Shapeshifter hiss. Then a tentacle grabs Dipper by the waist, just the waist, and yank him away.

"Dipper!" I cried out as I sat up.

The Shapeshifter brought Dipper close to him...the human part of him, "Don't you dare even think about coming back girl." Then he grab's Dipper by the jaw, "We don't want him to make another deal that he will he has nothing else to give unless his own life." "Mabel just listen to him." Dipper reply in a small voice. I was just heart broken and shock. "Good...we understand each obey it girl!" The Shapeshifter hiss, "Come minion, time to do some work." Then the Shapeshifter then lifted Dipper, by his tentacle, and they disappeared down the tunnel.

-------------Time Latter-----------------

Three weeks.....that how long I haven't seen my brother. Three long and terrible weeks. After he took him...the Shapeshifter....I headed back to Soos and Wendy. Sadly Wendy didn't make it and of course I didn't want to leave but that other experiment was chasing me and Soos. Soos got me out of there.

After that...I just wanted to go back. To save Dipper and to get Wendy's body. That didn't happen. We waited for a couple of the creature can leave...but Wendy's body would be gone. I couldn't stop thinking about Dipper. How he gave up himself to save me. You may think that I was supposed to feel happy about it?...really I feel like it was my fault. The Shapeshifter could have done anything to Dipper...anything at all....and Dipper wouldn't fight or argue. Dipper couldn't get out of there himself.

After me and Soos went back in....we had no luck. There was so many tunnels...I think the creature or even the Shapeshifter made more tunnels to cover their tracks...or there was that much tunnels and just didn't realize it. We had no luck and we had to come back to surface.

We went home and we told Grunkle Stan about the bunker, the creature, Wendy's death, and Dipper's taken.

I couldn't sleep that night.

In the morning we all tried to get Dipper back...but no luck....lately there hasn't been any luck. We had to tell Wendy's family....they didn't take it easily....especially there was no body.

We spent three weeks trying to find Dipper...trying so hard. We always lock up the the creature doesn't leave...and we had these secret marks with marker on our skin, under clothing, so we know who is the real person and not the Shapeshifter.

Each night gets worse and worse for me....and holding Dipper's hat close to my chest isn't working for sleep....for comfort just a bit...but each day my hopes get lost....until one faithful day......

It was a normal searching day. Me, Stan, and Soos all split up to search for Dipper. The mark was on our hips this time. We were starting to run out of places to hide the mark. I was just going through the tunnels. Then suddenly the earth just there was an explosion. I fell to the ground. Then rocks started to come down also. I cover my head as dust and small rocks fell on me.

I then heard a sounded like Dipper.

"Dipper?" I muttered.

The screamed sounded like pain. I fear that the Shapeshifter did something to him. I quickly jumped up to my feet. I then pulled out an axe from my hip...we all have one around our hips. I then started to head to the tunnel where the screaming came from.

"You fool!" A deep voice hiss.

"It isn't my fault! I told you it isn't going to work!"

"Try again! We must try again!"

"How many times are we going to do this? We tried and tried...and each time it ends...ah!"

"Hold still!"

"What do you think I'm doing? Ah! Don't need to do it so ah! Tightly."

"Well we must keep going and I don't you to die of burn infections."

"It's your fault."

"It isn't my fault! Now get back to work or I'll skin you!"

That was all I heard. I walk slowly down the tunnel. I could hear some shuffling of things moving around. I then poke my head off to the corner and I saw it. It was this large room with chemicals and this circle thing implanted to the wall. I saw the his human form...then I saw Dipper. He was burned. His hands and arms where rapped up and his doubt his chest also. I saw burns running up through his neck and onto his face. It looks like he blocks them with his hands and arms but there were still burns on his cheeks. His clothes where all torn up and dirty. Dipper was starting to clean up a chemical on the table. Then he accidently hit a tube and it fell to the ground and crash.

"What did I tell you about breaking things! We only have a limited source!" The Shapeshifter hiss as he grabs Dipper roughly by the shirt and shaking him. "I'm sorry!" "You're not sorry!" The Shapeshifter cried out as he shoves Dipper to the ground. "This is your 10 one breaking! If you were would have stopped at one! Now no more mistakes! We need to make this work!"

"I don't know how!" Dipper cried out. "I've tried and tried!"

"Not hard enough! You got the journal...use it!"

"I am! I really am! I can't do this by one journal anyways! I've told you a hundred times! I need the other journals!"

"Or use your smart head to bring it out than! If the author could do it without the journals....than so can you!"

"I don't know!"

Then the Shapeshifter grab Dipper by the shirt again and lifted him up in the air, "Try again!" Then he threw Dipper against a wall. Dipper cried out in pain and lay on the ground wincing in pain. I'm guess he was also burned on the back. "You are going to keep trying until you get this the author can come and for me to kill him...then we will have the powers of the portal to get us what we want." The Shapeshifter hiss. "What you want!" Dipper cried out. "I'm not a part of your you want me to do."

"You make a deal with me are mine."

I then step out, "Ever hear of a deal breaker?"

They both looked up. "You!" The Shapeshifter growled. I pointed the axe at him, "You let him go....and you will never want him back or me or anyone else in this bunker." The Shapeshifter gave a dark laugh, "You think an axe will stop me?" Then I saw Dipper grab a beaker with a pink liquid and slam it to the Shapeshifter's head. The Shapeshifter screamed. Then I came up and swing the axe to his chest. The Shapeshifter screamed even more. Then Dipper scrambles to his feet and we grab hands. I felt Dipper's hands wince but I'm guessing from the burns but Dipper didn't care about the pain.

Then we started to run.

We got out of that tunnel of the room. Then suddenly a tentacle just came and rap around Dipper's ankle and Dipper trip and fell to the ground. I also fell to the ground. Then the tentacle started to drag Dipper. "Mabel! Mabel help!" Dipper cried out as he clawed trying to not be drag by the tentacle. I reach and grab Dipper under the arms and tried to pull him away but the tentacle was strong.

We were slowly bringing drag towards the Shapeshifter, who I saw was clawing out of the room.

"Mabel!" Dipper cried out.

"I'm not going to let go!" I cried out.

I was then starting to lose my grip around Dipper.


I wanted to shift so I could get a better grip on Dipper but I was afraid if I tried to shift then I would lose Dipper.



Then I was just about to lose my grip but then there was a sudden jerk...a good jerk. Dipper jerk into my arms and we heard a scream of the shapeshifter. "Soos!" I cheered. There was Soos that had cut the tentacle with his axe. "Let's go." Soos ordered. Both me and Dipper quickly yank the tentacle that was rap around his ankle and we got to our feet. Then we started to run.

"Stan!" I called out, "Time to go!"

Then we started to head to the exit. Stan meet us there. "Are you sure it is you?" Stan asks. "Yes! My name is Mabel Pines and I hate sweaters." I reply in a sharp tone. "I'm Soos and I hate pizza." Soos reply. "Then I'm Stan that hates money." It is just another thing to say. We say what we love the most and say that we hate it. So we know it is us. Then we all got out and close the door.

We were all gasping for breath. Dipper lay back on the grass so happy to be out. "Dipper are you alright?" I ask. "I am now." Dipper reply, "Mabel...I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. That was in the past and now we got you back. What was he trying to have you do?"

Dipper shook his head, "He wanted me to make portal or something...for the author then...I'm not really sure. He was just making me make the mini portal or whatever he has plans. I couldn't do it because I needed the other journals."

I gasp, "Oh no! We left the journal there!"

Dipper gave a chuckle, "Nope." Then he pulled out the journal from his torn up vest. I gave a smile. "I'm glad that your save and back." Dipper smiled back, "Me can we please go to the hospital...these burns are killing me and they are chemical burns." I gave a chuckle, "Sure bro."

So...I hope that was alright. Like I say I'm going through this phase...I'm not sure why or what.

Hardy Twister

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