Dressing up

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Finally! An update! I'm sorry for not updating...school have been killing me. All these tests and musicals and concerts.............Yeah....craziness. Anyways here we are!  Just a random picture to go with this....sort of....I don't know...couldn't really find one. Anyways hope you enjoy!

What If Dipper Dressed Up Like Mabel To Go Dump Gideon By: Creepon4

Dipper POV

Mabel had scream and ran out of the room when Stan told her that she had to marry Gideon. I sigh as I ran after her. I lost sight of her but when I went up to my room and I saw Mabel curled up in her sweater. I sigh, "Oh no." Then I spoke out, "Mabel."

"Mabel's not here. She's in sweater town." She mumbles under the sweater.

I knee by her side, "Are you going to come out of sweater town?"

Mabel shook her head.

I sigh, "If you want me too, I could break up with Gideon for you."

Mabel raises her head through the head of the sweater, "You would do that?" I nod my head, "Of course." Then Mabel jump out of sweater town and hug me tightly, "Oh thank you! Thank you!"

I chuckle, "Alright I get it." Then Mabel quickly backed away, "But you can't just break up with him." I was confuse, "What do you mean Mabel?"

"I mean that if you break up between me and Gideon dress as Dipper...things can get terribly wrong. Like...he can take things on you...like kill you or something."

"That wouldn't happen Mabel."

"Just trust me on this Dipper. I had seen too many dramas to know how this is going to turn out."

"Well what am I supposed to do?"

Mabel thought for a moment and then her eyes widen, "I got an idea." I didn't like this look on Mabel. I took one step back, "And what is that?" Then she lean forward and grab my shoulders, "You can dress up like me and pretend to be me!"

"Whoa! What?"

"It is perfect!" Then Mabel started to shake me, "Just think about it Dipper! We are twins and we both look alike! I'm sure we just got to dress you up like me and get a wig or extensions and POOF! My twin sister!"

I grab Mabel's hands off me, "Mabel that is crazy. Why can't I just go talk to him in my normal clothes?" Then she grab my shoulder again, "Trust me on this brother. It will work." Then she grabs my hand and yanks me to the closet. Oh crud.


"Come on Dipper. Come out." Mabel called out.

"I don't want to." I snap back.

I was in the bathroom...wearing Mabel's clothes and a wig. I looked like a girl.

Mabel knock on the door again, "Gideon is waiting! Come on Dipper!"

I folded my arms, "I'm not going out in this Mabel. I look stupid."

"Are you saying that I look stupid?"

I grumble, "No...I'm saying when I wear you I look stupid."

"Come on Dipper. It can't be that bad."

"It is that bad!"

Mabel grumbles, "Stop being a baby and come out. Nobody will notice that it is you! They will think it is me!"

I sigh, "Fine. Only if Stan isn't out there."

"He's not."

"Are you sure? Because if this is a trick I'm not doing this!"

"He is not here Dipper! I cross my heart and hope to die. I didn't even tell him about this and he isn't here. He's at Gideon's house talking about some other things. Nothing to worry about Dip."

I sigh, "Alright."

I then went up to the door, unlocking it, and opening it. Mabel smile, "So this is what it looks like to have a twin sister or looking at a mirror! You look good."

"Shut up." I mumble.

"Alright ready?"

I sigh, "Sure."

Then Mabel and I went over to the restaurant that Gideon was at. Mabel hid in the bushes. "Ready Di...I mean Mabel?" I grumble, "Sure." "Remember don't be Dipper...Be the Mabel. Be Mabel!" Mabel cheered.

I sigh deeply as I went into the restaurant. Then I saw that table that Gideon was at. I walked over it and clear my throat. Gideon laid down the menu with a smile, "There is my sweat dumpling."

I shiver at that. It was creepy and even grosser. "Listen Gideon." I spoke out, sounding like Mabel. I had lots of practice with this. While we were younger we would try and mimic each other.

"Gideon I don't think this is working." I continue. Gideon looked at me, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that...we should break up." I reply, still sounding like Mabel.

I watch as Gideon's eye twitch, "I-I don't understand."

"It's just that...That things aren't working out between us. Saying...we should see other people."

Gideon pauses for a moment.

"But we can still be friends though but not dating."

Then he glares at me, "Does your brother have anything to do with this?"

I shook my head, "Oh no. He didn't do anything about this. This is my voice and my own decision. Dipper doesn't know anything about this."

I then sigh, "I'm sorry Gideon but that is just how it is. We are still cool right?"

Gideon didn't answer the first time. Then he sigh, "These things happen." I nod my head as Gideon continues, "I guess...we...are...cool." I smile, "Thank you for understanding." Then I walk off.

I went outside and Mabel came out of the bushes, "How was it? Was he upset? Did he try to read your mind?"

I shook my head, "No. It was fine."

Mabel sigh with relief, "That's good." Then she hugs me, "Thank you."

I smiled, "No problem but never dress me up like a girl again."

"No promises."

3rd POV

Gideon was in his room, in the dark. Anger build up in him. "It isn't fair!" He cried out, "She was my dumpling! Why would she break up with me!? Nobody breaks up with me!" Gideon then grabs his lucky bow tie and it started to glow, "She was mine!" Then suddenly things around his room started to glow and float. "Why Mabel!? Why don't you love me like I love you?!" Then he threw some of his things against the wall that broke with a crash.

Then he threw his dresser down to the floor which broke into pieces then Gideon's father came into the room, "Gideon Charles Gleeful. Clean your room!" Gideon turns sharply, "I'll have you ruin you old man! Leave me alone or I'll make you pay!" Mr. Gleeful started at his son for only a moment then respond, "Fair enough." Knowing that his son will have his head. Mr. Gleeful then left the room by closing the door, leaving it as a dark room again.

Gideon tightens his fist around the amulet. He then looked up at some of his pictures of Mabel. All of them had just Mabel but one with Dipper with Mabel. Gideon then reaches up and grabs his favorite photo of Mabel and stared at it, "Why a dear like you would break up with me? Why would you leave me dumpling?" Then Gideon looks up at the photo of Dipper and Mabel together. Gideon darkens his glare, "Dipper Pines. He had to be a part of this." Then Gideon thought, "But Mabel said that he had nothing to deal with it....she could my lying...no! My dumpling would never lie to me like that!" Then he looks at the favorite photo, "She will never lie to me...and she will never leave."

Mabel POV

Dipper, Soos and I started to play out in the yard. Soos would stuff a pillow up his shirt and both me and Dipper would try to knock him down with the extra padding. We can't win but It was still fun.

It was nice not having to deal with Gideon anymore. It was about time to have things back to normal and just playing with Dipper and the rest of our friends.

Then the phone rang. "Not it!" Dipper called out just a second before me. I groan, "Man." I then got up and headed to the phone and picked it up, "Hello?"

"Is this Mabel Pines?" A voice answered that sounded like a woman.

"Yes and who is this?"

"I'm Tammy from Glitter. I'm here to tell you that you just won our year worth of glitter!"

I was very surprise about this and very excited, "Really!?"

"Yes! All we need is for you to come to this address and so we can get paper work done and a picture of our winner and to get your glitter!"

I was jumping up and down with excitement. I quickly just pulled out a pin and a piece of paper from the counter, "Alright! So...what's the address?"

"18 Street Road, room 17. It is an office building and room 17 is where you need to go. Meet tonight around 6. Don't bring anyone because the room is small and we just want the winner."

"Can I tell my family that I just won a year worth of glitter?"

"Don't. We want to surprise them. What do you think about that? Bringing a year worth of glitter to your home. Your family would be super surprise. Plus it would be easier to not tell them so none of them could come. Can you do that?"

I thought about it, "Alright I guess that would be fun. Just leaving and then coming back with a butt load of glitter...Ah! I can attack them with the glitter!"

"I like your spirit kid! Now I'll see you at 6."

"See you at 6."

Then I hang up the phone and Dipper came into the room, "Who was that on the phone?"

"Just someone looking for Stan. I told them that he won't be back till tomorrow." I reply.

Dipper nod his head, "Already then. Then let's play."

We started to play the pillow and tackle Soos game. Before I knew it, it was almost 6. "Hey I have to get going." I reply getting up and brushing the dirt off of my skirt. "Going where?" Dipper questioned. "Just on a...bike ride."

"Bike ride?" Dipper questioned.

"Dude I don't even believe that." Soos added.

"Don't judge me boys. I wanted to go on a bike ride today...by myself."

"Yourself?" Dipper questioned again as he stood up.

"I'm fine Dipper. I just wanted a bike ride by myself to clear my mind."

"About what?"

"Girl stuff that you don't want to hear."

"Let me guess you are going to Wendy's." Soos reply.


"Why didn't just tell me?" Dipper reply.

I smile, "Because I don't want you to follow me so you don't drool over Wendy." Dipper blush, "I wouldn't do that!" I patted Dipper's shoulder, "Trust me bro, you do drool over Wendy." Dipper blush even more and he bit his lower lip.

"Well see you later!" I smiled as I went off to get my bike. I rode into town to that office building. I then headed to room 17. Excitement bubble inside of me. I can't wait to attack Dipper with glitter.

I went up to the door. I knocked on it. Then suddenly the door opened and I was pulled into the dark room and the door shut behind me leaving me in utter darkness.

Dipper POV

Mabel was gone for a while. About an hour. I know girls talk but really this long? She was missing dinner. It was already dark. I walked around the shop. I ran into someone and I crash to the ground. "Oops! Sorry Dipper!" I look up and I could see Wendy. I was surprise, "Wendy!" Wendy then pulled me up. I was shock, "Wh-What are you doing here? I thought Mabel was with you at your house!"

Wendy looked confused, "What do you mean?"

"Mabel...she was going to meet you and talk about girl things."

Wendy shook her head, "Sorry dude."

I was very confuse, "Do you know where she went?"

Wendy shook her head again, "Nope."

I got a very bad feeling about this. I quickly went back to the phone and dial the Gideon's house, since Stan was there. The phone kept on ringing. I tap on the table, "Come on, pick up! Pick up!" Then suddenly the phone was answer, "Bud Gleeful here."

"Mr. Gleeful! This is Dipper..."

"Ah! Stan's nephew and my future son in law." Mr. Gleeful interrupted me.

I shiver a bit when he called me, future son in law.

"What do you need?" Mr. Gleeful finished.

"Is my uncle there?"

"Hold the line."

There was a little bit of scuffling. Then Stan answer, "What you need kid?"

"Stan! Mabel is missing!"

Stan laugh, "Oh kid. Stop over reacting. Mabel is with Gideon of course! Where else!?"

"They broke up!" I reply.

Stan laugh even more, "Look I know you are the over protected brother here, calm down kid. Everything is alright."

I grumble. Then I sigh, "Already then, can you tell me where Gideon is?"

"I don't know where he is."

"Can you ask Mr. Gleeful?"

There was a moment of silence, "Bud says that Gideon went to the old ware house."

"Where is that?"

"Gee kid, why do you want to stock them so much?"

"Grunkle Stan just tell me!"

"Alright! Alright! Here it is."

Mabel POV

I groan as I was waking up. Memory started to flow through my mind. I was yank into the room and something hit my head hard and I was knocked out. My head ache.

I sat up rubbing my head.

"You're awake! How your head my sweet?" a voice reply. I know that voice all to tell.

"Gideon." I glare.

I then started to look around and then notice that I was in a cage and Gideon was in front of it. "What is the meaning of this Gideon?" I demanded.

"Taking you as my queen my dumpling!"

"I broke up with you Gideon. It's over!"

"It's not over!" He shouted.

Then Gideon straightens his bow tie and he clears his throat, "It is not over my sweet. It will never be over. You see my sweet, in the morning we are both going to head out of Gravity Falls and so nobody could stop us."

"You are a creep Gideon!" I shouted, "Let me go or..."

"Or what? Dipper will come? Fat chance. He doesn't even know where you are! Stan can't do anything because he is all for us being together for business things. You are stuck with me."

"You can't do this! Gideon this is crazy! Gideon I don't like you! I don't love you! I don't want to be with you!"


"They are not lies!"

"You aren't supposed to lie to me!"

Then Gideon rubs his amulet, "Doesn't matter anymore. You are going to be mine no matter what. We are getting out of this town so nobody can change your mind or convince you like your brother but don't worry we will be back once you learn what is lies or not. Like how you belong to me."

"Gideon don't do this!"

Gideon didn't listen to me and he walked away from my cage. I rattle against the bars. Nothing was going to work. I sigh as I lean against the bars pulling my legs close to me, "This is a mess." I then rest my head on my legs and tears fell down my cheeks. "I'm never going to come back."

Then I heard soft footsteps, "Mabel." A small voice whisper. I looked up and I could see Dipper. I opened my mouth to say something but Dipper place his finger on his lips to silence me. Then Dipper went through his vest pockets and pulled out some lock pick things. My guess he got them from Stan.

Dipper started to pick the lock. Then suddenly Dipper glowed and was jerk up to the air. "Ah!" Dipper gasps out. The picks fell to the ground. "Well, well, look who we got here. Dipper Pines."

I looked and could see Gideon, holding his amulet that was also glowing. I grip the bars, "Let us go Gideon!" I shouted.

"So you are a part of this Dipper. You are a part of this whole thing! You convince my dumpling to dump me!" Gideon shouted.

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Dipper cried out.

"Lies!" Gideon growled as he tightens his grip around the amulet. I watch as Dipper started to gasp for air and squirm. "Gideon stop it!" I cried out, "Stop it! Let him go!"

"Look what you have done Mabel. Letting lies get into your mind and now you are going to watch your brother suffocate." Gideon sneer.

I quickly looked around for something to throw at Gideon at the moment. I then saw a stuff toy of Gideon lying on the ground. I reach through the bars and grab the toy and then threw it at Gideon. It hit Gideon and it lost his concentration on struggling Dipper.

Dipper drop to the ground, coughing and gasping for breath. I quickly reach and grab the lock picks and started to pick the lock.

"How dare you throw that at me!? You mess up my hair." Gideon whines.

Dipper went through a box and pulled out a bat. Then he raises the bat and went after Gideon. Gideon then grabs his amulet again and he lifted Dipper, making him drop the bad, "Trying to hit me! You are a part of this whole thing!"

"She doesn't want to go out with you! Just deal with it and let us go!" Dipper shouted.

"Lies!" Gideon shouted. Then raise his other hand and a pair of sheep sheers came up in the air, "And I'll make sure that you won't come between us again or to even stop us!" Then the sheep shear opened up and headed to Dipper who couldn't move.

I tried to pick the lock faster. Then suddenly there was a snap and the lock was picked. I quickly got out of the cage and tackled Gideon. Dipper and the sheep shears fell to the ground. I made it on top of Gideon and yank the amulet off of him neck, "This isn't a lie Gideon. I don't want to be with you! I don't want to see you! You are a creepy and you kidnap me and tried to kill my brother! We will never be together!"

I then got off of Gideon. I then smash the amulet on the ground. "My amulet!" Gideon cried out. "It is over Gideon." I growled. I went over to help Dipper to his feet. "Are you alright?" I ask. Dipper nods his head, "Yeah. You?" I nod, "I will be."

Gideon was on his knees and looked at his destroy amulet, "You...You just destroy my powers...and everything I've worked for."

"You destroy everything yourself. You should have just taken my first dump over you." I growled. I then face Dipper, "Come on Dipper." Then me and Dipper started to leave. Gideon got up, "You will regret this! You will regret everything Pines! I'll be back! This isn't going to be the last time you will ever see little old me!"

We close the door and headed home.

I hope that was good and that you enjoy it. It was a tough few weeks for me and I wrote during that time so....there.  Boom! Got that done and I want to thank you for reading, commenting, and voting! Please leave me a what if and i'll try my best!

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