Ford's Partner

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Alright First on! Yay! So I'm doing first person point of view...I write better in that view. Alright let's start this.

What if mc gucket never erased his memories and/or quit working with Ford?

By: 5KRolling

Ford POV

It was finally at a place where I felt at home, both something nagged at me. Where did it all come from? It seems to me the answer must lie outside of our world, a dimension of weirdness leaking into ours. I realize the only way to understand Gravity Falls would be to build a gateway, a portal, to the source of its weirdness. But I couldn't make it alone. I decided to call up my old college buddy Fiddleford Mcgucket. A young and brilliant mechanic who's wasting his talent trying to make personal computers in some garage in Paliwato. (Sorry don't know how to spell that)

Many long nights were spent perfecting the machine. It would be the crowning achievement of my studies, an answer to the source of this town's anomalies. Time has come to test it....

Me and Fiddleford step up to the line, in front of the portal, and carrying our dummy for our test. The machine glowed as we got ready. "Ready." I ordered, "And..." We release the dummy and the gravitation of the portal took the dummy towards it. Fiddleford's job is to hold the rope that was tied to the dummy.

The pull was too much and Fiddleford didn't have a good grip on it so he started to fly in the air. Fiddleford scream out. I gasp, "What!" I reach for the rope and grab it and yanked it hard. Luckily the rope was tied around his ankle. The dummy went into the portal and Fiddleford's head was inches away from the portal. "I got you buddy!" I cried out. "Help!" Fiddleford screamed out, "Don't let me go in!"

I then yank the rope and we all fell to the ground. I sat up gasping for breath. I then crawled over to Fiddleford, "Buddy! Are you alright!" I gasp. Fiddleford shakily sat up, "I-Um-Thanks." I grab his shoulder, "Your welcome but are you alright?" Fiddleford nod, "I'm fine." Then I started to hear these voices in my head. "What?" I ask out loud. "Fiddleford do you hear anything?" Fiddleford looked around, "No." The voices continue in my head. "Ford are you alright?" Fiddleford ask. I looked around, "Yeah um sure....let's just get back to work."But muffles and whispers continued.....

I was in over my head and feared that I was losing my sanity. I needed up. Someone I could trust. So I sent Stanley a card to come over....

I was pacing around the room. "Stanford I think you are over thinking this." Fiddleford reply. "How could I? I haven't seen Stanley for years and he is the only one that I can trust to hide the journals." I reply, "And you are in this and he knows you....he would think that I will give it to you so I must give it to the person who I will unlikely give it to. My brother Stanley."

I started to shake as I pace around. "Ford you need to calm down!" Fiddleford touch my shoulder and I jerk away, "Don't touch me!" I then sigh, "Just wait down in the basement." Fiddleford sadly nods as he went down to the basement.

Then there was a knock on the door. I open it, "who is it? Have you come to steal my eyes!" I screamed out as I pulled out my cross bow. I didn't know if it was my brother or not, better to be safe than sorry.

"Well I can always count you for a warm welcome" Stanley reply.

I sigh with relief as I lower the cross bow, "Stanley did anyone follow you? Anyone at all?"

"Eh, hello to you too pal." Stanley grumbles.

I grab him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him into the house. I then shine a light into his eyes, to make sure Bill wasn't in him. Stanley shoves me away, "Ah! Hey! What is this?"

I stepped away, "Sorry! I just had to make sure you weren't...Ah! It's nothing." I then shook it off and walked more into my house, "Ah come in, come in." We walked into the living space, or what at least what is supposed to be a living space but I use it as test most of my rooms here.

"Look are you going to explain what's going on here? You are acting like mom after her 10th cup of coffee." Stanley asks as he walked in the room.

"Listen, there isn't much time. I've made huge mistakes and I don't know who I can trust in anymore." I reply walking towards him with my journal one and some papers in my hands. I then turn the skeleton's head to the side, so it wasn't looking at me.

"Hey, easy, let's talk this through okay?" Stanley reply, trying to comfort me. He grabs me by the shoulder.

I sigh, "I have something to show you. Something you won't believe."

"Look, I've been around the world okay. Whatever it is I'll understand."

I then took him to the basement. "Stanley meet Fiddleford, Fiddleford meet Stanley." I introduce them together. Fiddleford nod, "Nice to meet you." "Same with you." Stanley replies a bit awkward. I then showed him the portal.

"There is nothing about this that I understand." Stanley gaps when I showed him the portal. "It's a transuniverseral gateway. A punch hole through a weak spot of our dimension. I created it to unlock the mysteries of the universe. But it could just as easy be hardest for the terrible destruction." I reply. Then I pulled out my journal number one. "That is why I shut it down and hide the journals which explains how to operated it." I then walked up to Stanley, "There is only journal left and you are the only person I can trust to take it, not counting Fiddleford but things are competed and now he is a part of this mistake that I made." I reply as I hand Stanley the journal, "I have something to ask of you...remember our plans to sail around the world on a boat?"

Stanley looks at me and smiles and nod.

"Take the book, get on a boat, and sail as far away as you the edge of the earth. Burry it where no one could find it." I reply as I walked away.

"Ford..." Fiddleford started but Stanley interrupted him, "That's it! You finally want to see me after 10 years and it is to tell me to get far away from you as possible!"

I turn around sharply, "Stanley you don't understand what we are up against! Me and Fiddleford! What we been through!"

"No, no, you don't understand what I've been through. I've been in prison in three different counties, I once had to chew my way out of a trunk of a car, you think you've got problems? I've got a mullet Stanford! Meanwhile, where have you been? Living it up in your fancy house in the wood, selfishly hording your college money because you only care about yourself!"

"Who we don't need to fight like this!" Fiddleford pleaded as he came up to us, trying to break us apart since Stanley was up in my face pointing blames on me. I ignored Fiddleford, "I'm selfish? I'm selfish, Stanley! How could you say that after coasting me my dream school! I'm giving you a chance to do the first worthwhile thing in your life and you wouldn't even listen!" I snap backing away from Stanley.

"Ford you didn't need your dream school...look what we got to without your dream school!" Fiddleford replied.

"Well because of Stanley we could have done more! He doesn't listen on what I want and he claims that I don't listen to him at all." I reply.

"Well listen to this, who want me to get rid of this book? Fine! I'll get rid of it right now!" Stanley snaps out pulling out a lighter and flip it open and the flame grew.

"NO!" Both me and Fiddleford cried out and lung to Stanley and I was the only one that grab it.

"You don't understand!" I cried out as I was wrestling the book with Stanley.

"You said you wanted me to have it so I'll do what I want to do with it!" Stanley snaps as he jerk away from me and threw the book over the flame.

"My research!" I cried out. Then I tackle Stanley. Stanley dropped the book and the lighter. I then got up to my feet but Stanley tripped me, "Fiddleford!" I cried out. Fiddleford grab the book. Then Stanley got up to his feet and tackle Fiddleford. Fiddleford was a slim man and wasn't like Stanley at all. Stanley then grabs the book and started to run out the door. "Stanley!" I cried out as I tackle him, "Give it back!"

We went through the door into the control room. We started to fight with each other. Banging around, starting up the machine. Fiddleford came in, "Stop it! It doesn't have to be like this!"

"You want it back?" Stanley taunts, "You have to try harder than that!" Stanley shoves me to the ground. Then the machine started to turn on. "What have you done!? You started it up! Stop fighting you two! The machine is on!" Fiddleford warned.

"You left me behind you jerk!" Stanley cried out as we were wrestling with the book. Fiddleford grab the book, "Let go! The both of you!" "It was supposed to be us forever! You ruin my life!" Stanley continues. "You ruin your own life!" I snap. "Stop! Let go! Both of you!" Fiddleford snap out. I then kick Stanley. Stanley flew back and he screamed as he hit the symbol on the side of the desk. Fiddleford was jerk to the door way.

"Stanley! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I gasp as I got to my feet. "Are you..." Then Stanley jerks up and hit me on the face. I ran into Fiddleford and we tumble to the ground over the lever. The machine spark with life. I got up to my feet and Fiddleford also got up to his feet.

"Some brother you turn out to be. You came over about your dumb mysteries and your family. Well then you can have it!" Then Stanley shoves me with the book in my hand. I passed the line and I started to fly up in the air towards the opening.

"Woah hey! What's going on! Hey! Stanford!" Stanley cried out.

"Ford!" Fiddleford gasp.

They both came after me.

"Stanley! Fiddleford! Help me!"

"Oh no! What do I do?" Stanley asks.

"Stanley! Stanley-Fiddleford do something!" I cried out as I threw my book towards them as the portal started to suck me in. "Stanley! Stanley!" Then I went through the portal.

Stan POV

There was a spark and me and Fiddleford was force to the ground. I sat up, "No! NO!" I cried out. "Come back!" I cried out as I tried to pull the lever, "I can't lose him! I just got him back!" I then face Fiddleford, "Fiddleford! What do we do! We have to get him back!"

"I-I don't know!" Fiddleford replied.

"You should know something!" I cried out as I went up to him, "You worked with him! You got to know something! In the book!" I then went up to the book, "There's got to be something!" I started to go through the weird book. "You can't!" Fiddleford reply, "You need to other books!"

I close the book, "Where are they!" I demanded. Fiddleford just started to stuttered. I grab him by the shirt, "Where are they!" "I-I-I don't know! He hid them! He didn't tell me!"

"What kind of workmate are you?" I ask as I release him. "We work together with this portal but he was more into the...weirdness of the whole place! I just build the portal and help him with the weirdness. I wasn't into depth like him." Fiddleford replied. "We got to do something!" I cried out. "We can't do anything about the other books!" Fiddleford replied, "It is useless. We can't get him back."....

After that Fiddleford and I tried to look for the journal but things weren't looking bright. Soon I was running out of food and money. So after going to the store and learn what people want in entertainment I change Ford's house into my tourist trap and took Ford's name in and killed off Stanley in a car crash....

"Are you sure about this Stanley?" Fiddleford asks.

"It's Stan. There isn't a Stanley least not right now." I reply as I close the door after a day of working.

"Stanl-Stan what are you planning on doing?" Fiddleford reply, "What are we going to do? We tried to fix the portal without the other books but it is pointless! We can't get him back without the other two books."

"We....We just got to wait...find a new way without the journals. We just got to!" I replied. Fiddleford nods, "I know what you mean. He was my college buddy and partner. I want him back the same as you!"

"Then you will continue to help me?" I ask.

Fiddleford raise his head slowly, "I'm not sure. You know I got a family Stan. A pregnant wife and another son? They are getting worried."

I grab him by the shoulder, "Please Fiddleford, I need you...Ford needs you!"

Fiddleford sighs, "Alright...I'll continue to work with you."

I nod, "Thank you Fiddleford...then I guess if anyone are my cousin."

Dipper POV

"Oh man....Grunkle Stan I'm so sorry that I didn't believe you." I reply as Grunkle Stan, great uncle ford, and Fiddleford explain. "It's alright kid. I wouldn't believe it either." Grunkle Stan replies. "Wait so you aren't Grunkle Stan's cousin?" Mabel asks. Fiddleford shook his head, "No, well sorry for lying to you kids know."

"I think I heard some voices down there." A voice cried out.

"Oh no!" I gasp.

"Man I totally forgot about those dues." Soos said.

"I wish they forget about us!" Mabel replies.

"What do we do?" I ask.

"Ford got any idea on what we can do?" Grunkle Stan asks.

"This is your mess why ask me!" Great Uncle Ford snaps.

Then Great Uncle Ford face Fiddleford, "Got anything Fiddleford?"

"I don't know!" Fiddleford replied. "I haven't really made anything! I've been working on the portal!"

"For 30 years?" Ford cried out.

"Well only some computers but I don't think it would do anything to..."

Then agents stormed in here, "Stanford Pine and Fiddleford Mcgucket you are under arrest!" Agent Power orders as agents came in with their guns. "What the heck is this place?" Agent Trigger replied. "Take them!" Agent Powers reply. Then men came up and handcuffed Grunkle Stan and Fiddleford. "Let them go!" Mabel cried out. "You can't do this!" I added.

Some men came and grabbed me and Mabel. "Got the kids." One man reported.

"Let them go." Ford ordered.

"And who are you?" Agent Powers ordered as he steps up. "Name's...ah Stanley." Ford replies. "Stanley Pines and that is my great niece and nephew, brother, and best friend you got there! They didn't do anything!"

"There are a lot of things that they have done. They stole toxic chemical and now I guess they are part of the weirdness of Gravity Falls." Agent Powers, "I'm guessing you are a part of this also."

Then Agent Powers snaps his fingers, "Handcuff him."

"What! You can't do this!" I cried out, trying to squirm out of the government's grip. "Let us go!" Mabel kicked out, "You can't just take them away! They didn't do anything!" "Take the kids away." Agent Powers ordered. "No! Kids!" Grunkle Stan cried out and started to squirm, trying to get free from the agent's grip. "You can't take them away!" Fiddleford cried out, "You're making a big mistake!"

Then they shove Fiddleford and Grunkle Stan out the door. I struggle with the agents, "Let us go! You can't take us away!" I cried out as I started to kick the agent, the same with Mabel. "Agent Trigger I want a report on this...thing ASAP! I want to know more about this...portal I'm guessing. The president would want to hear everything that we've learn as soon as we can....this is only the beginning."

Alright! So I hope this worked out....not the ending you are excepting...right? Yes, No? Maybe so? Well that is how thought because Mcgucket didn't create the Memory eraser so they couldn't take the memories of the I hope you enjoy it! Leave a What If if you want to and I'll try my best to make it amazing.


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