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So this one was a fun one and a long one.

What if Dipper never found the journal? By: Lapi5_Lazuli

Dipper POV

I walk through the forest, "Man why do I always have to do everything." I muttered as I was putting up a sigh, "Why don't people ever believe me." I went to put up another sigh, last one. I bang the nail into the tree then hang the sigh up, "There." Then I started to head back to the shack. "There Grunkle Stan it's done." I announce, "Great! Now go glue to things together and create a name for it, don't make it lame though like your last one." Grunkle Stan reply then he just stuff this rabbit statue and a Weeny a Pooh stuff animal. As he did that I drop the hammer on my foot and I drop everything, "Aw!" I cried out in pain, rubbing my foot. "Suck it up kid." Grunkle Stan snaps back.

I grumble as I picked up the statue and stuff animal. Then I walked off. I was putting the things together, then Mabel jumped on me and ruins the whole thing, "Arh! Mabel!" I snap. "Guess what! Guess what! Guess what!" Mabel jumped. I roll my eyes, "What?" "Guess!" Mabel reply. I roll my eyes, "Pine Apple!"

Mabel hit my arm, "Really Dipper."

"Mabel I don't know."

Then the doorbell rang, "Who could that be?" I questioned. "Well I guess it is time to spill the beans." Mabel smiled as she knocks over a can of beans, "This girl got a boyfriend!" "You got a boyfriend in 15 minutes?" I questioned. Mabel shrugs, "I guess I'm just irresistible!" Then the doorbell went off again. "Coming!" Mabel called out then she went out to the door. I rolled my eyes. Then I started to reglue the stuff animal and statue. Then Grunkle Stan came, "How's that new animal coming kid?" "Getting there." I reply. Then Mabel came in with this guy, "Family! Meet my new boyfriend!" She announce.

I looked up and saw this one guy. A tall guy he was and was wearing a black hoodie with his hood on. He turn around, "Sup." "Hey." I reply, "How are you?" Grunkle Stan reply. "Family meet Norman! Norman meet Dipper and Grunkle Stan." Mabel introduces. "Is that blood on your cheek Norman?" I ask. Norman looked down, "It's...Jam."

Mabel raps her arm around Norman, "We meet at the cemetery." Then Mabel gaps, "Whoa...got some muscle there. I-I didn't know that. It's...its very nice." Then Mabel just snap out of...whatever boy thing she has going in her head, "Well we are going out, don't wait for me for dinner!" Then Mabel left, "Come Norman." Norman wave then he hit the wall as he turn then he just continue.

"Weird." I muttered.

"That's boys for you." Grunkle Stan reply, "Now finish up that creature." Then Grunkle Stan left. I grumble as I continue to make the Pooh Rabbit!...yes? No?..Maybe?

I spent the afternoon doing things for Grunkle Stan. I went to my room and crash on my bed, exhausted. Mabel was in the room, brushing her hair. "Boy, really tired out aren't you?" Mabel asks. I groan, "I'm sick and tired of Grunkle Stan just pushing me around. He is having me do these chores cause I have nothing better to do!" I sat up and nearly fell out of my bed. Mabel was up to my face and there was this red welt on her cheek. I fell to the ground and Mabel just laughs, "What is that!" I gasp. "Oh just a problem with the leaf blower...you should have seen your face!" Mabel laughs. I got up to my feet, "What have you been up to?" I ask.

Mabel smiles, "Well all afternoon I've been with Norman...on what a sweetheart he is..." I roll my eyes, "Mabel please don't talk to me about...this...love thing...romance...everything." Mabel just nudges me, "Oh come on Bro Bro." I roll my eyes, "Where are you off to again?"

"Well Norman said that he going to show me the sunset...as we walk through the woods with the sun set..."

"I get the picture Mabel."

Mabel hugs me, "This is the best summer ever!"

I gave a chuckle as Mabel just tackles me with a hug and started to shake me, "Enough Mabel!" Then Mabel releases me. "I'm glad that you are having a great summer Mabel." Then Mabel nudge me, "Don't worry Dipper I'm sure that the rest of the summer would work out. I'm just sure that Grunkle Stan is just doing this because he loves you. There is a reason why he is doing these things. I'm sure of it."

"Sure Mabel."

"No believe me! I'm sure of it! Until Norman gets here, I'm sure that we can play a game."

I smile, "Alright Mabel."

Then me and Mabel played mini golf in our room then Mabel left. I sat up in the attic window just watching the sun set. Then Soos came up to me, "What's up dude?" I gave a small smile, "Nothing much, you?" Soos shrugs, "Just fixing things, you?"

"Nothing and I do mean it. There is nothing to do. Mabel got a boyfriend and so she will be hanging out with him all summer. Stan will keep me busy with his chores. I guess that is how my summer is going to go. Chores after chores after chores. I thought summer was a place where I wasn't supposed to do chores." I reply.

Soos laugh a bit.

"Soos, do you go any hobbies that I can do?" I ask.

Soos shrugs, "I'm not sure dude, anything that could help you. My hobbies are sort of my hobbies I guess. I wouldn't think that you would be interested in them."

I shrug, "Anything better than being Grunkle Stan's slave."

Soos thought for a moment. Then he started to go through some of his hobbies and none of them were really meant for me. I gave up. I ate dinner and I went to bed. I stayed up late for Mabel to come home. I doze off around one in the morning. Then I woke up in the morning, rubbing my eyes. I look over at Mabel's bed...she wasn't there. In fact it hasn't been slept in. I started to get worried. I then headed down the stairs and there was no sign of Mabel.

Grunkle Stan was in the kitchen. "Grunkle Stan, have you seen Mabel?" I ask. Grunkle Stan shrug, "I thought she was upstairs with you." I shook my head, "She never came home. Grunkle Stan something happened to Mabel! I know it!"

"It has to do with that no good Normal!"

"Norman," I corrected him.

"Why are you defending the guy who might have hurt Mabel?!"

"I don't know!"

"Well get dress and let's go find Mabel."

I then quickly went upstairs and got dress and quickly came down. Then Grunkle Stan, Soos, and Wendy were down there. "What are you two doing here?" I ask. "Well we are going to find Mabel, Stan called us out and we came running here." Wendy reply.

Then we all got out and started to walk through the forest, calling out Mabel's name. "I swear if that boy touched Mabel, I'm going to shoot him." Grunkle Stan mumbles. "Shoot him with what?" Wendy asks.

"A rock or something. Anything would do. I want to see him bleed."

"Gee Mr. Pines that's a little harsh don't you think?" Soos reply.

"Soos that boy could have hurt Mabel or worse. I'm going to make sure that he pays. You don't do this to a 12 year old girl. I'm going to make sure that today is his last day breathing. You all won't rat me out? I'll pay you."

"I'm in." Wendy said.

"Grunkle Stan do you really think that Norman did something...bad to Mabel?" I ask in a worried tone. Things were going through my head. What could have Norman done with Mabel? I couldn't even think about it.

"Kid you never know teens." Grunkle Stan reply.

"But Mabel isn't a teen." I pointed out.

"Exactly, another reason."

"Stan do you really think that Norman would...do that." Wendy asks.

"You never know. I don't want to think about it but...you never know....right now I just hope that Mabel is alright." Grunkle Stan reply.

We went around the forest still calling out Mabel's name. "Dudes look." Soos called out. "What did you find, Soos?" Grunkle Stan asks. Then Soos raise his hand and he held a black hoodie. "Norman." I muttered. I then look around frantically, "Mabel! Mabel! Mabel where are you!" Then all started to call out.

There was no responds. I sat on the ground, against a tree. We have been doing this all morning, I wasn't going to give up, but I needed to sit down and think through things. Wendy raps her arm around me, 'Don't worry dude, we are going to find Mabel. Don't worry." I nod my head, "I hope so."

We spent all day searching and soon we had to come home. Grunkle Stan steps up a police report while I just sat in my room...alone.

I look at Mabel's empty bed. Trying not to think what Norman would do to her but the thoughts just keep running through my head. I hug one of Mabel's sweaters in my arms. I started to cry on it. It was my fault. I should have stop her...she was only 12...but I didn't think that anything would happen to Mabel. I then looked up and saw my flashlight on my desk. I then tie Mabel's sweeter around my waist and grabs the flashlight. I then snuck out.

I went around the forest, "Mabel! Mabel! Mabel where are you? Please answer me. Mabel! Where are you! Please answer me!" Then there was this rustling behind me. I turn around, "Mabel? Mabel is that you? Mabel?" I started to walk slowly towards the bush, "Mabel?" Then suddenly something just pop out of the bush, it was this tiny man. He jumped on me and I drop the flashlight and this thing...just started to attack me, clawing at my face, biting me, and tearing my hair. I scream out in pain, "Ah! Help! Someone please help!"

Then I felt some more claws like hands running up to my body, scratching me. I scream even more, begging for help. These claw like hands where gripping me and pinning my arms and legs. Then I started to be lifted up by these little claws. I scream for help.

They drag me through the forest, and nobody came around to help or even came to hear my screams for help. They drag me to this dark cave like meadow, "Stop! Where are you taking me! Help! Someone please! Help!" I screamed out. Then they just dump me to the ground. I then tried to get to my feet but the little men just jumped on me and pin me down. They brought me up to my knees, as they still held me with their claw like hands.

I struggle with them, "Let me go!"

"We found this trespasser in the night my queen!" One of the little men cried out in his high pitch voice. "He calls your name my queen!" Another pointed out. "He has your sent!" Another added.

"That's enough talk out of you." A voice ordered. Then a figure came around, in a pretty white dress with gold and green lace to glistens in the light of the gems. Then the rest of the figure came around. It was Mabel. Mabel had her hair done in this pretty braid and a crown.

"M-Mabel?" I question.

"It is Queen Mabel!" one tinny man his that was near my shoulder. Then scratch me on the cheek, which was really deep and it started to bleed. I looked up at Mabel, "Mabel please...what is going on. Mabel you got to help me...help us." She just looks at me, "Help me? I'm already home. I'm the gnome queen!"

"Mabel!" I pleaded, "Mabel what's gotten into you? Gnomes and what the heck is this!"

"The mysteries of Gravity Falls Dipper!" Mabel smiled.

"Mabel what has gotten to you?" I pleaded.

"I face the face Dipper. It turns out that Norman was just a bunch of gnomes and they took me and made me there queen. At first I did struggle but then the ceremony came and my eyes were open. This is truly the best summer yet!" Mable sneer.

"Mabel...this isn't the way!" I corrected, "This...this isn't the way Mabel!"

Mabel laugh, "Oh Dipper you've been doing Stan's chores too much. That is why I brought you here! I knew by nightfall you will leave to 'find' me so I sent my gnomes to retrieve you."

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Oh it's simple really. I want you to join me."

"Join you?"

"Well me and about 500 gnomes or more to give her a take."

"Mabel! This isn't the way! Mabel whatever they did to you isn't really you! The real Mabel would leave this place with me. Mabel let's just go home!"

"Home? Where Grunkle Stan is just going to shove you around, making you do chores after chores after chores? Do you really want that? Dipper I'm giving you a chance here! If you are wise, like you are, you should take it!" Mabel protested.

I look at Mabel, "This isn't you Mabel."

"Dipper make your choice. Choose me....or choose the gnomes and....they don't play nice to traitors to their queen." Mabel hiss.

I was cover with fear. The gnomes started to laugh. "W-What are you going to do?" I stuttered, "What are you planning?" Mabel went up to me and raises my chin up, "Oh Dipper there is much that you don't know but you wish to know." I jerk away, "My sister would never say that or do anything like this. You aren't my sister. The gnomes did something to you! Mabel this isn't you!"

Mabel backed away and sigh, "I'm guessing you aren't choosing to be on my side, aren't you?"

"I'm not joining you. I won't join you Mabel...not like this."

Then Mabel shrugs, "You're choice."

Then Mabel snaps her fingers then the claw like fingers tighten, "Traitor to our queen!" They screamed. Then they started to scratch and bit me, in a violent way. I scream out in pain, trying to get away, trying to get free but that was the last thing I remember. Pain.

Grunkle Stan POV

We I woke up this morning Dipper was gone. I knew he went out of the forest looking for Mabel. I knew he was going to do it but I didn't think he would be stupid enough to actually do it. I called up Wendy and Soos again and we went searching. We spread out this time, but we stayed close.

The sun was coming up. I was getting sick and tired of seeing trees and I lived her for 30 years...for me I just hope that the kids are alright. My hope is that Mabel is somewhere safe at the moment either in Dipper's arms, or a friendly person's house, or just asleep under a tree or in a cave. Another hope is for Dipper. I hope that he is just asleep somewhere in the forest, passed out from being up all night searching, or having Mabel in his arms. I just hope that the kids are alright.

"Stan!" I heard Wendy called out. I then went over to Wendy's voice, "Wendy, what is it? What did you find?" Then Wendy showed me a flashlight, "I found here right here, on." I held the flashlight, "its Dipper's."

"That's not all Stan." Wendy replies, sadly. Then she pointed to the ground and I looked. In the dirt and grass it was all torn up, like there was a struggle there. My heart just drop, "Dipper was attacked." I then threw the flashlight down to the ground, "Gosh freaken darn it!" I then ran through my hair. "Who would take Dipper?" Wendy asks. "Maybe that boyfriend. I swear I'm going to shoot him in the head and make sure his brains are everywhere." I reply harshly.

"Maybe it wasn't the boyfriend." Wendy said.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Then Wendy got down to the ground, "These marks....it seems that...there were a lot of them...tinny feet."

"What like elves just came and took Dipper?" I ask.

Wendy shrugs, "Don't know but that is what the foot prints say. I don't think Norman has anything to do with this. Maybe all three were taken by these....elves or something like that."

"Hey Dudes!" Soos called out. We all turn around and Soos came, "Check out what I just found!" Then Soos handed me a book, with a golden 6 fingers on it, with the number 3 on it. I looked at it, my heart just drop with joy, "Soos you are getting a raise."

Wendy folded her arms, "Man."

"What do you mean Mr. Pines?" Soos asks.

"I haven't told anyone this but I guess this is a good time. I no longer think that the boyfriend did it...any of this...well at least not taking Dipper. The point is....this forest and town has some strange things in it." Then I explain what happened 30 years ago with my brother and the journals and so on.

"So you think some sort of magical or supernatural creature took Dipper and Mabel?" Wendy asks.

"Dipper at least. Don't know about Mabel." I reply.

"Well let's find these creatures and kick the butts!"

We followed the tinny footprints as I started to go through the journal. I was thinking in my head, tinny people, and seeing if anything in the book comes up. Then I found it, "Gnomes?" I questioned out loud. "Gnomes?" Soos asks. I showed them the page, "its gnomes." They look at the page, "Oh great no weakness." Wendy muttered, "I guess we got to do it the hard way won't we?" Wendy gave a dark smile as she planted a fist into her open hand. "Alright let's head back to the Mystery Shack and get some weapons and then come back." I ordered.

Then we all went back and gather some weapons. I grab my handy bat and my brass knuckles. Wendy grabs her cross bow and Soos brought a shovel. Then we headed out again. "Alright get Dipper and Mabel whatever means possible." I ordered. "Oh so now you think that Mabel was taken by the gnomes?" Wendy asks. "Shut up Wendy."

Then we followed the footprints and the book to the cave of the gnomes. We snuck in there. It was kind of nice, not my style. It was whimsical and the wall glitter...again not my style. We hide behind rocks and jumping behind one after another. We heard some voices. Some weird high pitch noises.

We went around this corner and we saw a group of gnomes gather around something. Then Soos grab my shoulder, "Dudes." Then he pointed to a figure lying on the ground. "Dipper!" Wendy gasps. Dipper was lying on the ground, all mangled. He was cover in blood and his clothes were torn and he was just cover with scratches and I think bits. He wasn't moving.

"Is...is he dead?" Soos ask.

I watch closely, then I gave a sigh of relief, "No he isn't. If you watch closely, you can see his chest moving from breathing. He's alive but we need to help him." Then a voice cut through the air that stops me. "Alright boys what did you find this morning." "Mabel?" Soos questioned. We look around the corner a bit more and saw Mabel in this dress and crown and the gnomes where around her.

"Queen! Queen!" They chant.

"Queen?" Wendy questioned. "Oh no." I muttered, "This can't be good."

"So they take Mabel to be their queen and took Dipper to kill him...or at least try to?" Wendy asks. "Don't know the reasons but we got to get them out. Dipper needs medical help and Mabel...she can't be the queen of the gnomes. This isn't good." I ordered. "What's the plan Stan?" Soos asks. "Soos I when I say go, you are going to go to Dipper, grab him and leave. While me and Wendy are going to fight our way to Mabel. Soos when you get out, take Dipper to the hospital. Don't come back." I ordered.

"But Mr. Pines what if you and Wendy don't come out?" Soos asks. I grab his shoulder, "Don't worry Soos we will. Alright get ready." Everyone made sure that their weapon was ready. "Alright...go!" Then me and Wendy charge at the group of gnomes around Mabel while Soos went over to Dipper.

Me and Wendy went through the crowd of gnomes very easy, they were so small we just had to jump over them or kick them. Wendy grab Mabel, "Let me go! Gaurds help me! Help!" Mabel screamed and kicked, "Dude, Mabel, it's us!" Wendy reply, trying to hold Mabel as she squirm and kick. "Let go of our queen!" The gnomes screamed. Then they started to get really rough. Then started to jump with their claw like hands and sharp teeth ready to make contact with our skins. "Wendy just grab Mabel and let's go!" I ordered. "Sorry Mabel!" Wendy said. Then she whack Mabel at the back of the head and Mabel fell to the ground but Wendy just scoop her up over her shoulder, "Go!" Then we fought our way through the crowd of angry gnomes. We made it outside, "To the Shack!" I order out and both me and Wendy ran for our lives. Then we pause for a moment, catching our breaths. "Do-you...think....we lost...them?" Wendy asks. I pant, "They....are small...I'm sure...we...lost them...boy...I'm....getting....to old...for this."

Then the ground rumbles. "Do you feel that?" Wendy asks. I pause for a moment. Then there was another rumble. Then we both looked back and there was a huge gnome made up of all the little gnomes, "Give us back our queen!"

"Holly gold!" I gasp out.

Then suddenly a golf cart came up to us, "Dudes get in!" It was Soos with the Mystery Shack golf cart. We all hope in, "Where Dipper Soos?" I ask. "Back at the Mystery Shack, I couldn't leave you guys behind so I drop off there and came here. Don't worry Dipper is fine for the moment." Soos reply as he slap on the gas. We started to drove through the woods back to the mystery shack. "Look out!" Wendy called out as a tree went over our heads then crash in front of us. Then Soos sever out of the way but then we couldn't really get control back and we hit a rock and we all flew up in the air and crash by the Mystery Shack. We all got up. "How's Mabel?" I ask. Wendy held Mable in her arms, "Alright, I guess...still unconscious."

Then the gnomes came out of the forest, "Give us our Queen! This is your last warning!"

"Dudes what do we do!" Soos gasps.

I grab the book, "Come on Ford there's got to be something that you wrote in here." I muttered. Then I notice something. There was Wendy's phone lying on the ground and attach to it was this small black light pin. I remember how Ford would play with those and write in it at times...like in his dairy so I wouldn't read it...until I learn the trick.

I grab the pen and I shine it at the book. It works. Then I went through the page and it said the weakness...high pitch sounds. I look at Wendy, "Know how to make a high pitch sound? Like a sound that only dogs could hear it?"

"Like a dog whistle?" Soos asks, "Dude I got one in my pocket." Soos then pulled out a dog whistle, "Why do you carry a dog whistle?" I question. Then Soos got really serious, "Just in case when the British bull dog comes around...I'll be ready." We just looked at him. I just shrug it off. I then blew really hard to the whistle and this air sound came out and the gnomes started to cry out in pain and tumble to the ground. "Ahh! Stop! The sound! Ah please stop! Stop!" They pleaded. Then I got up to them, "Now listen to me closely before I'll blow the brains out of you with this whistle. You leave Mabel and Dipper alone and you will never come back for them and fix Mabel, whatever you done with her!" They all nod, "Yes! Yes! To just 'fix' her, whatever that means, is that you just got to cook up some mushroom stew from the purple mushrooms and she will be like...her non queen like self." I gave a smile, "Great! Now scram and never come back before I blow your brains out! I will do it and I would gladly do it!" They all rush into the forest.

"That was amazing!" Wendy cheered, "We did it!"

We spent the next few days fixing up the kids. Dipper was fine after the hospital trip and the night. Just rap up in bandage basically all over. Mabel was fine...just has no memory after the group of gnomes who was really the boyfriend took her and they gave her this mushroom. For me, right after the kids where find, I headed down to the basement with book three in my hands....for it is time to bring back my brother.

So I hope you enjoy that. It was fun to write....I might make this into a book with a lot more detail and more of a story...maybe. I'll let you know if I do. So thank you and please leave me with another what if and I'll do my best to make it amazing. Again thank you.

Hardy Twister

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