Episode 3: Part 4

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A/N Hey guys! We're literally 18 minutes away from my new house. I can't wait! I've been stuffed in this car for 3 days! Whoop whoop! Sophora owns the picture above.

Episode 3: Clone Crazy

"Get her, girls." The clones grabbed Mabel, immediately putting their hands around her mouth so she wouldn't scream. Mabel kicked and pulled and screamed and cried, desperate to get out of their grasps.

But almost no one noticed poor Mabel Pines had gone missing. She was always missing from the party. Eventually the clones knocked her out and threw her into the abandoned cabin's closet. They gagged and tied her so she wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

Now only two people did notice this missing person. Dipper Pine and Gideon Northwest. Of course this didn't throw them off track with their DJ-Off. They were both still as good as ever.

But when it was over and Dipper was announced king he went over to Candi and Gray. "I-I'm kinda worried about my sister." He confessed, playing with the bracelet that allowed him to get into the party.

Candi tilted his head a bit, confused. "Why? Didn't you say she doesn't like crowds?" Now little ol' Gideon Northwest was sitting near them, listening to the whole conversation worried.

"Y-Yeah," he said, "but she usually doesn't leave without me noticing. I watched her leave every single time. I mean, I'm her little brother, I'm always worried about her. I made sure to be completely aware of both the DJ-Off and Mabel, since she's so delicate."

He cleared his throat, wondering how true that last claim was. "She breaks down easily and I have to be sure I'm the shoulder she cries on." The two awed at this.

"I'm just really worried that something happened to her." That was all Gideon needed to run out the door in search of Mabel. The first place he went to look was the cabin, hoping she just went out for a stroll and Dipper's reasoning was wrong.

But twin reasoning was always stronger than regular reasoning. When he creaked the door open he heard quiet sniffles. Oh, no. He thought, looking around and hoping to see a Mabel in some corner.

Then a muffled yell that sounded more like an 'mmph' came from the only other door. Gideon opened it quickly to find a gagged and tied Mabel curled in the closet and crying. She attempted a smile beneath the gag.

He immediately rushed to untie her, sitting her up and pulling the gag from her mouth. "What happened?!" He exclaimed. Mabel gasped for air and it took her a minute before she could reply.

"You came for me!" She panted. Gideon scoffed. "Of course I did. Who do you think I am?" He said in his southern accent. Right then and there Mabel could have hugged him.

"Rune... she... she lied to me when she said she wouldn't take my place. It was all because I didn't follow that stupid plan! I'm starting to think not everything needs a plan...." She whimpered as he started untying her legs.

With her hands now free Mabel set to taking the gag from around her neck. Once she was completely untied she made sure to give Gideon a long hug. "Thank you...." She whispered.

Gideon blushed, glad that it was dark. Mabel stood up abruptly, causing Gideon to wish that the hug could've lasted longer. "We need to find Rune before she messes everything up!"

Gideon nodded, still not sure what this 'everything' was. "What do you want me to do?" Mabel smiled at him and pulled him off of the ground. "Be my backup. She has twelve clones to back her up, not including herself and Paperjam."

He gave her a confused look. "Paperjam?" She sighed. "A disfigured Mabel. There was a paperjam so we call her Paperjam Mabel, or just Paperjam." He looked horried just imagining it.

"C'mon! Let's go!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the closet and away from the cabin.


Rune was talking to Robbie, giving a thumbs-up to Paperjam on the rafters behind her back. "S-So, what do you do w-when you aren't at the M-Museum." She was obviously nervous, knowing how anything could make her plan crumble and fall around her.

Suddenly a voice called out. "RUNE!" Standing in the doorway was Mabel and her friend Gideon. Cold sweat settled on the back of her neck and her pupils dilated.

Robbie eyes darted back and forth from the two Mabels, confused. "Wait, why are there two of you? And did she just call you Rune?" Mabel was obviously mad with her whole face red.

"Rune, don't you dare lie! Tell him the truth!" Rune's saliva stuck to the roof of her mouth dry. "I-I-" Mabel glared at her. "THE TRUTH." Rune swallowed.

Mabel sighed, exasperated. "That is my clone. Her name is Rune. Just look at our shirts for all the proof!" Rune wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and did the only thing she thought to do.

"Paperjam! Get her!" Paperjam happily obliged as she leaped from the roof and tackled Mabel crazily. Then chaos happened and everyone screamed to get away from the maniac trying to kill Mabel Pines.

Dipper stopped the music and ran over to help Mabel. "Gideon!" She screamed over the chaos. "Get some snow!" He took off and did as he was told and started throwing snowballs from the door at Paperjam.

Once Dipper ran over she told him to do the same as well. Eventually one hit her in the face and she melted into goo all over Mabel. "Someone turn the sprinklers on!" She yelled and Gideon immediately ran over to one.

He turned the knob, causing the other sprinklers to go off as well. All of them melted, all except for one. "Rune!" Mabel screamed, getting up to find her.

Running outside she found that Rune had gone with the chaos, blending in with the darkness, never to be seen again.

A/N Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter of episode three! It was fun and I should really tone down on the Mabeon. Rot-13.


-Rouge Cur

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