Episode 6: Act 2: Part 3

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A/N Hey guys! Explanation time because I know most of you didn't read that one chapter! Plus, this is explaining why in the world there are people from different AU's in Mabel's brain and why Bill hates the Pines family so much. No, it's not because of Ford.

Act 2: Episode 6: The Rise And Fall Of Our Dreams

"Please sit down." Mabel pointed to the couch in the Mystery Museum living room.

The two obediently sat in said chair.

"Now where to start?"

Alcor cleared his throat. "How about with the importance of the Pines family?"

Mabel snapped her fingers. "Perfect! Alright, so take everything you think you know about the Pines family and throw it out the window!"

Dipper mimed the action of throwing something.

She chuckled. "Good. Now, Gideon, you know about the Cipher Circle, correct?"

Startled, Gideon nodded slowly. "But how do you—?"

"All will be explained." Alcor cut in.

"Thank you." Mabel nodded towards Alcor. "Now, the fued started with the incarnation of the Cipher Circle before Alcor. But before we talk about that, we must discuss the important members of the Cipher Circle.

"First up we have the Lone Wolf, Gideon Northwest. You most likely already know who is apart of the Circle, but you do not know who the major players are. I am sad to say that your reincarnations have never played a major role throughout history.

"There is the Shining Star, Dipper Pines, our second most important player. His reincarnations almost always has the same personality as now. Keywords: almost always. In fact, our very own Telepathy is a past incarnation of Shining Star, obviously not called the same, though."

The two gasped, shocked that Dipper could be anything like Telepathy.

"Yes, I know, it seems strange. But the reincarnations come from multiverses, not the same world, and so as you likely know there are usually differences, sometimes small and sometimes big. The major difference was that everyone there is the opposite of the first incarnation.

"Anyways, let us talk about the next key player, the Six-Fingered Hand, Stanford Pines. He is almost exactly the same as the first incarnation of the Six-Fingered Hand, with just his history being different. He is not as major a player as he used to be in the first incarnation. This is because of the most important player."

Her eyed darkened. "The Pine Tree, Mabel Pines."

Dipper's eyebrows flew into his bangs, surprise gripping his feature. He couldn't believe someone as close to him as his sister was the most important player in an ancient fued.

"Hold on," Mabel stopped him before he could speak, "like I said, all of your questions will be answered."

"This may take some explaining." Alcor said.

"Anyways," Mabel continued, "in the first incarnation Bill was destroyed by the idea to have him go into someone's mind and erase that person's memory. Don't worry, Fez is alright, he got his memory back. Backing up a bit, Bill had a huge fight with everyone in the Circle to gain power over the world, but little Pine was clever and managed to formulate a plan to stop Bill once and for all.

"Bill hated that he was one-upped by little Pine Tree, seemingly the weakest of the group. Since Bill was able to use the mindscape he left his physical body and leaped from multiverse to multiverse, trying to find one where he won. But the first multiverse he went to was Alcor's. Big mistake."

This was where Alcor cut in. "First of all, in order to understand Bill's mistake you must first understand how I became this." He pointed to his demonic exterior. "My reincarnation is almost the same as the first incarnation, with me being Pine Tree, but with one small difference." He had a dramatic pause.

"In order to eradicate Bill, I twisted the deal he made with me — which he broke, by the way — to where he had to do what I want, but he fought back and went into me. We had a fight inside my mind, which I won, but when I defeated Bill I had accidentally gained his powers, making me immortal and giving me, well, the power of a dream demon. For a while the only person who could see me was Shooting Star, and, yes, she is my sister.

"After I gathered a following more people were able to see me. So when Bill came I was livid. He swiftly left before I could do anything, though. After my world died out — yes, I was there until the end of time — I went to find Bill. And then I stumbled upon Sadness."

Dipper and Gideon gave him confused looks, as if asking him what Sadness had to do with this.

Alcor sighed. "As you might've guessed, every so-called emotion here is a past reincarnation of the Pines twins. Anyways, imagine my distraught when I find that my beloved sister shared the same fate as me, albeit with another demon."

Shocked, the two looked towards Sadness, standing in a corner with silent tears tracking down her face.

"That's right. Sadness is your Mabel, put through what I've gone through. The demon she was possessed by was named Will Cipher, Bill Cipher's crybaby younger brother, which explains her nature. She didn't want to hurt Will since none of what happened in her multiverse wasn't actually his fault, but it had to be done to stop what was happening in her multiverse. I won't bore you with the details, but that is how I met Sadness, although her real now is Mizar."

The two looked over at her again, and she gave a little nod of her head to confirm what he said was right. It may have hurt to see someone with Mabel's face cry like that, but it broke their hearts when they heard that the crying woman in front if them had led the same life as Dipper's sister and Gideon's friend.

"Well," Alcor continued, "I decided right then and there that I was not going to let that happen to another Mabel again, and so I formed a team of the most memorable multiverse residents to protect the Mabel of Gravity Rises. They had just died and wanted to go on another adventure. When I found out that my Mabel, my Shooting Star, was able to come with me, I was besides myself with happiness.

"And so, right as Mabel was born we went inside of her. It wasn't until Bill showed up that we started helping out more. Turns out, as we were all assembling, Bill was in your multiverse, creating a following to aid in his plan for revenge."

"And now here we are." Mabel said

A/N That. Was. Epic! I've been thinking this over for months, wondering what exactly would happen and how it would all be revealed, whether I should explain everything or let it drop slowly. But since I'm impatient and absolutely hates it when no one gives something a solid explanation, I decided, 'Screw it, I want an explanation and I want it now.' So here it is! I seriously hope you are satisfied with this considering how long it took for me to formulate this. And the next part (or the one after it, I dunno) will finally be this episode's (and season's) finale! Finally, now I can get onto Melody And The Real Boy, Puppet Show, and Ghostly Party At The Northwest Estate! These three episodes were by far my favorite in the series because, YANDERE PUNCH, Bill Cye the All-Seeing Eye, and SHIPS. Yeah, this is long 'cause that chapter got me so PUMPED. Anyways, sleep. Now.

-Rouge Cur

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