Episode 6: Part 5

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A/N Hey guys! Who else loves Reverse Falls? I think the Dipcifica in it is so cute! Imma just get started. I do not own the picture above.

Episode 6: The Rise And Fall Of Our Dreams

"Long time no see, Gideon~!" She chirped. Confused, Gideon tilted his head a bit.

The girl just giggled. "Oh, you're so cute!" The confused Gideon looked over to Shooting Star for help.

"Telepathy, let him go. He's a completely different Gideon. If the other one wouldn't love you this one wouldn't either."

Grumbling, the girl, apparently named Telepathy, removed her gloved hand from his chin.

Once he got a better look at her, Gideon thought her clothes looked familiar. But before he could say anything the boy that was sitting down came over.

He looked very much so like Dipper it was almost eerie. The only thing that made him stand out from Dipper was his frown.

And the fact that he and Gideon were wearing almost the same clothes, albeit the boy's more showy. He even had Gideon's amulet. But his hair, unlike Dipper's, was parted back, revealing his little dipper birthmark.

"Sister, are you bothering our guest? You were to entertain them, not scare them with your silly dreams that he would recognize you and you could live forever in love."

Recognize her? Gideon thought, Why would I recognize her? Or why would she fall in love? In fact, why would anyone be falling in love at that moment, when Mabel's privacy was being invaded?

"Tent," Shooting Star said, the coldest Gideon had ever seen her act, "Stop giving them unnecessary information. This goes way beyond them. Now let's just get going to the meeting so the Boss can finally take care of Bill."

Telepathy sighed in defeat and started walking out without a word.

While they were making their way to the meeting, or whatever it was they were doing, Gideon had noticed something that sounded like voices, too quiet for him to hear properly.

Unless he strained his ears and blocked out all other sounds, it just sounded like whispers that weren't quite whispers. The snippets of the conversations he heard were all very random, like, "Dipper", "World", "Thing", "Nightmare", "Won't draw",

Putting the pieces together, Gideon came to the conclusion that they were memories. To confirm his suspicion, he decided to ask Dipper.

"Hey, Dipper? Does Mabel have any nightmares often? Like, anything to do with drawing?" And now I'm face-palming. Smooth move, Gideon. Slick Nick much.

Fear flashed across his face as he struggled to look for the right words. "H-How'd you know? How'd you know that we called the scary ones Nightmares?" Because I'm omniscient.

Confused, Gideon answered truthfully. "I didn't. I kept on hearing these strange murmurs and some of it said something about nightmares and not drawing. I thought it might've been a memory or something."

Sucking in a breath, Dipper recognized what memory it was. "I can't tell you anything about the memory since it's Mabel's secret, but it was the conversation we had right before we came here."

Then Telepathy interrupted them. "Boys, we're here~! Welcome to our Meeting!"

Miraculously, as if it appeared out of thin air, the Mystery Museum was looming in front of them, its old boards as creaky as ever. Telepathy opened the doors to reveal a strange bunch in the gift shop.

There was a skittish half-girl half-fawn hanging out near the cash register, wearing the same clothing a Mabel. Behind said register was a merman with blue scales.

Ruining the puma and cougar T-shirts was a girl in a white shirt with a shooting star across it and a pink jacket tied around her hips. A boy in a red jacket, a blue pine tree as a logo, was right by her.

And a boy who was moping in the corner looked exactly like Dipper, except the whites of his eyes were black and his iris blue. There was no girl to accompany him.

"Alright!" Telepathy yelled. "Meeting time in the living room!"

The group quickly assembled (*cough cough* Avengers *cough cough*) in said room and the two intruders stared at them, flabbergasted, for all of them had the same face as Mabel and Dipper.


Now some of you might be wondering what happened to Bill and how you're going to kill me for that cliffhanger. But before you start sharpening your pitchforks or burning your torches, let me tell you.

Bill was wreaking havoc to every memory he came in contact with, replacing it with the Nightmare of him she had drawn the day before she first step foot in Gravity Rises.

He was gleefully causing chaos when he got a call from his employer. Snapping his fingers he made a yellow triangle appear with the face of Pacifica Pleasure.


"Lord Cipher," Pacifica bowed deeply, "are you almost complete?"

"Sorry, kid, the job ain't done yet. Neither is the other one you asked me to do. I haven't found squat! Not even a squabble with a teacher! Pine Tree might just be innocent, y'know."

For a moment Pacifica's eyes flared in rage before calming down. "I have thought of that possibility, Lord Cipher." She had not considered it for a moment.

Bill shrugged. "Suit yourself. If you're gonna lie, lie. I don't care. I'll call you when I'm finished."

Snapping his fingers again, the image disappeared as fast as it had appeared.

"Now, let's get our revenge on Dipper and Mabel Pines, shall we?"

A/N Hey guys! So the whole idea about drawing was, once again, Wings' idea. And no, this isn't a last minute thing. I planned this from the start! Don't give me that look! Alright, I'm just gonna move on.

Hint: Julius Caesar

D Qljkwpduh ri wkh ixwxuh lv d Qljkwpduh ri wkh suhvhqw.

-Rouge Cur

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