Part 1: Why the Name Gravity Rises?

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Gideon Northwest rushed to the new trailer that'd arrived just yesterday, November 30.

His brown shoes stomped through the soon-to-be very thick snow. He needed to be there quickly, before she would be mad.

He stopped running to check if his clothing was perfect enough. He had a blue sweater with a fancy black coat on top, a white tie tucked in, and grey pants. It wasn't that he liked her; she was like a sister that had more attention than him. Besides, he had to look good in the public for his own sake.

He continued walking until he stopped in front of the door. "Hey, Pacifica, I just found out why Gravity Rises was given that strange name," he said with his light Southern accent, "It's because the first people that step foot here believed the town's waterfall went upward! Well, until they looked away."

Then, he used the reflection of the trailer's shut windows to fix his white hair, removing a leaf that somehow got stuck in it.

The door burst open at once, and Pacifica walked down gracefully and lady-like. "Yes, yes, and where did you get this information from?" she examined her purple nails.

She wore a phases-of-the-moon dress of purple, yellow, and black, and black gloves to match her black boot-heels. Judging from her costume, you would assume she wouldn't wear it every day, but she did.

He huffed proudly with his nose in the air and his eyebrows raised. "From the journal I found, I—"

"PACIFICA CHARLIE GLEEFUL!" a very smooth-sounding American man shouted.

"Sshhh. I'll be going now," she walked to a tent while holding her closed hand on her neck protectively.

"At least I'm more experienced than you," he rolled his eyes when she was out of sight and out of hearing distance. "Using it without enough study is very dangerous."

He pondered about it, then scoffed. "Especially to make money."

He walked away, when he decided not to. This was Pacifica, after all. He might as well attend her show in the Tent of Telepathy. She'll probably wail and and cry and (try to) summon a knife like a baby, saying he's a horrible friend and all that junk if he didn't come.

Gideon thought through it again, and shrugged. "Meh." He walked away again, with his hands in the pockets of his fancy black coat. He could attend any other show on any other day; why bother coming now?

He walked to the forest leading to his home, when he heard a moving van crash into the Tent of Telepathy.

"SORRY!" the black-haired driver shouted with his teenage-pubescent voice.

Gideon shivered in his path while smiling devilishly. Someone's gonna need my help if this gets bad.

He ran the opposite direction, and watched the scene.

"Daddy," he heard Pacifica say, "I want them sued, please."

The van turned around as fast as it could – possibly breaking a few rules here and there (but that doesn't matter; the police aren't nearby, anyway!) – and sped away.

Satisfied, he continued to walk to his home, which was very far. It was on top of a flattened hill, and he walked there by the curving slope of earth leading up to it.

Oh, and it wasn't just a house, no.

It was a mansion, and an absolute ginormous one, at that.

He knocked on the humungous gates, which opened slowly. A servant who saw him said, "Master Gideon, your parents gave you a letter before they went to the oil company."

The servant handed him an envelope with shiny gold print addressed to Gideon, and a note that said, "No servants are to read this."

"Mhm," he hummed quietly. "Thank you, McGucket." He walked the left path around the fountain garden.

McGucket nodded and ran to the door. He knocked it three times as to say to the servant on the other side, "OPEN THE DOOR QUICKLY, MASTER GIDEON IS HOME!"

The doors that were just smaller than the gates opened. Gideon walked in and headed towards his room, as McGucket scurried outside and the doorman closed the door with the lever. He walked forward and passed a line of portraits on the wall.

Left, right, left, up the staircase, left, right, forward, in, he recited the pattern of pathway to his room in his mind nonchalantly.

He went in his room, and lay on his grand-king-sized bed. He opened the envelope, unfolded the letter, and read it in his mind.

Dear Son,

Your Mother and I are at the oil company. Take care of the mansion. And the money. Don't let weirdos in, aye, kiddo?

Your Father,
Bud Northwest

He sighed and rolled his eyes, unimpressed. He refolded the gold-stained piece of paper and put it back in its envelope. It was tossed across the room to the floor by him.

Gideon stood up and grabbed a safe from under his bed. This was a gift that McGucket made for him when Gideon was 6. He put his fingerprint there and entered the passcode. The safe opened, and a black case was in it. He opened that, and a black pouch was in it. He untied the lace, and out came a blue amulet.

He held the amulet in his hand, opened a drawer, and moved the envelope into it with blue mist trailing it. It was one of many envelopes in that pile.

Without the help of the blue amulet, he got a white cape from the closet and a red book from his bookshelf.

He used his amulet's mist to retrieve a key hidden below a floorboard and went to the two-story library diagonally across the hall, and searched for some books for black magic. When he was satisfied with just the 18, he carried it with both his blue mist and hands, while reading the red book.

He turned the page to a circle of zodiacs surrounding a one-eyed triangle, and at once his eyes hurt and his brain was irritated.

Gideon fell down, and looked up, to see a tapestry of people worshipping a one-eyed triangle.

The pain hurt twice as bad, but he managed to use his magic to get all of his books before a servant saw him. The red book was his main priority.

He locked the door and searched for defense against clairvoyance, with the 19 books on his huge bed either opened or stacked, the red book as the 19th.

Seiromes Revocer – a black magic enchantment used for recovering memories of either yourself or others.

Note: This enchantment cannot work if the target has been raised from the dead. No exceptions.

It was discovered in 1841 when a man of questionable wisdom forgot where he put his most important key—

Someone knocked on the door. It wasn't Mr. Doorman nor McGucket. It was an entirely different servant with an elegant mustache.

Gideon's heart felt like escaping him.

"Master Gideon," Mr. Mustache knocked from outside his door, "Miss Pacifica Pleasure wants to see you."

"Yes, I'll be coming," he replied. After acting like everything was normal, he hyperventilated until he felt dizzy.

He left the books on his bed, but took the red one with him. He wore the white cape and attached the blue amulet on it.

Then, he jumped out of the window, holding his blue amulet, and seconds before he splattered on the ground, he levitated, and flew to the front gates.

Pacifica Pleasure seemed to be standing, waiting for him, but she was levitating slightly ("I don't want to get my boots dirty!"). The difference was small enough not to notice when passing by.

"What it it?" Gideon raised his eyebrow, trying to stop his heavy breathing. Not now! She's going to ask for help, I just know it.

She was proud (though not as proud as Gideon), but she wouldn't let that interfere with her actions. "Help me."

Gideon was relieved she didn't notice and put down his eyebrow. "What with?"

"Revenge," she smiled and levitated to the forest.

He followed, unimpressed. "Seriously? It's only the start of December and you've already found—"

She completely ignored him and announced her plan. "I found out that the people that crashed my act work at the Mystery Museum. From my research, it is a tourist trap, which means they are competition."

"That's stupid of you to assume," he sighed. "And I thought you said you'd be the older sibling."

"I am," she said.

"But you're younger by a few months."

"Mentally, Gideon. Mentally," she tapped her head.

Gideon's brain was irritated like it was at the tapestry and the book. I'm not even surprised.

"I can read minds, remember? Now, I need you to activate the crystal ball again. It is out of magic," said said as they stood in front of her trailer.

He groaned, but the pain stopped. Instead, someone in his mind said, "L'OO EH ZDLWLQJ, NLG!"

* * *

Hello, everyone! Welcome to another perspective of Gravity Rises – Gideon's. I find this idea better and more interesting, so expect more of the white-haired snob. This episode is not over yet. Feel free to ask questions!

Theorize about how Pacifica plans to do to the Mystery Museum!

Thank you!

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