Part 2: Live Show and Tell

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Gideon found himself really happy when he didn't have to wake up early, but that faded when he found himself having to go to Pacifica's show. He had already watched so many, and the more he watched, the worse it seemed to him.

"I haaate this jooooooob," Wendy moaned. Gideon covered his ears at her repetitive complaints. He was forced to hear her complain when Preston Pleasure (both Pacifica's father and the head of the Tent of Telepathy) would nicely request her to move some objects and add the decorations to the inside of the tent.

He sat on a chair in the Tent of Telepathy as he waited for the place to be fully set up.

"How are your parents, Gideon? I've heard the oil company's business went booming!" Preston Pleasure entered the tent with a piano and smiled at him. He eventually became the only embodiment of what his family used to be like.

"They're doing the same as before: counting the money as well as bragging about the money," Gideon answered.

Preston nodded at him, before returning back to work. He put the piano on the stage. "Wendy, could you get those cables?"

"Ughhhhhh," Wendy moaned from outside. The redhead teenager worked at the Tent of Telepathy because all of her friends decided to raise money for a trip somewhere. She came back inside with the cables, clutching her green jacket, and went back outside.

"We're all set!" Preston announced to the rest of the helpers (mainly Wendy and her other teenage friends). "Were the commercials approved?"

"Thompson said he already got that sorted out," Wendy shouted from outside.

"No, I didn't," Thompson shouted. "Tambry did!"

"Oh, yeah, Tambry did," Wendy shouted.

"Gideon, could you go get Pacifica?" Preston perfected the curtains for his daughter.

Gideon's face tried not to show his bubbling bitterness towards Preston because he just bossed him around, but he lightly hummed yes in reply and went to get her. Pacifica's trailer was the one next to the tent. He knocked on it, but he did not even get a reply.

Gideon did not like waiting very much. "I learned how to summon a hammer. Do you want me to bust the door open or should you open it yourself?"

No reply.

"Going once," Gideon held his amulet, "going twice—"

The door opened, but Pacifica was sitting in front of her crystal ball. "Come in. What I foresaw is still in place." She was staring at a projection Gideon could not see.

"Your father said I'd to go get you," he said.

"I heard," she stood up and started walking to the Tent of Telepathy faster than Gideon. "To let you know, something you will not like will happen soon." She entered the tent.

"Are you some sort of forecaster now?" he asked, secretly anticipating the mystery of later.

"I alone? No. With my amulet? Yes," she replied, and made her way to the back of the stage. "Take a seat. People are bound to start coming in. Please wait later so you would know of my vision."

Gideon was already sitting. People came in as he secretly judged all of their clothing and appearances from the corner. He saw Mabel, Dipper, and Melody enter and sit down. Melody and Dipper looked ecstatic, while Mabel looked unimpressed.

To let you know again, that is not the thing you would not like, Pacifica informed him.

The show started like it always did. "Welcome, welcome, to the Tent of Telepathy," Preston announced.

Gideon looked at the commoners that loved the Tent of Telepathy, who clapped wildly. Mabel was still the "critic."

"Good day, everyone! As Pacifica Pleasure, the daughter of the Pleasures, it is such a pleasure to have you all here!" she winked at the crowd. She becomes a very "punny" person when on stage. The crowd laughed.

She held her amulet, to which purple mist flew around her. "Now, if you did not know, I am a clairvoyant—"

The mist disappeared. "Um, what?" Dipper asked.

"What is it, dear?" Pacifica also becomes a very nice person when on stage.

"What's a clairvoyant?"

She smiled, and used her amulet's purple mist to bring a dictionary. Of course, she knew what it is – she is one – but it was a glamorous chance to show off her other powers. She manipulated the dictionary to find the word. The commoners gasped at this.

1. one with clairvoyance: one able to see past the range of ordinary perception
2. of or relating to clairvoyance," she shut the book, as it floated away.

Gideon could hear Mabel whisper to Dipper, "There're probably strings attached that are so thin that we can't see them from afar. Someone's just controlling them," as the crowd gasped. Mabel's unnecessary comments made frustrated the rich Northwest. Now he felt he just wanted to watch the show again, while she's trying to ruin it for those who can hear – and what she's saying isn't even true!

He couldn't focus on the show. He was only so irritated by Mabel's remarks.

When Pacifica predicted what someone would say next? "The man just copied what she said so that it would come true."

When Pacifica contacted someone's dead mother? "She just made it up."

When Pacifica summoned a ghost? "Oh, those're just effects to make up an illusion."

This is a tent show, not a movie on the television for you to comment on!

Gideon left the show at last in fury. It was not that he wanted to defend Pacifica, it was just that he found Mabel's useless theories stupid and annoying. He did not bother to stay to find out what he was not going to like, as Pacifica requested him to do, and left. As he walked through the forest, he rationalized Mabel's theories.

As a normal person, you wouldn't usually think amulets would give you these sorts of powers, but she didn't know that. I guess, unlike the commoners, her theories were quite intelligent

He stopped walking to hear Mabel's voice. A second pair of footsteps proved someone, most probably Dipper, were with her. He floated upwards to confirm his hypothesis, which was correct. He wondered what they were doing at night.

"See? It was a waste of time. We could've gotten to discover more things. We've only seen fairies, so far—"

Gideon flew away, covering his ears, mentally screaming. Her theories were quite ANNOYING, not intelligent!

He flew and stopped at the gate. It opened when it was aware of the presence of "Master Gideon." He ran to his room quietly, so he could express his irritation soon.

He ranted as he kept his amulet and changed into his blue pajamas. "Ugh, Pines twins, both of you irritate me! Silly Mabel talking about discovering fairies—"

He got the red book from beside his bed. "Fairies?" he stopped, and blinked. "Surely they must've found a journal if they're still alive."

The red book had a six-fingered golden hand with a number two written in black marker on it. He flipped to the page with fairies on them.

"They couldn't have possibly found another journal if I've been searching everywhere for more of them." He went to bed, but had difficulty going to sleep. His brain was very active and it wanted him to stay awake.

This was the end of December 3, 2012 in Gravity Rises.

* * *

Hello again! I'm currently working on a better narcissistic Gideon (because he'll be frustrated twice as much in the next part and episode) so he's going to get very snobby. I'm going on a break, so it means I might not be able to update next Saturday.

Theorize about his potential anger issues.

Thank you for reading!

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