Emma Frost / White Queen

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VA: Allegra Clark (ENG), Yu Shimamura (JAP)

Alias: White Queen (codename), Hazel Kendal, Diamond Lady

Species: Mutant

Nationality: American

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10

Weight: 144 lb

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blonde

Relatives: Esme Frost (daughter), Phoebe Frost (daughter, deceased), Sophie Frost (daughter, deceased), Celeste Frost (daughter, deceased), Irma Frost (daughter, deceased)

Occupation: Headmistress of Xavier Institute, Exotic Dancer, Hellfire Club member (formerly)

Alignment: Lawful Neutral/Neutral Good, Lawful Evil (formerly)


Emma is someone who is calm and sharp-minded while also being quite dry-witted and sarcastic.

During her time at the Hellfire Club, she was very cold-hearted, manipulative, and cunning as she was loyal to the Hellfire Club and Shaw. She was also very perceptive and taunting as well, mocking Professor X and Jean Grey for unable to face her telepathy.

However, after learning of Shaw's true agendas that caused her to leave the Hellfire Club, losing her daughters and her students at Massachusetts Academy, Emma becomes broken, but after recovering from her trauma, she becomes more warm, kind, and understanding while retaining her sarcastic side.

After joining Graylight, much like Magneto, Emma fights to protect and save the Mutantkind. While at times she becomes irritated toward Taeho due to his chaotic shenanigans and twisted mind, she trusts him due to seeing some form of good within him with her telepathy, although she refuse to read his mind frequently due to Taeho's mind having a strong defense and often has migraines from witnessing his chaotic mind.


Emma Grace Frost was born in Boston, Massachusetts to a wealthy family, where she awakened her powers when she was very young. Because of family troubles, she ran away to make her own way in life.

At some point learning about the Mutants, she met Sebastian Shaw, a Mutant who can absorb kinetic energy, who recruited her into the Hellfire Club, an underground elite society of Mutants who sought to influence world events and advance their agenda with their powers to help other Mutants. She accepted the offer where she became the Lords Cardinal of the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club, holding the title of the White Queen.

As the White Queen of Hellfire Club, Emma frequently became enemy of the X-Men, mostly using her telepathy to disable both Professor Charles Xavier's and Jean Grey's telepathy. Later on, after learning about Shaw's true agenda regarding Mutants along with siding with Jason Wyngarde, also known as Mastermind, Emma became disgusted with the Inner Circle before leaving the organization.

From that point she played a neutral role toward the X-Men. She was brought by Professor X to help when Jean became Dark Phoenix, where she engaged in a psychic battle in which she was overpowered and on the verge of being killed but later fell into comatose state temporarily. After Jean's "death" and Xavier's sacrifice, she was awoken from her state and was one of the ones who attended their funeral.

Later on, Emma decided to return to her home of Massachusetts where she opened her own school to educate Mutant children, inspired by Xavier's works. During this, she learns that Dr. John Sublime, a scientist who was the leader of Weapon Plus Project, the next installment of Weapon X program, managed to clone her in secret while she was comatose from her attack with help from Mastermind. The quintuplet of clones (Esme, Phoebe, Sophie, Celeste, Irma), later nicknamed the Stepford Cuckoos, who inherited their "mother's" telepathy, were rescued by Emma herself before she adopted them as her daughters, who also enrolled in the school as top pupils.

Later during Cassandra Nova's attack on the Mutants with her army of Sentinels, she lost many of her fellow students including most of her daughters with exception of Esme who survived but was rendered comatose from Cassandra's attack. Afterwards, she grew increasingly distant from her students before stepping down as the headmistress and closed down her school out of grief and guilt.

In dealing with the emotional fallout from the tragedy of losing her daughters and students, Emma travelled to Muir Islands in hopes of finding some form of peace. Later, she helps the X-Men locate Sebastian Shaw and his new Hellfire Club, now having allied with Hydra. She helps them take them down, and Cyclops offers her in joining the X-Men, but she politely refuses and leaves.


Homo Superior Physiology: Like most Mutants, Emma gained her powers when her X-Genes inside her DNA awakened and mutated her genetics. She is classified as an Omega Class Telepath.

Telepathy: Emma's primary mutant power grants her powerful telepathy, being able to read people's mind or broadcast her thoughts to others. She is one of the most powerful telepaths in the world, rivaling that of Charles Xavier and Jean Grey and even stronger than them. Her telepathy is so powerful that it grants her additional psychic powers, including: 

Psionic Energy Projection: Emma can can project Psionic force bolts or blast waves which can do damage on either a physical or mental level and which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the victim pain or unconsciousness. Emma has been shown to use this ability as a reflexive response to a physical attack, resulting in the aggressor being thrown across the room.

Mind Control: Emma is able to control others' thoughts and actions. With this, she is able to paralyze others, render them unconscious, alter their minds and personality, detect other telepaths nearby, and erase their memories.

Psionic Shielding: Emma can create psychic shield for protection of herself and other minds she is immune or highly resistant to any/all mental intrusion, including psychic or empathic powers, hypnosis, illusions, and negative emotions. She is additionally able to remove others' mental defenses.

Psychic Cloaking: Emma can telepathically hide her presence and the use of her abilities from being detected by other mutants and superpowered beings, especially those with psychic powers. These defenses can be extended to others around them as well. Cloaking via telepathy is not perfect and powerful telepathic mutants may notice and 'see' through this ability. Also including the ability to rearrange the mental engrams of mutants so her distinctive mutant thought patterns cannot be detected by by other telepaths.

Illusion Creation: Emma can create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience false events. These illusions can also be used to help others fight against pain or simply surround them with more pleasant environments.

Astral Projection: Emma can project one's astral form from their body onto astral planes or the physical planes. In the physical plane, one can travel in astral form over vast distances.

Information Absorption & Transferal: Emma is able to quickly process and store information, while also being able to transfer them as well.

Organic Diamond Mimicry: After undergoing secondary mutation, Emma has the ability to transform her body into a flexible organic diamond form. She is able to transform all parts of her body, rather than certain areas and is able to remain in this form for unspecified amount of time. In her diamond form, she possesses: 

Superhuman Strength: Emma's diamond form grants her superhuman physical strength. At her peak, she is able to lift approximately 2 tons.

Superhuman Stamina: Emma's diamond form allows her to have enhanced stamina and cause her to unable to feel fatigue.

Nigh-Invulnerability: Emma's diamond form renders her highly resistant to most forms of physical injury. She is able to resist great impact forces, such as being repeatedly struck with superhuman force, without being injured. Her body is also resistant to temperature extremes, able to withstand temperatures as cold as negative 390 degrees Fahrenheit or as hot as approximately 7362 degrees Fahrenheit before her form begins to melt. Frost is also self-sustained while transformed, requiring no food or water.

Telepathic Immunity: While she is unable to use her telepathy in her diamond form, Emma makes up for this by becoming immune to other telepathic powers.

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