~Chapter 5~

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Nathan's POV.


I sat in my office staring at the door. Memories of what we did there keep flooding my mind. I have no fucking control when it comes to Harper.

Her body is too perfect, from her curves to her plump lips to her soft fucking hair.

She had to come into my office with barely any pants on and my name on the back of her shirt drove me mad.

The way she screamed my name when I thrusted into her has been imprinted in my mind. The image of her look of absolute pleasure when I made her come seems to haunt me every time I look at the damn door.

She was an annoying little brat but she was still hot as hell.

Last night seeing her with another guy sparked something in me that I didn't know excited. That blue dress highlighted all of her curves and I couldn't stand another guy touching her with it on for another second.

The self-control that I had left me the second her body was pressed against mine.

And that fucking kiss was something else. But some girl had to ruin it.

I groan sitting back in my chair and pinch the bridge of my nose.

What was wrong with me?

I should hate her since we have been enemies since middle school and yet she looks so fucking hot.

I hate her but I want her bent over this desk.

I hate her but I want her under me begging me to let her come.

I hate her but I want her here so I can fuck the living daylight out of her.

I'm so fucking screwed.

Someone knocks on my office door," What do you want?" I ask not interested in anything they have to say.

"I need to show you something," Chance's voice says threw the door.

"Come in," I say and the door immediately flys open. Chance is standing there with his phone screen facing me a huge smile on his face.

"You didn't tell me you were at a party with Harper," my eyes widen and I immediately grab Chance's phone out of his hand.

On his phone is a whole fucking news article about me and Harper.

Nathan Ripley and Harper Lauren were spotted making out at a local party

(See below picture)

I stare at the article and then scroll down to see the picture. It's me and Harper kissing her body pressed against mine and I'm reminded of those memories again.

I look at her body in the dress for only a second before I compose myself and hand Chance back his phone.

"And?" I ask looking back down at the papers in front of me as I try and act uninterested.

"I would've liked to hear the story from you before the freaking news," I look back up at him to see that he has his bottom lip pushed out.

I fold my arms across my chest," Do you really think that's going to make me feel bad?"

He narrows his eyes," Your fathers here to see you," He mumbles and I groan.

"Tell him I'm busy."

"But you are not."

I shuffle around a few papers on my desk." Is that better?"

"Fine, but this is the third time this week you have sent him off."

I lean back in my chair," Do I look like a give a flying fuck?"

He shakes his head," No sir."

I glare," I told you to stop calling me that Chance."

Chance smiles," Ok sir." He turns away from me and walks out of my office slamming the door shut behind him.



I'm out with my friends tonight to some random party and I find myself hoping she will be there. Not because I want to talk to her or anything just to have a little fun.

I check myself in the mirror. I am wearing a simple T-shirt and pants.

Nathan's outfit:

I walk towards the front door of my house and grab my keys and phone that are sitting there. I open the door of my black Porsche and slide into the front seat.

I back out of the driveway and start making my way to the party.

It only takes me ten minutes to get there and the music is already blasting. I park in the side of the street since this house doesn't have as long of a driveway as the other one.

I see my friend's car is already parked so I'm guessing they are already in the house.

Before I can reach the front door a girl comes up to me with a smile on her face. She's holding out a piece of paper and pen.

"Could you please sign this for me?" She asks and I smirk taking the paper from her. I sign my name and look at her again.

"What's your name?" I ask putting handing her back the paper. This is what I need. A distraction from Harper.

"Ali," She says and the name seems familiar but I put on a smile. Ali's blond hair is put up in a high ponytail and she is wearing a crop top and jeans. She isn't bad-looking, to be honest.

"So are you really a big fan of mine or are you just going to sell this autograph?" I ask teasingly and her face reddens.

"I actually have had a crush on you for a few years, though no one knows cause my friend hates you for some reason." She laughs nervously but my smirk grows even bigger.

I lean closer to her," You know, I heard there are some private rooms upstairs." Her face lights up with excitement.

"Really?" I nod my head and we enter the house and I lead her towards the stairs.

For the rest of that night, I imagine her having Harper's perfect body, and Harper's perfect voice but it still isn't the same.

  Sorry for the shorter chapter but I didn't really have anything else to write about in Nathan's POV.

  And yes Ali is Harpers 'friend'. 

  I know it probably feels like chapter 30 right now and not 5 but I'm trying to take a different approach to this book than other story's so bare with me!

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