~Chapter 7~

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 Harper's POV.

"Fuck, My phones in the car," I say running my hand threw my hair.

Nathan who is sitting in the driver's seat turns his head to glare at me. He reaches in the back and grabs a sweatshirt that was laying there and tosses it towards me.

"Thanks," I mumble as I pull it over my head. It falls down to my mid thigh effectively covering me up mostly.

"Wait here," He says and gets out of his car and walks over to the policemen who are standing around and talking like a bunch of middle schoolers.

They glance up at Nathan as he walks towards them. Nathan gestures towards the car and the one that was assaulting me shakes his head.

Nathan walks past him and I can tell that the policeman is trying to stop him but it's futile. Nathan opens my car door and I can see that he is searching around. Finally he stands back up my phone in hand.

But instead of coming right back he turns to the two cops and they immediately cower away from him. He is gesturing wildly and even from this distance I can see their faces turn pale.

What the fuck is he doing?

I turn my head away from the scene and down to my bare legs. I hug myself as I try and forget the past half hour.

That was the most humiliating thing that ever happened to me. For Nathan to see me so weak was embarrassing. I would not tell anyone about this.

They would probably laugh.


I hear the car door open and I look up at Nathan who gets into the car and offers me my phone. I take it quickly to see a message from Ali.

Ali: My Dad picked me up.

I sigh in relief.

Nathan starts the car and pulls out onto the highway again this time going the correct speed.

"You're taking me home right?" I ask and Nathan glances over at me.

"Where the fuck else would I take you," I narrow my eyes in annoyance.

"No need to be so mean, fatass."

He laughs," I'm not the fatass here." My lips part as I stare at him in shock.

"So you're calling me fat?" I wouldn't call myself fat but I'm not skinny.

He doesn't respond and my ego is hurt slightly but I try not to let it bother me.

The car ride is silent the whole way towards my house and when we reach there the gate leading towards my house is closed.

Strange. My Dad never closes the gate.

Nathan pulls up to the gate and I sit there waiting for the guards that are standing there to open it.

I groan as I unbuckle, I guess I have to go show them that it's me. I open the car door and get out thankful for Nathan's sweatshirt.

I walk up to the guards that are behind the gate. "Could you open up the door, I need to get in." They shake their heads.

"Mr. Lauren said to not open the gates for you," I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Why would he do that?" The guard shrugs and then turns away from me.

I grab onto the gate."Please let me in,"I beg as a last resort but he ignores me and continues to walk away.

I groan and kick the gate in frustration but that only results in my toe hurting. I turn my head to look at Nathan's car. He is sitting there looking at his phone but as if sensing my gaze he raises his head to look at me.

I carefully walk back to the car and sit in the passenger seat. "What are you doing?" Nathan is clearly annoyed.

"Turns out my father locked me out," I pick up my phone and call my dad. It sends me straight to voicemail.

"This is fucking great," Nathan groans as he shuts his phone off and slides it into his pocket.

I glance back at the guard who is watching us. Slight amusement present in his eyes, I glare at him.

I pull off the sweatshirt Nathan gave me and throw it in the back of the car. Nathan glances over at me and his eyes widen.

"What the hell are you doing?"

I smile." Getting into my own house." It was a horrible idea but worth a shot. I push open the car door but Nathan immediately pulls me back in.

"You are not doing that," I turn my head to glare at him.

"Then what do you suppose, idiot?"

He sighs, letting go of me," Just come and stay with me for one night. Only one night."

I roll my eyes." Do you think I want to because the answer is no."

Before I can protest more Nathan starts his stupid sports car and pulls out of my driveway and onto the street.

"Stop the car right now," I say, turning towards him and I can see the amusement on his face, making me even more upset.

"Calm your ass down."


He pulls up to a huge fucking mansion. It must be at least ten times bigger than mine but it looks less homey with the all white and gray.

He parks the car and gets out. He walks around the car to my side, opening the door for me. By now I had put the sweatshirt back on. I don't want to get caught with Nathan only in some skimpy underwear and a crop top.

They might get the wrong idea.

Nathan places his hand on the small of my back as he leads me towards the front door. I yank the sweatshirt down nervously as I look around spotting cameras everywhere.

There was no doubt we were getting videoed right now.

"Stop fidgeting," Nathan whispers into my ear and I roll my eyes.

"It's not that easy," I grumble as I walk up the marble stairs leading to the door.

He steps in front of me and takes out keys from his pocket and unlocks the door. He opens it for me and gestures for me to go in before him.

I unsurely step in through the big entryway. It was bland, nothing personal. Just normal decorations.

I looked around searching for anything that could be a memento or even picture.


I had made sure that I had decorated myself and my father's mansion accordingly. Adding pictures here and there, and some cute furniture and trinkets around the house.

Nathan closes the door behind himself loudly. I jump and spin towards him.

"Aren't you going to wake your father and mother?" I hiss.

"They slept through a party I had once, they'll be fine." He walks past me and towards the stairs that are present on the opposite side of the room. I have to jog to catch up to him.

I walk up the stairs behind him still confused at Nathan's antics. The Nathan I know would never let me stay with him just for the sake of being nice. He obviously expected something in return.

What if he wanted to do something sexual?

No, we couldn't.

What we did at his office was a mistake that I will never repeat again. Even though it was the best sex I ever had-

Stop Harper, focus.

He leads me down hallway after hallway and it feels like we are working our way through a maze.

Finally he stops at a door at the end of one of the hallways. He opens it up revealing a large master bedroom.

The walls are painted gray with a few white ascents. The bed set in the middle of the room has white sheets and a gray comforter.

The whole wall to the side of the bed is a window that overlooks the city. On the opposite wall a door that was left slightly ajar looks to lead to a closet.

Another door that's closed probably leads to a bathroom.

His room is definitely more modern than mine. Though it still has nothing personnel like mine has.

"Are you going to stand there all day?" He asks and I shake my head quickly moving into the room.

Nathan closes the door behind him and I hear him click the lock. I turn back to look at him trying to keep my nerves down.

This wasn't anything special, he was just lending me his bed because he was being nice. Everyone did that ,right?


"Make yourself at home," His eyes trail to the bed. "I'm getting a shower."

I nod my head and basically through myself back on his bed. It's something I always do when I go to Ali's house so I naturally think to do it here.

Nathan has an amused smile on his face as he opens the door to my left and goes into the bathroom.

I immediately open up my phone again and pull up my father's contact.

Me: Thanks for not letting me in :) I love that you don't care if I get kidnapped 🥰 Hope your dreams are filled with nightmares!!!

I watch as he leaves me on read. I don't even know why he's up this late but it's not my problem.

I open up my Instagram story and decide to post about my predicament. I pull up my camera and take a quick pick of me laying on the bed and use that I as I spend the rest of the time ranting about how my life is horrible but I leave out the part where we were caught speeding and the part about the cops making me remove my clothes.

The second I post comments are already coming through.

Love360: Where are you?

My4ever: That doesn't look like your room...

Ur_mom: Prob with Nathan

I roll my eyes, I didn't even show the whole room, only part of the bed and my face. I see a new story come up with a picture of Nathan's room that someone must have found online.

Take_Me_Now: This is Nathan's room!!! I think Harper is there now!!

I groan, setting down my phone on the bedside table.

What have I started? 

  How do you guys like the new book cover??? 

  Omg I love it so much!!!

  Also guys I'm sorry about this book I'm just a horny writer sooooooo

  I'm going to try and make some good sexual tension but you'll have to bare with me.

  Harper and Nathan write now don't really think of each other as in a relationship it's more of a enemies with benefits thing right now...

  Or soon to be.

  But don't view it as a relationship cause its not. There just horny teens to that happen to be CEO's in a wattpad story 😝

  My updates might be slowing down soon because I am going into public school. 

  Some of you might know but I bet most of you don't but I'm cyber schooled and I decided I wanted to go into public cause life was getting boring. 

  So I don't even know how often I will be on Wattpad let alone write but I'll try my best! 


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