Cleaning and Drinking

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You waited ...

And waited ....

And waited ......

A couple of hours felt like an eternity. What is he even doing? What are his plans?

What are his plans for you?

You asked these questions to yourself over and over again, just searching for some kind of answer for all of this. But you could never find any, not here by yourself at least.

You were laying on your back, looking up at the ceiling as these thoughts ran through your mind. You already tried at the door, it wouldn't budge. And the small screen wouldnt respond to anything you did, not matter how many times you bashed it out of frustration. You finnaly gave up after a good 20 minuets.

You have no idea how much time has passed since you were locked in. An hour? Hour and a half? It could only be 30 minuets for all you knew. You were never great at telling time.

After what felt like forever, the screen turned green and the door slid open.
You sat up as one of the crew members entered. And to your luck, it just happened to be same one you threw produce at.

"Lord Turles has summoned you to the main deck." He says.

You look at him and cross your arms. "Tell him im not going."

"He's insisted."

"And that's supposed to make a difference?"

He narrowed his eyes at you. "You seem set on making your situation worse and worse. Im surprised your still alive."

"I guess he's grown on my charming personality."

"Make jokes all you want, it won't change anything." He said, and walked over and grabbed you by your arm. "Lets go."

"Hey! Let go of me!" You protested, and tried to slip free from his hold. Sadly, he wouldnt budge an inch.

"Disobeying a direct order is something that won't go unpunished. So unless you want that pretty little face of yours to look like it went through a meat grinder I suggest you follow them to the letter." He says, and practically dragged you out of your little room.

After that, you decided to stay silent. To be completely honest, these men scared you, especially that Turles guy. Every one of them were bigger and stronger. While you were tiny and frail. They could probably break you in half withought even trying.

Before long, you where led through a bigger set of doors unto the main deck of the ship. It was lined with control's and monitors that no doubt controlled the ship. In the front was a giant window, and looking out you could tell you were still on the planet. But ..... something was off.

What was once lush plains filled with the tall grass and wild life of the Savanna, was now nothing but a barren wastland. You could see the corpses from a herd of gazelle a few yards out.

"What happened ..." You wondered to yourself out loud.

"It died."

Looking over, you see none other then the pirate Turles sitting in a grand chair. In his hand was a strang spiney fruit. The look in his eyes read amusement as he took a bite from it.

"What do you mean it died?"

"I killed it. There's not a spec of life left on it. Not even the air is breathable anymore." He explained.

You couldn't believe what you where hearing. He killed the planet? The entire planet? Is that even possible?

"..... How?"

He looked over at you and gave you a wicked looking grin. "I'd be spoling the fun by telling you."

You looked down away from him. He'd taken away your home. That was everything you had left. And now ...

You had nothing.

You felt a hand slip under your chin and lift your head up. Turles looks down at you straight in your eyes. "Upset? Don't worry. In time, you'll come to realize that this is your home now."

You pull away from him. "Why did you call me here?" You asked. There was a slight edge to your voice, anger probably.

He stood straight. "Just thought you'd like to take one last look before we took off. Preparations are all ready. We leave when I give the word." He explains.

You didn't look at him as you spoke. "Alright ...."

Turles looked to one of his crew members as he sat back down in his seat. He nodded and pushed a button. Outside, dust and dirt fly as you begin to rise into the air. You walk over to the window and watched as you began to leave the atmosphere. From a distance, the planet looked like nothing but a ball of dirt. It really was dead.

"I'm planing on taking my men out for a drink. While we're gone, I need you to do a little job for me."

You look back to see Turles right behind you. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, it's time to put you to work."

"Im not someone you just get to boss around."

"And im not someone you should trifle with. By the time we get back, I expect this entire ship to be spot less."

"What!? You want me to clean the whole ship in, what, a few hours!? Your insane! No!"

He glares down at you. "I've been more then nice towards you. Trust me, you don't want to see me get angry. I want you to go through every single room except my quarter's. If I find out you've been in there I'll lock you in your room for a week. I suggest you get a head start." He says, and he turns and walks off.

You sigh and look back out at the expanses of space. This wasn't your first time out here, nor was it your first time in a space ship. But that was three years ago, and you'd prefer to not have to think about that time.

You pull away from the window and walk back out of the room. Turles made it painfully clear that you were to make this ship sparkle. As much as you hated the idea of haveing to do as he says, you also hate the idea of what he might do to you if you don't.

After some walking around, you finally found a room that had some cleaning supplies. You grab a few things and went off to clean things such as the shower room, the toiletrys, and a cafeteria room. After some time, the ship touched down and you knew you'd landed down somewhere. Guess this means you'd have the ship to yourself for a while

You opened one set of doors to reveal a bedroom. It was fairly big. A bed was at the center of the room in the back, a nightstand was next to it. On the walls where shelves lined with books. It was defiantly the biggest room so far.

"This must be Turles's room." You thought. You know he told you not to be in here but ...

It wouldn't hurt just to look around right?

You steped into the room and looked around. The books on the shelves where a variety of different genres. Historical fiction, nonfiction, you even found a couple romance novels. Funny, he didn't really seem like the type for romance. Looking at the very top shelf, you noticed the few books up there that looked more dusty, like he hasn't touched them in years. You couldn't reach them, but you could make out a few names, and it only confused you further.

They were fairy tales.

You only shook your head. It'd be best to not question it to much. Nothing about him made any sense. You looked away from the shelves and your eyes landed on his nightstand.

You walked over to it. There wasn't anything on it, but when you opened the drawer it had a few notebooks in it. Looking through one of them it was filled with writing that was all hand written.

"No way .... no freaking way." You muttered as you put the notepad back. "He has a diary." You said with a light chuckle.

You closed the drawer and walked back out the room, making sure to leave everything exactly the way you found it. They should be getting back any minuet, you didn't want to get caught snooping around. You'll have to wait for another time to read them.

Hey, he kidnapped you. It's only fair that you get to read his deepest and darkest secretes.

You walked back to the main deck. Looking outside, it was dark. You could see other aliens hanging around, none of them looked nice. This was probably some planet, maybe even a moon, for outlaws to get together and get drunk.

You sighed. This wasn't a place you belonged, not with a bunch of criminals.

You notice Turles and the rest of the crew stumble out of, what you guess, was the bar. The crew looked completely wasted, but Turles looked more sober then they did. You stepped away as they entered the ship.

You folded your arms. "Welcome back."

Turles looked up at you. "Ah ... umm ..." he face twists in confusion like he forgot something.

"Ummm ..." You says back, trying to get him to continue.

"It has just accured to me that I've never asked for your name."

You roll your eye's. "It's Y/N."

"Yes, right, Y/N. How are you?"

"Uhh, good, all things considered."

"That's nice. Did you do as I asked?"

"You mean acting as your maid? Yeah, I did."

"Oh good, I didn't want to have to hurt you. Guess this means I didn't save this for nothing." He says, and holds up a drink.

"What is that?"

"Your reward."

"Oh, well I uhh ... don't really drink."

"Really? What a shame." He says, and walks up to you and puts the drink in your hand. "My treat."

"Umm, thanks. I guess."

He suddenly turns you around and starts to push you out the room. "Alright, back to your room."

"What!? Why?!"

"Because it's late and we have a long trip ahead of us."

"Trip? To where?"

"A planet called Earth."

"Earth? Why?"

"Stop asking so many questions."

You huffed as he led you back to your room. He opened the door and pushed you in as he closed tge door, and the dreaded red screen returned. You turned around and kicked the door. "Ass!"

You got no reply.

You scowled and sat down on your bed and crossed your legs. What gives him the right to just push you around like that. It's bad enough that he was bossy, now he's just plain rude. And what's Earth?

You sighed as you looked at the drink he gave you. You shrugged and thought "what the hell" as you poped off the cap and took a small swig. It burned as it travled down your throat. Not to mention it tasted awful. You put the bottle on the floor and layed down on your back.

"....... This sucks." You muttered. "I hate pirate's. They're rude and they smell like booze."

After you said that, you closed your eyes, and a few minuets later you fell asleep.

Little did you know, a pirate named Turles was standing right outside your door, listening to every word. "I do not smell like booze." He mutters, and he walks back to the main deck.

The moment he walked in his crew members where at attention.

"Set a course for Earth, full speed." Turles says, and the crew replied with "Yes sir!" and went to work. Turles sat down in his chair and picked up a small glass vial filled with strange seeds.

"Earth is well known for being flush with life. The Tree of Might should produce good fruit. But it's also known for haveing a certain Saiyan living there. If I get rid of him, then I can finally take my rightful place as ruler of the universe." He says to himself, as a grin slowly starts to creep its way onto his face.

"Im coming for you, Kakarot."

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