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A/N: The fist chapter to be revised. I feel a lot better about this now. I didn't change everything, so expect everything to be the same till near the end.

"Y/N. Y/N get up."

You roll over onto your side, turning your back to whoever was at your bed side.

"I said get up!"

You peek your eyes open and look over your shoulder.

Turles stands there with his arms crossed and an annoyed expression on his face. Thankfully, he was wearing his armor again and isn't walking around topless anymore. "About time you finally woke up."

"What do you want?"


"Go make it yourself."

"I can't."


"Cooking is simply not a skill I possess. I've burned the kitchen down three times."

You sigh and sit up. "You are utterly hopeless."

"Shut up."

You stand up and stretch out your arms over your head. "Fine, but don't think im doing this just for you."

He only huffs as you walk out of your room. He follows out behind you. When you get to the kitchen, the first thing you notice was that it was clear of pots and pans on the floor. You look back at Turles. "Did you clean up?"

"Believe it or not, I do like to keep this place clean. My crew was just always sloppy. But of course, I left the rest for you to clean."

"Figures." You grumble, and you go to work on fixing up some breakfast.

It took a while, but you managed to make a stack of pancakes, a tray of bacon, and some sausages. You notice Turles eyeballing the food, a hungry look in them, judging by how good yesterdays breakfast was, lord knows the last the last time he actually had a good meal.

Turles licks his lips as he reaches out and grabs a pancake from the stack. He took a bite, paused, and then proceed to stuff the rest of it into his mouth. But he didn't stop there. He moved on to the bacon and sausages and started shoving all three into his mouth. Was he even chewing?

You couldn't help but stare at him as this was happening. Never in your life have you seen ANYONE gorge themselves like he was right now. Your lucky you grabbed yourself a plat already, otherwise you might not have gotten anything for yourself.

Within a few minuets, he was done with a very satisfied sigh. "That was the best meal I've had in years. Forgive me if I acted like a swine, i'm usually far more composed." He says.

"I-its fine."

"May I ask where you learned to cook like that?" He asks.

"Well, live alone for a few years you tend to pick up a few books and learn a few things."

"That obviously was not the case for me." 

"Seems that way." You say, and start to eat your own breakfast. In a few minuets you finish and put your plate in the sink.

You turn around and look over at him. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. When he looked over at you, your eyes met. His onyx ones staring right into your e/c ones. You both looked at each other for a few seconds before you decided to break up your little staring contest.

"So.... How are your injury's today?" You ask.

"Why do you ask?"

"As your temporary nurse, I feel its my job to make sure you don't suddenly keel over dead."

He closes his eyes and sighs before looking back at you. "Sore. Mild headache. But nothing you need to be concerned about."

"Need any pain killers?"


"Can I see if your bandages need to be changed?"


"Why not?"

"Because I don't need you babying me. Im perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

"Right. Taking care of yourself is heading down to an unknown planet and getting your ass kicked."

He glares at you. "I simply underestimated my opponent. "

"Right. Whatever. Now let me change your damn bandages."

He rolls his eyes, but doesn't say anything as you make your way over to him. You lead him to the main deck and he takes a seat in his grand chair as you went to fetch the first aid kit. When you came back you found him with his head resting against his hand which was propped up by his elbow. It seemed like we was thinking about something, but those thoughts were interrupted when you began to unwrap the gauze around his arm so you could insect his wound. There seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary with most of them, a few you had to go over with the disinfectant just in case before re-bandaging them. The ones on his chest got a little acward, as he had to remove his armor to give you access to them. Before now, you had failed to notice that his abdomen was littered with scars. No doubt each one having a story behind them.

You quickly tried to ignore them and just do your job. Once done with his chest, there was only one more thing to check on. The nasty gash on his forehead. When you removed the gauze and bandage you were greeted with a ugly looking cut. You pulled out a cotton swab with disinfectant on it and dabbed it onto the wound. He didn't even flinch.

Having to brush his bangs out of the way to do so, the first you noticed was that it was surprisingly soft despite its course look. But you quickly dismissed that thought and continued in cleaning the wound. None of it professional, but at least he wasn't close to dieing anymore.

When you finally finished you sighed and took a step back. "There, im done."

"Good, I was starting to lose my patience." He says back.

You were about to reply when a beeping from the control table interrupted. Turles quickly got up and made his way over to the controls and pushed a flashing button. What he saw obviously didn't make him happy as a low growl emanated from him. "Dammit, why now of all times?" He muttered, though you were still able to hear him.

Honestly, you were a little surprised by what he said as you've never him once use such profanity. Putting that aside however, you were also curious as to what was going on. "Whats wrong?"

Turles looks towards you before answering. "We're low on fuel. There's just enough to last us the week at most."

"Well, is there anywhere we can get more?" You ask.

"No, the closest planet that sells the fuel we need is light years away. We'd never make it." He answered, looking back down at the table.

"What about Earth?"

"Its far to primitive. Intergalactic travel is something they have no yet discovered. We wont find anything there."

"Then what, were just stuck here?"

He thinks for a few seconds. "No, on the last possible day we'll land, and I will fight with Kakarot once more. Only this time I will be victorious and Earth will belong to me."

You huff. "There you go again with this Kakarot guy. Honestly, why do you always have to pick the violent way to do things?"

"Why would I want to do anything else? Striking fear into the hearts of those lesser to you is how you obtain power, and you cant do that without killing a few people who stand in your way. And right now, Kakarot is one of those people."

You sigh. "Of course all you want is power. Its all Pirates like you ever want."

"Say what you will, it wont change anything."

"I don't really care, but you can count me out of your little conquest."

"Sorry, but im afraid you'll have no choice in that matter. Weither you like it or not, your mine now. And your going to have to do a lot of things you don't want too. But that's life."

"Im pretty sure life isn't being kidnapped by a power hungry jerk."

He chuckled a little at that. "Either way, you can't decide that for yourself. Now then, if I want to finish off Kakarot I'll need to do some training." He says, though the last sentence was mostly to himself.

He takes his leave out the doors of the main deck and down the halls of the ship, leaving you alone.

You sigh. "Great, now what am I supposed to do?" You mutter to yourself. You wanted to try and stop him from his stupid plan, but how?

For how could someone so small and insignificant stop a force capable of crushing entire worlds under his boot.

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