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It's currently 1am.. okay continue

The last chapter.. do you like the new cover ^^

Lloyd runs and runs and runs. He has no idea where he is going, but he honestly doesn't care. He isn't just freaked out because of what Kai is doing for him. No, it's way more than that.

Lloyd has tried so hard to love himself. He has given so much energy to try to feel happy, but he just can't. It's mentally draining what he goes through everyday.

.. he is sick of it.

He is sick of everything and everyone. He loves Kai, and Kai loves him. Lloyd knows that is a fact. That fact is a horrible one to Lloyd. Lloyd sucked Kai into all of his disgusting drama and mental issues. He hates himself for putting Kai through that.

He needs to let Kai go..

Lloyd didn't have a certain destination he wanted to go to, but he ended up at the top of the tallest tower in Ninjago City.

But let's get back to Kai. When Kai saw Lloyd run off he couldn't believe his eyes. He just sat there for a few seconds letting the situation soak in.

Is this not what Lloyd wanted? What did Lloyd want? Was it impossible to please his boyfriend?

He shook his head to get out of thought. He grabbed the small box that was sitting next to him and ran in the direction Lloyd ran. Kai has no idea where Lloyd went. He just had to trust that the universe((and feet)) would take him in the right direction.

As Kai is running to find Lloyd, lloyd is having a crisis at the top of Ninjago's highest buildings.

Lloyd has wanted to feel free his whole life. He has never been able to. He always feels like he is being chain to a wall with heavy boulder balancing on his back. Maybe when he jumps he'll free.

Because that's all Lloyd has ever wanted..

Was to feel free.

Kai continued to run and run. And the universe did take him in the right direction. At the door of Ninjago's highest building. Cops were circled all around the building. Kai was confused why until he looked up.

He saw his precious Lloyd standing at the edge.

Kai rammed into the cops trying to get through. They wouldn't let him.

"Sir we have this under control," one of the cops said.

They didn't though. Because Lloyd put his arms out and he let himself fall. And he fell with a smile. He let the wind blow his face. He felt all the chains unlock and the bolder shrink to a tiny rock.

He was free.

He felt free.

For the first time in Lloyd's life.. he was happy.

Kai looked at Lloyd. On the ground and pool of blood surrounded him. They checked.. no heartbeat or pulse. He was gone. And Kai cried. He cried as he pulled a small box out of his pocket. He opened up and looked at the last gift he was going to give Lloyd..

A wedding ring

And that's the end of my story.. I'm so so sorry for that, but that's how I always planned this story to end.

And please don't ever commit suicide.. it isn't the answer EVER. Please dm me if you ever feel the need to go that far.

Anyways I have a little vote.. what do you guys want to see me write next

A) focus on my ninjago bf scenarios

B) a bruiseshipping book

C)my ninjago oc book

^^ those are the choices so comment which one you want me to do next :)

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