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I wasn't dead. I was confused. Where the hell was I? It was black again except this time there was no firefly. I felt like walls were closing in on me. My face was still tear stained.

"Lloyd!" I hear someone shout at the top of there lungs. The voice yelled over and over again until it was inaudible because so many echoes.  My breathing begins to speed up. I slide to my knees trying to steady my breathing.

I heard footsteps run towards me, but I didn't bother to look up. "Lloyd, it's me kai."

I look up to see Lloyd. I begin to bawl out crying. He isn't dead. He is alive. He is alive. Thank the gods he is alive! I almost forgot he had those amazing piercings. I almost forgot about his beautiful hair. I almost forgot his pretty caramel eyes. I almost forgot him.

"Lloyd, Lloyd what's wrong," he said to me as he kneeled down. I hugged him and hugged me back.

"I-I'm so sorry kai. I'm so sorry t-that I made you so mad. I know you hate me, but I-I didn't mean to do that.." I said. I continued on like for a while until kai stopped me.

"Lloyd what are you talking about I don't hate you," kai said looking me in the eyes.

"B-but you told me you killed yourself because of me. Oh I'm so sorry kai!" I cried out and hugged him once again. This time I fell on top of him and he fell over. Now I was on top of him and he was under me. He put his hand on my cheek and wiped my tears away with his thumbs. He leaned forward. Kai was going to kiss me. He was going to kiss me! I started to lean forward when his phone began to ring.

Kai groaned. I rolled off of him. He sat up and picked up the phone. He answered and put it on speaker, "Hello?"

"Kai, hey it's Jay. Remember you need to get out of there in five minutes or less and it has already been a minute and thirty seconds."

"Yeah, yeah, I know Jay," Kai said sounding and little irritated as he stood up. He held out his hand to me and I took it to lift myself to stand. I let go once I stood up.

"Okay well hurry or you will both be stuck in your own worse nightmares for eternity," Cole said.

Fear filled my eyes, "Kai I can't go through that again," I said. It was only nightmares. I never wanted to go through that again. Never ever ever.

"Lloyd it's fine. We will get out, but we are wasting time being in the phone with these boneheads," Kai said and hung up the phone. Kai grabbed me and hugged me from me behind tightly.

"W-what are you doing?" I said blushing.

"You want to leave right. I need you to hold on to you," he answered.

"What is that suppose to mean-"

I soon found out. He pressed a button on his belt. We began to move at lightning speed to who knows where. If Kai let his grip out a little I would definitely fall. Instead of losing his grip on me he tightened it. Soon everything was white and once again I woke up in another room.

Nononononono! That could have not been another dream. That was too real. That was way too real to be a dream. I look at this room. The walls were an endless dark green. Green smoke was covering the floor.

"Hello Lloyd," I heard a familiar voice said behind me.. it was Morro.

"What the hell do you want!" I turned around shouting at him angrily.

"Oh feisty Lloyd.. looks good on you, babe," Morro said.

"Don't call me that.." I said through my teeth.

"Or what," he challenged with a laugh, "Anyways don't worry that last thing that happened with Kai isn't a nightmare and neither is this. It's real. That found me and trapped me in this nightmare realm forever.. or that is at least what they think," Morro smirked.

"Anyways," he said, "I have a proposal."

"No," I said flatly.

"You haven't even heard it yet," said Morro.

"I don't need to hear it, I already know the answer is no," I told him, "Now get me out of here you ass."

"Nu-uh, not until you listen to my proposal Llodie."

I groaned, "Fine!"

"If you help me capture each and everyone of the ninja-"

"NO!" I yelled.

"Stop being so inpatient Mr.Golden Ninja.. Anyways if you help me capture all of the ninja I won't set a bomb off that I planted in Kai."

My eyes widen so wide I felt like they where going to fall out of my sockets, "W-what."

"You heard me loud and clear. Oh and I planted a bomb in you too," he held up a remote. One button was red the other was green, "So what's your answer."

I thought for a while. Kai couldn't die. I just saw him die and I don't want that to happen again. I care about him too much.

"O-okay," I agreed. I felt guilty, but I had no choice.

Morro smirked. He handed me and snow globe, "You can talk to me through the outside world with this. Remember to talk to me often and do as I say. Or I will kill just Kai and leave you with the pieces."

Then with a snap of Morrow's fingers I was back home. "Lloyd! Lloyd! He is awake!" Jay yelled. Everyone came rushing in.

"What happened Lloyd. I thought you were with Kai," cole asked.

"You seemed distressed," Zane said.

"What happened in there? Jay asked.

"I-I'm tired," I said getting up going To my room. That was a lie. I laid in my bed, but unable to sleep. Not after what I just experienced. I couldn't sleep. No way. I heard my door open.

"Lloyd," said the last person I wanted to hear right now, kai. I didn't answer. Maybe he would think I was asleep, "Lloyd," he repeated again, "I know you aren't sleeping."

I groaned, "Go away Kai," I said in a raspy voice.

"I know you aren't going to be able to sleep tonight so I thought we could play video games or watch movies or something," he told me.

I leaned up and saw him leaning against the door frame looking fricken amazing. His hair was messy and he looked just A++++. I got out of bed and walked toward him.

"Okay let's go."

How'd you guys like it??  It was great right?? Anyways I made an individual roleplay book so go fill out and forum if you want to rp.

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