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Idk if you have noticed but I'm trying to talk to the people who read my stories more bc I used to not interact with any of you at all.. did you notice?

Lloyd's pov

"Have you guys seen Kai?" I asked with a shaky voice as I entered the kitchen.

"You can't even cook toast!" Jay laughed out as Cole handed him a piece of toast. Cole usually would throw an insult back but instead he just looked sad and disappointed in himself. "No no,I didn't mean it," jay said with a loving tone.

"I tried.. and failed.. again," Cole said very sadly.

"No, no. I was kidding. This toast is amazing," Jay said and took a piece. He took a bite and he was obviously disgusted but he smiled through it, "Mmhmm so good."

I guess Cole didn't notice Jay's obvious disgust because his sad expression turned to excited within seconds. "Really?"

I started to get annoyed.. the just ignored me! I need my Kai! I haven't seen him all day or last night.. I'm really starting to get worried.

"Guys! Have. You. Seen. Kai!" I asked again exaggerating each word.

"Yes really. You are the best cook in the world," Jay answered Cole and once again.. completely ignored me.

"Will you guys shut up.. you are making your relationship so obvious," Nya said as she typed away are her phone.

Cole dropped the plate with the toast on it and it smashed on the floor, "Relationship! Nonono I am not in a relationship with Jay. Even if I did like dudes I would never date Jay," and then Cole stormed out.

Jay face fell. He looked incredible sad he left the room. Awe poor Jay. I walk over to Nya and sit next to her. "Have you seen Kai."

Nya looked up from her phone, "I saw him late last night."

My eyes lit up with hope, "Really?!"

"Yeah he left. I tried to ask him where he went, but he wouldn't tell me," Nya said. I was going to add on, but Jay walked back into the room with a broom and he started to sweep up Cole's mess.

I walked over to Jay,"It'll be alright, Jay."

His head was down, so I could see his face. He didn't answer me. "Jay, come on . Look at me."

He shook his head 'no' and still didn't look at me. "Jay, I can help. Please just talk to me."

Jay looked up at me and him eyes were bloodshot and tears were running down his face, "I-I just d-don't unders-stand why h-he doesn't l-love m-me!" Jay screamed out.

I couldn't help but jump into Jay's arms, "Don't worry, Jay. It'll all turn out okay."

Jay hurried his face in the crook of my neck, "N-no it w-won't."

I looked up to see Cole watching us hug. He looked angry. Oh crap I'm making this so much worse. Cole stormed off. Jay didn't notice. I pulled away from Jay.

"Go talk to him right now.. he probably just wants to see you in private," I said pushing Jay towards the Cole went. Jay doesn't fight me and runs in the way Cole went.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pull it out to see it's Kai's number. I pick it up immediately, "Kai. Kai! Is that you? I've been worried sick all day. Where are you?! I miss you so much.."

I heard Kai's chuckle on the other end. Damn, his chuckle is so sexy. He is so sexy. I miss his sexiness, "I need you to do something for me, Lloyd."

"Okay," I said suspiciously.

"Go up to your room," Kai ordered me.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Just do it," Kai said. I decided to follow his order and go to my room. I opened the door. I was disappointed. I was expecting something exciting to be in here, but nope. It was the same old room I see everyday.

"Kai, what was the point of this?" I asked him.

"Look under your red pillow," he told me.

I didn't argue. I was too curious to argue. I looked under the pillow to see the comic book I've been waiting to come out for almost 2 years now.

"No way!" I yelled in excitement.

I felt someone wrap there arms around my waist from beings. "Happy 6 month anniversary," Kai whispered in my ears.

My face drops.. our 6 month anniversary was today! Oh no! I totally forgot. I'm the worst boyfriend in the world! Kai must of sensed my worry because he turned me around so I was able to look at his face.

I put my head down. I could feel tears coming to my eyes. I know this is such a stupid thing to cry over, but Kai deserves better! Someone who doesn't forgot such an important day..

"Lloyd, what's wrong. Hey look at me," Kai said in a soothing voice. He lifted my head up and a single tear fell down my face. "Lloyd, don't cry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you," Kai apologized.

"No!" I yell out, "Don't apologize! I made a mistake! I totally forgot about our anniversary! I'm such a horrible boyfri-"

"Hey it's okay," Kai said. He kissed me on the forehead and wiped away my tears, "Im making this your day. This day is all about you not me. Okay?"

I nodded and he pecked me on the lips. I really hope this is all Kai has planned. I don't think I'll be able to handle the guilt if it's anything to big.

Once again this chapter was suppose to be longer but I'm trying to drag it out because I'm not ready to let go..


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