t h i r t e e n ((halloween special))

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I know I'm just a bit late on this XD

Lloyd's pov

"I don't know how about this one," I said grabbing an army man costume. I held it up to myself.

"Babe, For the one hundredth time, you'll look amazing in everything. Now just pick one, so we can get other things for the Halloween party," Kai told me.

"You don't understand, Kai. It has to be perfect," I whined. I looked through more costumes. No, no, nope, definitely not, oh this one looks cool.

I pulled out a zombie costume. This would look good with the right makeup.. who am I kidding I suck at makeup. I put the costume back on the rack and slide down onto the floor angrily.

"I can't find anything! This sucks!"

Kai sits down next to me. He puts his hand on top of mine, "Hey it's okay, how about we do a couples costume."

I smile. He thinks we are a couple? This is so great! Maybe I'm thinking to deep into this. I need to act chill. I need to say something that won't make me look like a crazy fangirl, "I though you didn't want to dress up."

"If it'll make you happy then I wouldn't think twice about doing it," Kai kisses my cheek and got off the floor. He held his hand out, "Now let's go find a costume."

I smiled and grabbed his hand and he helped me off of the floor.


I slipped on the onesie and zipped it the best I could by myself. I looked at myself in the mirror. I put the hood on so I could see the full thing.. I look ridiculous. I knew I should've done a different couples costume.

I could hear the party downstairs. Oh god so many people are down there. Everyone will see me and think I look ridiculous. I take a deep breath, fix my hair, and leave my room. The hallways ae filled with people dancing and drinking.

I slip past people to look for Kai. I go downstairs and see him. He catches my stare. He honestly looks so hot. I walk over to him.

"Lloyd, You look so cute," He says. I blushed. I looked down at my Pikachu costume. Now that I'm standing next to my ash ((Kai)) it doesn't look too bad.

"You don't look too bad yourself, Kai."

"Hi, Lloyd" I heard somebody say behind me. I look behind me to see Jay.

"Hey Jay," I respond.

"I see you are here with Kai," He points out.


"Oh nothing I just know something you don't about him. Like the way he is so totally in-"

He was interrupted by Kai's hand flying over his mouth, "Shut up Jay!"

Jay goes away. Kai and I are alone. Well sorta. We are still in a room full of people, but no one is paying attention to us. "Do you want to go outside?"

Kai nodded and we both go outside. It was cold so I was very happy I was wearing a warm onesie. We got to the yard and laid down in the grass. "Look at the beautiful stars, Kai," I tell him.

He hums in response. I look over to see him starring at me and not the stars, "What," I laugh, "What is it."

"I need to talk to you about something," Kai said.

"What? What is it?"

"It is about what Jay said," Kai started.

"Yeah..?" I said hopefully,

"It's just I feel so.. Lloyd when I see you I get so happy. And when your sad I want to give you everything in the world to make you happy. I've felt this for a long time and saying out loud makes it so much more real. So Lloyd will you.." Kai was interrupted by water starting to fall from the sky.

"Dammit," I said. "Now we have to go inside with all of those.. people."

Kai laughed, "Why do we have to go inside?"

"Because it's raining?"

"Haven't you ever wanted to dance in the rain and not give a shit about being sick or cold?" Kai asked me.

"Yeah actually," I answered. Isn't that something everyone wanted to do at least once? Dance in the rain and not have a care in the world. And it's even better if you have the person you love most to be there with you.

Kai got off the ground and held out his hand. I took it and he pulled me up. I smiled as he pulled me against his chest. I looked up at him and our eyes met. I pulled away a began to dance carelessly.

Kai laughed and followed in my footsteps. It just felt so relieving to be able to not care. To not be sad.. to be happy. Kai grabbed me and cupped my cheek. We were both smiling like crazy. Our forehead's pushed together.

"Lloyd, you are so amazing and I just want you to be mine. Will you be my boyfriend?"

I jumped back, "Are you serious?!" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah.. i-is that okay?" Kai said cowering away. He thought I was saying no? He must be crazy.

"Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes," I said and then jumped into his arms and kissed him. It was sweet and soft. We were both smiling into the kiss.

Kai and I.. kissing in the rain.. how cliche is that?

I know I'm late on the Halloween thing but I really wanted to do this.. anyways if you guys want go check out my

Ninjago boyfriend scenarios (REMAKE)

I worked really hard on the first chapter because it takes forever to write 5 scenarios. I put a lot of time and effort into it so it would mean the world to be it you read it, commented, and voted.

And comment on this story too because hearing how much you guys love the story is why I write it. I would be nothing without you guys. Thank you so much.

I love you x

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