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This chapter is dedicated to CycloneDork

I've been crying a lot today. I've just had a fucked up day. Literally I'm in my bathroom with the lights out crying. I feel lonely so this chapter is going to be pretty emotional so have fun reading.

Tw: self harm mentions, mentions of sex, small cursing.


Lloyd ran up to his room as soon as we got home. I know he isn't okay. I just wish he would just tell me the truth.

I've noticed how he has changed over the past months. He has become quieter, isolated, depressed even.

I'm scared.  I'm so scared for him. I just want him to be happy and okay. It would make me love him even more than I already do..

After a while Lloyd comes down from the stairs. He is wearing an oversized green hoodie. He is just too adorable. I shake my head to clear my head.

"Lloyd will you finish hanging up this banner?" Cole asks getting down from the latter, "I need to start cooking the cake."

"But I'm short!" Lloyd pouts. He is so fucking cute.

"You're cooking?" I ask, "If that's the case then I don't think I'll be eating."

Cole rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry Kai," Nya says as she walks out of the kitchen, "I'll be helping him cook."

They both leave to go to the kitchen to begin cooking. I see Lloyd beginning to climb the latter. I smirk looking at him.

"Kai can you give me the end of the banner?" Lloyd asks.

Only half the banner was pinned up. The other half was laying on the floor. I pick it up handing it to Lloyd. He mummers a thank you and I nod.

"Are excited about the party?" I ask trying to start a conversation.

"Not really. I don't like social situations much. I'll probably going to stay in my room or something."

"Really?" I chuckle, "You're not going to get freaky with anyone."

Lloyd blushes his adorable blush. God, I love making him blush, "N-no."

I roll my eyes playfully. Why is he getting so nervous talking about sex? He is probably just nervous about something. He reminds me of me when I was a virgin and someone would bring it up. Wait? Is Lloyd a virgin?

"Wait, are you a virgin?" I say with a small laugh. When he doesn't answer I know it's true. The great Lloyd Garmodon is a virgin. I begin laughing a little louder, "You so are!"

"Shut up, Kai! I'm just not ready okay," he says.

I chuckle, "Okay."

I look over at him. He is on his tippy-toes on the latter putting up the banner. He grabs holds the banner where he will hammer a nail in. His sleeves fall a little and I see cuts all up and down his wrist.

"Lloyd what are those?" I ask.

"Can you hand me the hammer and a nail, and what are what?" He asks.

I hand him a hammer and a nail, "Those things on your wrist."

I know what they are. I just have small hope I'm wrong. I wrong. He doesn't hurt himself. He is just really clumsy, right?

Lloyd freezes pulling down his sleeve, "N-nothing."

That's when I know. All my hope I had earlier is gone. He hurts himself. He likes the feeling of the pain.

"Lloyd-" I begin but he cuts me off.

"Don't start, kai," he says as he gets down from the latter. He begins to walk toward the door to leave.

I grab his arm stop him from leaving. He winces in pain; probably because of the cuts. He turns toward me and looks at me with tears in his eyes.

"K-Kai please let g-go," he whispers.

I don't listen. I pull of his sleeve and see all the cuts. There are too many to count. I feel tears start to form in my eyes, "L-Lloyd."

I can't believe he did this to himself. I could have made him happy. If I would just pay a little more attention to him he would've done this.

"Why?" I question Lloyd with a shaky voice.

Silence. That's what is what I heard for a few moments (it felt like years). Finally Lloyd speaks, "Why not?"

I look at Lloyd's skin. So many cuts, deep cuts. I want to let a tear slip so badly, but I don't. I hold myself together.

Lloyd yanks his arm out of my grasp. He pulls down his sleeve and runs out the door. When he leaves I collapse on the floor and cry.


"Why not," I say after a few moments of silence. Kai doesn't answer he just stares, not at me, but my cuts. I can tell he is in deep thought. I yank my arm away from kai. It hurt a lot but I didn't care I just needed to leave.

I ran. I ran faster and faster each passing second. I didn't stop running, I couldn't stop running. I was letting out my anger, sadness, and fear. I was running away from my problems. I didn't know where I was running. I was going where ever my feet were taking me.

I finally stopped when I was at, well I don't really know where I was at. I didn't know I was crying until a I felt tears streaming down my face. I feel something in my pocket and pull it out.

Its a a napkin. I pull it out a read it.

Call me sometime ;)

I pull out my phone and call the number. It rings a few times until he picks up.


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