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The sound of wing beats filled the air, Qibli hurrying to the entrance. "LUNA!"Qibli laughed Daisy hurrying over with Deavan and Fangtooth. "Hey guys!"Luna grinned landing by the entrance. Kids walked around the building, saying goodbye to their parents and heading inside. "Rubella! Marine! You two grew!"Qibli smiled looking at the two fourteen years olds. "Hey Uncle Qibli"Marine smiled as Qibli handed him a black pouch. "This has your library card in it, we're trying something new here"Qibli explains handing Rubella a white pouch. "Nice"Marine comments. "Marine you're in the Scorch Greenlet, alongside your sister!"Daisy smiled. "Marine your room is upstairs second door to your right and Rubella your room is downstairs fifth door on your left, your roommates already arrived"Daisy informs. "Thanks Aunt Daisy"Marine nodded. "You two be good alright"Luna says.

"We will"Rubella promised. "ME TOO, ME TOO!"Kenyan beamed. "Not this year, Kenyan, sorry buddy"Qibli says looking down at the twelve year old. "No school for Kenyan"Kenyan says quietly. "Next year we'll have a spot saved just for you"Deavan promises. "YAY! OKAY!"Kenyan beamed nodding excitedly. Luna unharnessed Marine and Rubella, Kenyan pouting a little. "Next year Kenyan, we'll be seeing you"Rubella smiled. "Alright"Kenyan nodded. "Have fun you two!"Luna waved taking off into the air with Kenyan. "Bye!"Marine says. Rubella stared, watching her guardian fly away, taking a piece of her heart with her. She didn't wanna be here, not at all, but Marine said it'd be good for them to finally be able to get out of the palace, as if she wanted to get out of the palace, she liked it there. It was warm, safe, and most importantly she got to see Luna every single day and follow her around to see her doing her queen duties. "Come on sis"Marine beckons. She sighed and walked after her brother, wanting to go home, with the person who raised her like her very own daughter and see the council members who taught her cool things.

"I'm gonna go meet my roommates, I'll meet you in the cafeteria later"Marine waved walking away. Rubella clamped her mouth shut, keeping herself from screaming at her brother to not leave her alone here. She ducked her head, booking it to her room. Her eyes darted around as she searched for her room, before finally finding it and diving right into the area. "OH MY STARS! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Rubella looked up, finding a green haired girl standing there looking startled. "OH YOU'RE RUBELLA! QUEEN LUNA'S PUP!"The girl beamed shaking Rubella's hand. "Who are you?"Rubella mutters. "I'm Flower! Queen Luna's best friend!"The girl giggled. "Best friend?"Rubella blinked. "I'm a year older than you"Flower grinned. "Queen Luna saved me from the Steriolans when I was two years old, then I helped her find her way to the Hybrid Werewolf queen! I was the one who won the Chameleon Game for her!"Flower beamed. "Oh"Rubella says surprised. "Me and her Majesty are the best of friends, I'm so glad I could meet you!"Flower grinned. "Come on!"Flower beamed grabbing Rubella's hand. "Oh excuse you!" A short brown haired girl glared at Flower, looking annoyed. "Oh, are you Carla, your name is on the plate outside the door"Flower asks. "What's it to you hybrid wolf"Carla spat.

"Oh, are you one of the mutants that fought for King Light?!"Flower beamed. "Yeah, I'm a cougar mutant! What's it to you! Got a problem with mutants!"Carla snapped. "No, but I want to know more about Lumeo!"Flower grinned. "It's King Light to you outsider!"Carla spat. Rubella inched towards the door, trying to escape all the commotion. "Where are you going?"Flower asks curiously. "Yeah!"Carla growled. "To the cafeteria"Rubella whispers ducking her head. "We'll come too, Carla can tell us about her king on the way!"Flower grinned. Carla rolled her eyes and stomped out, looking irritated. "Tell us about King Light!"Flower coaxed. "Lumeo is the best Mutant King ever, his fatherly love for Luna is unmatched, he even went to go rescue her from the Stetriolans when she was taken by one of the more traitorous mutants"Carla smirked sounding proud of her king. "I've been under King Lumeo's rule ever since the war with the Destiny Summoners"Carla adds proudly. Qibli walked past, carrying a few books and maps of the school. "Hey girls! Nice to see you guys together, I thought you three would be a good match"Qibli greets.

He passed them each a book and a map of the school, Rubella looking stunned. "Us? A good match?"Carla snorts. "Yeah, you three are the complete opposite and as they say opposites attract!"Qibli nodded. "And how would you know that"Carla demands. "I was the same, I was the opposite of my teammates but they became my family snd I love them more than anything"Qibli chuckled flicking his wings back. "LUMEO!" Lumeo laughed, walking in with three kids. "Hello Daisy, did I miss Luna?"Lumeo smiled. "Yeah, she left not too long ago, dropped off little Marine and Rubella as well"Fangtooth replies. "I remember how she would travel with those two harnessed to her or in a little sling across her back and chest"Lumeo chuckled. "She fought with them on her too, knew exactly what she was doing"Fangtooth giggled. "Ah, meet Gaoku, Jaws and Tusk, they really wanted to come so I brought them"Lumeo informs. "Gaoku, I remember you, aren't you Yuri's little brother"Daisy greets. "Yes that's me"Gaoku nodded. "Jaws and Tusk, right, you're shark mutants"Fangtooth waves. "Yep, twins actually"Jaws nodded. "Well, welcome to the academy, where anyone can come to learn anything"Daisy greets. "Thank you, ma'am, when's the first class"Tusk smiled. "Tomorrow morning, you'll have Survival Class with Finn, he came to the academy under Luna's request to teach a class"Daisy replies.

"Awesome!"Jaws grinned looking excited. Rubella walked after Carla and Flower, before noticing they had changed direction and were hearing for the library. Conor walked around the library, a bandanna wrapped around his eyes as he placed books on the shelf. "Rubella, Carla, Flower, hello"Conor greets. "How'd you know it was us!"Flower giggled impressed. "Your smells, Flower you smell, Carla smells like freshly rained on grass and Rubella smells like mangoes"Conor chuckled. Carla sniffed her arm, looking confused but gave Conor an impressed look. "Here to check out books?"Conor asks. "No, we wanna know about Queen Luna, is it true that you decided to stay here instead of helping her rule her kingdom"Flower replies. "Yeah, but she understood, I know I'm not king material, not all the way at least, I love her and she loves me besides she sends feather letters that Abeke reads to me"Conor answers. "Here Rubella, this should be a book about Silver Stars defeat"Conor adds.

"How?"Rubella stared stunned. "You've always been curious about it"Conor grinned. He ruffled her hair and walked away. "Conor"Rollan greets walking into the library. "Oh hey kids"Rollan adds. "Rollan, don't you have a class to prepare for"Conor grinned. "Oh you're teaching a class?!"Carla demands shocked. "Yeah, I'm teaching a Street Smarts class"Rollan nodded. "Really"Carla scowled unamused. "You never know when you'll need it, Olvan agrees with it as well"Rollan frowned giving her a look. "Here"Conor says handing Rollan a scroll. "Thanks bro, I'll return it after class tomorrow"Rollan nodded walking away. "I hope so!"Conor calls. "Oh Rubella, Marine came by too with a new friend, why don't you go find him, he's in the cafeteria"Conor informs. "I was heading there"Rubella sighed. "Let's go then! I wanna meet Marine!"Flower beamed.

"No running in the halls!"Conor calls after them. Flower pulled Carla and Rubella after her, rushing to the cafeteria. The sounds of laughter, shrieking and yelling came from the cafeteria, terrifying Rubella as they got closer. Marine dove past with a strange male beside him, the two chasing after a goat. He dove down catching it, his friend laughing. "Nice plan, Koi"Marine grinned. "Thanks"Koi smiled giving him a high five. "Brother"Rubella greets. "Hey sis, how are you"Marine smiled waving to her. "Good"Rubella lies Marine giving her a hard frown. "Liar"Marine snorts. She sat beside him as Flower and Carla went to get their own food to eat. "I wanna go home back to Luna"Rubella says. "Same"Marine sighed Rubella looking at him startled. "But, Luna sent us here to learn, and make friends, so that's what I'm gonna do"Marine mutters. Rubella looked down, hugging her knees to her chest. "Give it three days sis, if you still don't like it, I'll send a message to Luna to come get us, don't argue because you know wherever you go, I go"Marine sighed. "...Alright, three days..."Rubella agreed.

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