A trip down memory lane

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5 years ago (POV)

I was working out some old joints in my jeep when I got a call from my mother. I usually don't get calls from her anymore after what happened at Christmas time. Yeah, not a very big reunion.

I answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Sweetie, where are you right now?"

"At home. Why?" Then, my whole world completely vanished out of thin air. The worst day of my life has begun. And there was nothing I could do to stop it.

I threw away my tools, got into my car and drove to the hospital.


I saw him. The man that I loved. Lying on that table. He wasn't breathing. He never was. When he first came to the hospital, it was a couple of weeks ago. He woke up once. And that was the last time we spoke. I didn't realize...it was gonna be my last.

And here he was. Erin. He was on a flight from Massachusetts and the plane crashed in Texas. They found his body on one of the plane wings and took him in. He was almost there. He almost made it to me.

I broke down in tears. "Oh Erin!" I said as I hugged him so tight I thought I was gonna break his neck. Though I had to remind myself that he wouldn't care. He's already dead.

"Why did you have to go." I cried. I don't know how long I was in there, but by the time the doctors came by, they said it was time to remove the body. So, with the remaining strength I had, I stood up and walked out of the room.


3 years ago

It's been 2 years sense the death of Erin. The memory of him still flows in my blood. Just thinking about him makes me feel...broken. Like I'm shattered into a million pieces. Every time I look at myself I see Erin. Every time someone talks about him I see Erin. Every time someone has the same name as him...well, you get the point.

"(Y/N)?" I looked up to see my older brother Mack. He was always there for me. Even though he didn't like Erin so much, he was still sadden by his loss. "You okay?" He asked as I wiped my eyes. "Do I look okay?" I said as he gave me a nervous smile. "Well....?" I swear men these days.

I facepalmed. "Hey come on I'm worried for ya sis." Mack said in a calm voice as I relaxed a bit. "Look, I know you're sad but...." he trailed off. Must've known I wasn't gonna listen to him right now. "Can you at least look at me?" He said as I took a deep breath and gave him a sharp glare. "Happy?" I asked in a cold tone as he put his hands on my shoulders.

"I love you." He said as he pulled me into a hug that I couldn't get out off. Instead of blocking him out like last time, I embraced him and just cried in his chest. "I miss him. So much!" I said over and over until I couldn't say anything anymore.



The day of the accident was something even I didn't see coming. I was so blinded with rage I didn't see the car. I didn't know that I slammed my head into the windshield of my car. My head was hurting. I was bleeding. Some glass was stuck in my head too.

I looked at my friends for the final time. My first friend, Taylor, she and I have been friends sense elementary. We did everything together. Even shared each other's secrets. Nothing, separated us until now. My other friend, Maggie, we met in middle school. We snuck out to movies together. Had a blast together. And to this very day, we never got caught.

And now, it all ended. Me, on the ground while my friends pleaded for me to stay away. "Come on (Y/N)! Don't fall asleep on me." Maggie said as I coughed up some blood. "Guys...it's too late. For me." I said as Taylor was about to cry. "No no no! Don't you dare say that. You're gonna make it I swear." She said with a determined look. I weakly put my hand on her cheek. "I killed that women. I don't deserve to live." I replied as I wiped away her tears. "Go on without me. Live your dream. It's gonna be okay." And with that, I closed my eyes for good.


Present hell

Why do I have these memories? Why am I carrying a food plate. Why am I in a maid outfit. I'm not a big fan of maids clothes. What's going on?

My body moved faster than my mind and immediately brought me into a room with a man with a TV as a head. My mind instantly knew his name was Vox. And my mind told me that I...loved him. But part of me is saying no.

The man named Vox looked at me and smiled cruelly. "My most loyal subject." He said as he got up form his chair and put his hand around my back. I wanted to back up, but my body was forced to stand still. "Uh uh uh. You can't escape me." He said as he gave me a kiss on my lips.

My brain started to rattle a bit and the memories started to fizzle and flicker. "Tell me your name." He said as I was about to say it when... "I...don't know."


"I don't know....my name." I said softly and blushed with embarrassment. But Vox chuckled and said, "Your name is Cloth. Now, fetch me a glass of wine."

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