Dinner gone wrong

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You were cooking dinner for both you an Alastor. You hummed softly in a singing tone while swaying your tail. Your ears flopped to the rhythm of your humming as you sniffed the dinner you were preparing. "Hmmm it smells so good." You said, your tail swirling and twirling in the air.

"Good evening my dear." You heard your boyfriend say as you chuckled. Alastor wrapped his arms around you from behind. "What is my lovely darling cooking tonight?" Alastor asked as you rolled your eyes. "Tomato soup. Your favorite." You replied as you felt Alastor's hand squeezing your ass.

You squeaked almost dropping your giant spoon to stir the soup. "Alastor, I'm cooking."

"Good." Alastor replied as he noticed something fluffy on your behind. "My my is that a tail we have here?" Alastor began to grope your tail with a strong grip. Not enough to hurt you though. You let out a noise that sounded like a sheep. "Oh I like that sound. Do it again~" And you did.

Alastor's jaw worked his way to your neck. When his jaw made contact, you stuck your tongue out and moaned softly. Alastor's soft lips moved up to your perky ear kissing softly at the exposed parts. You giggled. "Alastor that tickles." Alastor chuckled.

You moment was interrupted by an uncertain smell. "Um Alastor?" Alastor looked at the soup that was over boiling. The pot was completely on fire. "Oh Satan!" He shouted quickly holding you close and turning off the stove. "Are you alright my dear?" He asked in concerned as you managed to nod. "I'm sorry Alastor. I...um-"

"Oh my dear it's quiet alright. If it weren't for my rather...silly interruptions, we would've had dinner by now." Alastor reassured putting his hands on your shoulders. You looked down in sadness. "Tell you what. How about I cook dinner tonight while you rest." Alastor suggested, already picking you up and placing you on the couch.

You giggled a bit as you heard your boyfriend humming as he began to remake the soup.

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