Just a dream

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You opened your eyes to find yourself in a different bed. The room was different as well. It was like a house and it had a shelf and a flower vase on it. The room also had some of your stuff as well. This isn't the hotel room. The hotel is way smaller than this.

As you turned to the right, you noticed that someone was walking towards you. You suddenly realized that it was Al. He wasn't wearing his clothes. At all. You completely blushed at him. Wait, if he's naked then that means...oh shit! You looked down to find yourself naked as well. You tried to grabbed the blanket, but once you reached out for it, Alastor grabbed your hand. "What's the rush darling? I won't stay long."

"A-Alastor. W-What're you-" You said as he pushed you back on the bed and started to lick your neck. Your face was now red from blushing so much. "Mmm What a tasty little girl." Alastor said as he moved down to your boobs. Just before he was about to lick them both, a sudden cloud a smoke appeared in between you and Alastor. "I told you I couldn't stay long." Alastor said as he disappeared into the cloud leaving only his smiling face into view.


You jolt your head up awake and alert. You felt yourself around your body thankful that you still had your clothes on. "D-Did I just...dream about-" You were interrupted by the door. Thinking it was Alastor again, you pulled the covers to you face. "(Y/N) get up." Phew, it was only (A/g).

You pulled the covers off of you. "Sorry, I thought you were someone else."

"Oh. Well, sorry bestie, but you can only stay in here for 2 days. You can live with me and Angel though."

"No, it's fine. I'll probably steal someone's territory or something."

"Or she can come with me." You both turned around to see the radio demon himself. "...what?"

"I would like to take her in. I mean, if that's what the darling wants?" Alastor said to you with his sinister smile. Maybe covering yourself up with the blanket would've been a better idea.

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