"Talk to me."

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After (A/g) rushed home to tell us what happened, Angel was already ready to kill someone. The firecracker boys were right behind him as Charlie and Vaggie tried to hold them down. (H/g) was hugging and soothing (A/g)'s back while Husk watched in sadness. I was more concerned about Alastor. He's been in his room all day and extermination day will began in 3 hours. We need his help more than ever.

"Slow down Angel. We have to get Alastor." Charlie tried to say as Angel gently pushed her aside. "If that strawberry pimp ain't coming out of his room, he don't have to. I ain't waiting for him." He said, clearly ready to push anyone who stands in his way.

After what happened in the lobby, Alastor hasn't talked to me ever since. Every time I tried I get pushed away by his minions with a sneer. It hurt, but at the same time, I understood why. And even though I didn't wanna admit it out loud, I knew I deserved it.

But the thought of (A/g) babies out there alone and scared sickens me. And I'm not even a mother yet. And maybe never will. So I stood up and marched upstairs to Alastor's room.


When I arrived, Alastor's door was black with vodoo magic around it. Even a couple of his minions were guarding the door. When they noticed me, they quickly reacted. This time, I crossed my arms. "This isn't about our relationship. I'm asking for help. Now let me in before I get so mad I'll pummel you all to hell's core." To be honest, I couldn't really touch them because of the magic thing but it still made them a little frighten by my threat.

So that opened the door. Alastor was watching the window looking into the red sun if hell. He didn't turn around to face me. I gulped. "Alastor, I know you're probably the last person you want to see but-"

"You have no idea." His voice was so...raggy. Like he hasn't gotten sleep all night. I ignored his response. "(A/g) needs our help. She found out who took her babies. And you're gonna help."

"Is that a demand?" He asked. At first I thought he was going to hit me but I stood my ground. "I don't care what you think of me but I want to help those babies just as much as anybody else. We're sorry we called you out like that and I'm sorry you feel this way but (A/g) will die of sadness if she doesn't find her babies soon so if you don't-" I was interrupted when a pair of lips met mine.

Before I could kiss back, he pulled apart. "My dear I'll always love you no matter what. I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused." Alastor said as I smiled. "You didn't cause anything. You were only trying to help. I shouldn't never had given up on you." Alastor took my hand and his minions gave him a smirk. I chuckled as I saw Alastor blush for the first time. "Let's go my dear. I believe we have some twins to save."

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