Valentino's defeat

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While Alastor was trying to regain his strength, you were trying to process what Valentino said. Did Alastor really do that. A woman? A mother? His wife? Yes Alastor was a serial killer but still...what? He swore he never killed a child.

You looked at Alastor who was now almost finished regaining his powers. "Alastor...about what..." you couldn't finished your sentence when you heard screaming. "(A/g)!?" You noticed your friend being held by Valentino. "LET HER GO!" You said as Val only rolled his eyes. "Why does everyone think I'm hurting her?" He asked to no one in particular.

You looked around for something, anything, to stop him. "Psst, hey (Y/N)." You turned to see Cherri bomb holding a bomb and a lighter. "You distract him, I'll throw the bomb." She whispered as you nodded. You turned back to Valentino and said, "Hey Val!" You called out as Valentino looked at you and asked, "What do you want?"

"I just wanna know, how exactly did you get that book. Like, did you steal it or..." you trailed off. You were actually curious on how he got the book. Val glared at you with suspicion. Come on take the bait. You said in your head.

Finally, Val shrugged. "Well, sense everyone is going to die I might as well tell you." He said as he continued. "I was just walking down the street going to a strip club when I heard a glass window break and I looked to find a book on the ground. And ever since then I had that book in my possession." Val replied as you gave a quick glance at Cherri who gave you a thumbs up. "Thanks for the story." You said as you moved out of the way of the bomb. "What're you-"

"(A/g), run!" You yelled at (A/g) pushed Val to the ground and ran like hell. Cherri threw her bomb and the beach house immediately exploded.

Everyone coughed up smoke. "Is everyone *cough* alright?" You asked as everyone nodded at you. Alastor was now on his feet as you ran to hime tin open arms. "Dear, I was so worried."

"It's okay Alastor, I'm here."

"I'm excuse me." You turned to see Angel Dust. "I hate to ruin the moment but what do we do about him?" He asked as he pointed to Sir Pentious who was now angry. "I'll handle this." Alastor said as he snapped his fingers. "No, not again. NOT AGAIN!!!!" Sir Pentious said as he was sucked into the underworld...again.

" do we do now?" The one named Ian asked as (A/g) looked down in sadness. Angel held her close. "Well, at least we know the genders." You said trying to make your friend feel better. "Hey look, there's still some cake." Cherri said as the cakes weren't destroyed during the blast.

Before you all were about to walk over, a pile of rubble suddenly lifted up to reveal Val. "OH COME ON! THAT WAS MY BEST BOMB YET!!" Cherri said getting ready to yell every curse word in the book.

Val growled in anger. "Why you-" he yelled getting ready to harm the others, but then, something hit him on the back of the head and he went down to the ground. When he collapsed on the ground, a person was now in sight.

It was a demon mouse. She was a little tiny but she wasn't as small as a dwarf. She was also wearing overalls and her tail was perked up. She looked at the others and smiled a little. "Um...hi." She said as you looked at her with relief. "Thanks." You said to her as the Jake and Ian grabbed the cakes. "We should-"

"I think it's time-"

"We leave?"

"Yes." Soon, everyone started to leave, but you noticed Husk took one last glimpse at the mouse who was already on her way. "So um...what a day right?"

"I was not prepared for that my dear." Alastor admitted as he held you close. "Alastor?" You looked up at him. "Yes?"

"Did you...with his..." you trailed off as Alastor sighed. "Yes I did. I was a younger at the time and I was filled with a whole lot of revenge. But I prefer not to talk about it right now." Alastor said as you nodded. "Okay, we'll talk about it later."

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