When you have a nightmare (about your past)

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You were in a dark alley with fog all around you. You looked to the left, then to the right, making sure that you weren't alone. Sadly, you were. "Hello?" You called out to no one in particular.

All of a sudden, the fog lifted a soon, a strange figure was in the view. "Alastor?" You called out as you saw his sinister smile. You smiled as you ran towards him.

Once you two were close, you both kissed each other like it was no tomorrow. But suddenly, the kiss stopped. You felt his lips, but you couldn't feel his love. You broke the kiss only to find out that he wasn't smiling anymore. "Al?" You said as your boyfriend's body suddenly hit the floor. "Alastor!" You held onto him as you saw blood coming out of his torso.

You also heard a sudden laugh. "Looks like your new boyfriend wasn't here to save you now was he?" It was your rapist Dexter. "No, no, you were killed."

"So are you. Alastor was the on who killed me." Dexter replied as he showed himself in front of you. He has to be lying. It can't be true. Did Alastor really kill him? "You're lying. Alastor was killed in 1932. How could he kill you in 2017?"

"That is something you have to see for yourself." Dexter said as you looked down at Alastor, only to find out that he wasn't there. "Where's is he?"

"Hmmmm, not telling you." Dexter replied as he disappeared. "NO!" You shouted as you tried to hit him, but you knew he was already gone.


You woke up with tear drops in your eyes. You felt them running down your face. "Did he really do it?" You asked yourself as you turned over and saw your sleeping boyfriend. He started to move a little so you quickly turn over and closed your eyes pretending to be asleep. "(Y/N)?" Alastor asked to see if you were awake. You ignored him as you heard him going back to sleep.

You sighed in relief. "I have to find out myself." You whispered as you softly went out of bed without making a sound and tip-toed downstairs.

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