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One more thing....it's about Grey...he will always be what he was born to be...and Meela will be what she was made to be......

My furs still slightly ruffled up with the way the Northerner left me, deep down I know that there will be a great war between us over pups. He thinks he can exert his will over me...

What he fails to realize is that I have options, females have many ways around not having a Future planted inside of us, I just need to get my hands on those herbs so his seed can never take latch into my nest. I don't have much time to start drinking the tea infused concoction created by the Ancient females of the past, passed down from healer to healer to the females in need.

Walking into the kitchen, Sophie's there with the enforcer's mate...Jamie that's her name, I'm starting to get better with their name's.

Both females stop their conversations giving me a bow of their heads, eyes down cast in a humble respect.

I smile at them, "good morning ladies."

"Good morning Luna," it's said at the same time, as Sophie hands me my cup of coffee.

"Thanks...you don't need to serve me, I can do things myself," as I take a thankful sip of that hot liquid of the gods.

"We know, it's just we want to," she gives me one of her real smiles, that lights up her face, those sun kissed curls bouncing with her movement, making her look almost innocent, but I know she's anything but.....

Jamie watches our exchange standing slightly away; it's in those eyes that hold her burning intelligence. The way she holds herself with a quiet confidence...she can't be underestimated.

I give her a smile again sizing her up, my eyes drawn to her perfect hair, the kind that you can get out of bed and shake it, ruffle it up, and it's all ready to go, without any effort. It's a beautiful auburn brown with streaks of burnt cinnamon, and dark yellows...the moons blessing upon her.

Her body curvy yet, an underestimated hardness underneath it, she has a swagger about her, confidence that radiates out, wanting you to be bathed in the glow of it.

I'll be spending a lot of time around these two females; I need to try and get along with them for my sake and the packs.

"Meela, will you come with us, we're required at the training grounds? It seems a bunch of non-mated females is causing some chaos." She gives me a sly smirk, knowing how much trouble females can be with the progressing of our heat cycle....

Females are usually naturally submissive to males, but things change during our cycle, and we start to become just as aggressive as the males, some females even fighting amongst themselves for the most Prized Male.

"Alright let's go." I've never seen the males train before, so I'm curious about how it's done here.

As we're walking to the area I take a deep breath, "I was wondering do you have any healers in this pack?" I question out. As soon as the words leave my mouth they.....know.

"Yes, we have one..why?" Jamie's keen eyes give me a sideways glance.

"Oh, I just was wondering," even I can tell how nervous my voice sounds.

"Why are you sick?" Sophie stops walking turning her whole body towards me.

I feel the sudden hardness in her words, those innocent features of hers camouflage the true nature under her skin...a beast

A fleeting thought takes shape in my mind could I take her? Would Jamie interfere in a fight?

"Well if you're not sick, why are you asking about a healer?" I watch her fold her arms over her chest, fingers digging into her flesh. Legs spread slightly apart, as she eyes me, jaw twitching.

I notice Jamie shifting with this unexpected turn of events, uneasily she looks between the two dominant females. I give her a hard stare down not to interfere.

"Consequences Meela, you wouldn't want to ruin things for the females your suppose to lead?" Head tilting slightly to the side; she hardly can control the deep growl that rumbles out of her throat.

I plant my feet as I growl deeply with her threat to me, she doesn't intimidate me, nothing does...except the Northerner.

"Your choices affect all of us, do not ruin this for us...I can't," her voice cracks. "I can't go through that again."

I watch a stray tear slide down her cheek landing on her shirt. Jamie places a hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her, but whose hand do I have on my shoulder to comfort me telling me it's okay if I make this choice...no ones....hand

The wind whispering in my ears...there will be consequences

She doesn't want to fight me; she just wants what her body is planning for, I can see her, the desperation in her eyes, the calling to become a mother is over shadowing her decision-making abilities. If I was someone else, I could just tear her throat out and walk away from her...it would be in my rights.

Instead, I put a hand on her other shoulder, comforting her anxiety, her fear of never being a mother. I pull her into my body, our cheeks pressing firmly together, "you'll get what you desire the most."

I shove her away slightly from me walking ahead of them, shoulders straight in burning agitation my mood souring with every walking step towards the training grounds.

Passing by a small group of females all in their fighting form, their ears are humbly lowered with their tails tucked politely between their legs showing me respect. Passing them, I give each a nod making eye contact; they break the stare first as I continue on my way with the two high ranking females following closely on my heels.

Strolling into the training area, I feel my throat tighten around a growl watching all these non-mated females posturing to the fighting males, trying to gain their attention, with their provocative gestures. Some of these juveniles are young, very young to be here with almost grown males.

Their sickly sweet hormones are oozing out their pores making it difficult for the males to concentrate on anything else but them. The testosterone from the males drifts thick on the air current seducing the females with its musk; it's a vicious cycle, the males, and females all letting their intentions known building up the atmosphere into something combustible.

I eye all theses males with their shirts off, sweating with the exertion of training, muscle on full display. Their physique's pumped up with the extra testosterone that's surging through their veins, making them extremely volatile....my wolf's annoyed that I can even look at anyone else. I just mentally shrug my shoulders, but I keep staring. Watching them fighting each other, bruising and bloodying one another, showing off for the females.

I'm appreciative of their forms...all their forms. Nothing but a sea of rippling male muscles, I can see why the females are drawn to them like flies, honey sweet they all look, and we just want a little taste.

That thought earns me a very low growl from the Northerner; I let my attention fall exactly where it should have been in the first place, my eyes devouring that flesh of his...the rest, all but forgotten in this instant. 

This male is the prize, the king of the food chain...the wolf in me howling her pleasure at seeing him. The desire for him is becoming almost painful; he's provoking the animalistic need in me. My wolf is licking her chops in anticipation of our male dominating us in the ancient lovers dance.

I have to muffle a grunt of pleasure as the desire for him burns through me; I see him watching me, watching my compulsions screaming at me, breaking me. He gives me a knowing smile, striding my way, confidently. I watch his muscles bounce on his chest just from walking, those abs poking through with every breath he takes. His shorts low on his hips, I just can't peel my eyes away from this male...my male

Saliva builds up in my mouth as his fingers dance along my skin....gripping me close in a show of possession for all present to witness.

His hands are seducing my compulsions into a frenzy of desire. I feel a whine raise up in the base of my throat and I have to swallow it down quickly. He just eyes me and smiles to himself, dipping his head to my ear, "soon." He whispers it out, feeling his lips ghost across my cheek.

A quiver of bliss travels through my spine anchoring in my toes holding me in place, leaving a pleasurable ache in my lower half.

I'm weak in the knee's...well played I think to myself, well played and I almost clap my hands together in annoyance at him. His advantage over me has him pulling my strings; the puppeteer is on his game...

Giggles from the females bring me out of my daze, watching the males pea-cocking in front of these females, showing them their strength, their fierceness, their agility, stamina.

It's a delicate dance these females are trying to do, posturing their readiness to these unmated males.

Males can be dangerously aggressive towards them...they could be severely hurt if those males lose control, or decide to fight one another for them.

I watch those same females eye my male up and down, the big prize of our pack. Unfortunately for them he's already been won and claimed. Wetting their lips, chest sticking out slightly, I hate their scent as I growl to them.

Stunned they take a step back as I slowly stalk closer to them, my aggression towards them is not missed as they make themselves smaller, shoulders hunching in, heads bowed....submissive.

Sophie takes my right as Jamie flanks the left, we must look a sight to these unranked females.

"Leave now," leaving no room for arguments, it's an order, and I have the two females besides me ready to strike if my orders aren't carried out.

They start leaving the way a chastised child acts that's been bad. Head down; a little whimpering, shoulders slouched, eyes down cast.

I can hear some aggressive growls from the males; it's a quick reaction from the Northerner, his fist connecting to the loudest male. Stumbling the male, the next hit drops him completely, as Thomas drops the second loudest male, in a show of dominance, all other grumbling stops immediately.

"Back to your training," the fury rising from the northerner like mist. It's powerful the draw he has over me, watching him exert his will over them, my wolf bursting out of her fur in pride over our male.

"Do you have a plan for the females when the time comes?" I question it out to Sophie.

"Yes, we have a special secured area for them."

"Who takes care of them and watches over them?" Pity settles in my stomach for these poor young females going through this without a mate.

It's the Northerner's turn to respond to my question. "It the responsibility of the older females in the pack to watch over them, last time it happened very fast, there was no warning. This time there's a plan!"

"Good." Glad I didn't have to deal with them.

"Meela," the Northerner takes my hand leading me away from the group.

 "Run with me; my wolf wants to run with your wolf, he's been whining to me, I can't take it any longer."

Yipping loudly in my head, I almost bark out her response to his words. I clamp a hand over my mouth, stopping the sound from coming out.

"I take that as a yes," he says starting to drop his pants in front of everyone.

I feel the tug on my skin, the wolf in me trying to surface through force, making me feel uncomfortable with her aggression to get into her fur.

Taking a running leap I shift into my fighting form, taking off into the forest with him at my flank nudging me to go faster. It feels wonderful to run with our mate, my wolf yipping out her pleasure, trying to nip the northerners face in pleasure.

The scent of the earth, the Wild fills my lungs propelling me forwards. My muscles feel strong surging through my body like thunder in a storm....powerful

Soon he takes the lead as I followed him deeper into the woods, he takes a sharp turn running full out, as the scent of prey hits my nose.

I see the deer then running away, the predator in me surges forth with the chase. Bursting with speed that even surprised me, I could almost taste the flesh in my mouth, saliva starts pouring out as I run full out.

Biting into the deer's flank I lock onto the meat, trying to hold my position on the animal. The Northerners wolf sink it's canines deep into the deer's throat. The beast wobbles with our combined weight, it's bleeding from the wounds were delivering on its body.

Bucking its body, legs kicking out trying to throw us from our mission, the Northerner bites down harder, as its throat is torn out. The life is ending with its final twitches and kick, eyes glazing over in death.

My wolf crouches, ears flattened, tail curled under slightly, watching the male wolf's teeth puncture the deer's soft underbelly. Ripping a hole open, his muzzle coming out dripping with blood pulling out the liver, he eats it all. Licking his muzzle, he goes deeper into the animal pulling it's heart out, he drops it in front of us waiting...watching.

My wolf nudges it with her nose, opening her jaw she tears a piece out swallowing down the meat, warming our belly. He takes the rest from my wolf swallowing it down.

He turns from us eating the deer; my wolf can't take it anymore, whining out, crawling on her body towards the deer. I hear the deep growl from his wolf, feeling it down into my paws.

Very slowly she nudges her way in, he continues to growl, but he lets her eat with him, sharing the kill.

After we had our fill, the northerners wolf finds a patch of dry earth, by a decaying log to lay down. My wolf gingerly rubs herself against him, licking the blood from his muzzle, cleaning his fur.

She's singling to him her intentions as she rubs down the length of his body, letting her tail rise so he can smell her....scent.

He stretches getting up lazily as she postures in front of him, hind legs up in the air with the rest of her body down low on the ground, I try to take over control from her before he takes her.

She mentally bites me hard, snarling her displeasure out to me. It's the first time she has ever done that to me; it hurts more than the whips lash, hurts more than anything I've ever felt in my life. I retreat into my mind, sobbing at her betrayal of me. Trying hard not to pay attention when the male wolf clamps onto her neck, keeping her still becoming one underneath the midday sun.

After she's satisfied, her needs met, she reclines back in my mind almost like she's having a leisurely smoke. I'm very disturbed by her behavior; I bristle at her, she pays me no mind as she relives the chase of the deer in her mind.

His wolf fell asleep in the sun, as I turn from him, retreating to the packhouse.

Once showered and changed I need some water, Jamie's there almost like she was waiting for me. I eye her as she digs into her pocket, pulling out a folded envelope, she throws it my way, "I don't need it this time."

Looking at her weirdly, "what are you talking about?"

"Open it!" She's standing still waiting...

Opening the white envelope, I see the contents; it's the herbs I need to prevent a future from starting. Regarding her in the eyes, tears start to form, "thank you" I choke out. She places her hand on my left shoulder squeezing it.

"You were never given them by me." Turning around she walks away as I start to make hot water for the tea I'm going to start drinking, hopefully, it's not too late, usually, you need to start drinking it with the first signs of your oncoming heat.

I just have to trust this will work; it's got a bitter flavor that has my stomach clenching slightly in discomfort, my natural body rhythm wants to expel this poison from my body as I gag slightly from the taste. I manage to keep the liquid down, making my way to my bed, I lay down on top of the covers taking a much need nap.

The Northerner's there staring at me when I open my eyes, his eyes swirling with all his different grey and silver colors.

"You look so beautiful when you sleep," his thumb brushing against my jaw line. He's fidgety, squirming from inside his skin.

"I just want to say that I loved hunting with your wolf today." He wants to say more, I can tell by the way he's fighting within himself.

Clearing his throat, he breaths in gaining courage. "I know you don't feel the same way yet, but I'm," he lets his fingers dance along my skin again, I let my moan bubble out as he catches it with his mouth swiping his tongue along my lips.

"I'm in," he can't say the rest, he wants to instead I feel his fingers start unbuttoning my jeans looking me in the eyes. "I'm going to give you what you want, but by the end of all this...you're going to be giving me what I want." His lips crash against mine.

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