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Theo thought he had tears streaming down his face earlier. He didn't know why. He didn't know where he was. He tried to turn his head to look around, but he felt weird... Like he had no head.

He also felt like he'd just woken up from a deep sleep. A very long nap. Again, he went to yawn, but he couldn't move anything. He was beginning to panic. He couldn't really see anything or touch anything.

Whatever was going on, he hoped it ended. And soon. He'd never felt so lost and lonely before. Then, all of a sudden he saw an outline of a hand.

He blinked. Wait... yes! He blinked! He had eyes! He looked down. He had his body again! He grinned as he looked back up at the hand, and a bright light pierced through the darkness that had swallowed him somehow.

His smile faded and he winced against the bright light. When the light had dimmed, he slowly blinked open his eyes. Looking over him were four figures. He couldn't make out details, so he just stared at them. They all seemed tense, as if they were waiting for something.


Everything suddenly hit him like an angry bludger. His eyes widened and he recognized Arden and Hadley on his right, his father, Griddlefang sobbing happily to his left and... his heart nearly stopped.


"Hey, buddy."

Tears came to Theo faster than he could process them. He struggled to sit up and, with help from his friends and family, he sat face to face with his best friend.
"Newt! Newt, I- I'm so glad to-" He cried, before another round of sobs cut him off.

"I'm s-sorry! I- I shouldn't have-" Newt put his face in his hands, all the joy and guilt overwhelming him.

Then, Newt's arms wrapped around him, embracing him in warm comfort. Just like old times.
"It's okay, Theo. I forgive you."

"Thank you, Newt."

The two pulled away and smiled at each other for a while before Hadley ran over to Newt and threw her arms around him, also crying. Griddlefang tried to apologize to Theo, but he didn't let him. He hugged his father like he'd done only when he was only a kid and a thunderstorm raged.

Then, Theo embraced Arden. Even though he'd fooled him along with the others, he still wanted to be friends?

He didn't know where Madeleine or Tom or Erik was, his family and friends didn't give him a chance to wonder... Maybe he'd find them later and find a way to apologise?


"Welcome, students, to another year at Carowang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Although last year's events are still fresh in our minds, your education is my main focus.

You all have proven yourselves in many ways and I look forward to the amazing things you will do this year.

I know you all are dying to eat, though, so I'll keep my last point short.

We have hired two new Professors since some of our previous professors have decided to retire. Rowanda has also agreed to become our Herbalist."

He then introduced the two new Professors and encouraged everyone to dig in to the feast.

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