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The bus that drops Billie off when she doesn't walk with Y/n and Manny the bus comes to a stop drops her off and speeds away she sees her parents watering the grass and is greeted by her dad

"Hey Billie girl how was school?"

"Not good I feel like I spent a whole day with a clamp on my head I need a nap"

"Where's Y/n?"

Her mom asks

"At Manny's house"

She walks inside while her mom questions Billie

"Should we tell her she really does have a clamp on her head?"

"Now where's the fun in that?"

Billie goes straight to her room and lays down not seeing the giant female spider in her bed

"Oh hi mom"

"Oh hey giant hideous spider......aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!"

Billie jumps so high she goes through the ceiling falls and bounces off the bed backing away

"What are you doing in my bed?!"

"I'm so glad your here mom it seems I came down with the spiderpox so J thought what better way to get better than to have my mom take care of me well now that I know you're here I'm going to take a nice long nap"

Julie (Y/n named her) laid back

I have a little cousin named Julie and I thought it would be cute to call her that instead of Jenny or Jennifer no offense to all the girls out there with that name

"I gotta get that thing out of my bed without touching it but how? Think Billie think think think!"

She decides to sleep in her parents bed since Grim wouldn't give up Y/n's bed while she was spending the night at Manny's

That night

"Awe Gladis would ya look at that our little girl asleep in our bed you know what I like to do when she's asleep like this?"

Gladis nods

Billie's dad pulls out a megaphone and yells in it

"Get of my bed Billie!!"

She jumps through the ceiling in fright

"Just precious" :,)

While her cat was sleeping Billie used a plunger to move it and climbed on top of the TV only for the cage to fight back and somehow throw her out the window

She gives up and lays on the ground

Puddin looks over the fence in question

"Hey Billie why ya sleepin on the ground?"

"Because my cat hates me Grim and my dad can't learn to share oh and there's a giant spider in my bed that thinks I'am her mommy"

"If you are the spiders mommy doesn't that make Manny the spiders daddy? You and Y/n are married to him right?"

"Married? Puddin you're a genius! Hey wait a minute Puddin what are you doing outside so late?"

"Oh we live outside I was raised by wolves"

Billie looks and Puddin wasn't lying his parents really are wolves

At Manny's house

Y/n and Manny are sleeping peacefully in his bed until they heard a bunch of noise coming from downstairs at 3:00 am


"I bet it's just Billie with some dumb plan that involves me"

Y/n sits up on the bed watching Manny open the door

There stood Billie in one of Y/n's white dresses holding a balloon between her fingers

"Manny my love will you take this ring and marry me?"

Y/n looked past Billie with wide eyes

Manny face palmed -_-

"Billie do you know what time it is?"

"It's time for two people who loves each other to enter a bond of matrimony" c:

Manny lifted his eyebrow

"You don't even know what matrimony is"

"As a matter of fact I do I had some for lunch today"

"...what?" ._.

Y/n snickered

"Matrimony and cheese" ^-^

"Okay first off Juliet I am NOT you're 'love' WE are not in love I fell in love with Y/n once and I love her still always have always will"

Y/n held her hands together in awe

"Second of all that's not even a real ring it's a balloon"

"No it's not it's a rare fudge swirlian gemstone"

"It's a balloon"

"No it's not"

"Then open your fingers"


"Open your fingers or I open your rib cage"

Y/n crossed her arms

"I can and will get up and leave"

Manny looked back at Y/n and then at Billie

" 'Please' open your fingers"

Y/n smiles at his struggle to be nice

Billie opens her fingers and the balloon flew off and landed in front of Manny

"Now cut to the chase and tell me what's going on"

"I need you to marry me that way you'll become the spiders daddy and take care of her until she gets rid of her spiderpox and finally gets out of my bed"

Y/n got super excited

"Julie's back?! It's been so long! I miss my spider niece" :o

"It's all very simple so what do you say?"

Manny picked her up walking downstairs Y/n following close behind sitting her outside

"I refuse to become a spiders father and the only girl I plan to marry is Y/n so buzz off"

He slams the door and goes back to bed within seconds Billie fell asleep on the ground

Y/n sneaks out of bed grabs a blanket and covers Billie with it

"Nighy night Billie"

She goes back inside and snuggles up to Manny

The next morning

Manny got out of bed and went to the bathroom he saw six arms and spiderpox

He went outside where Y/n was trying to wake Billie up

He was hanging by a web

"Billie what did you do?"


Y/n put her hands over her mouth and tried not to scream

"You're a s-sp-sp-sp-spider!"

She hid behind her sister

"Billie be quiet and listen to me I think I have the spiderpox whatever's happening to me is getting worse by the minute I need to find Grim"

"Oh he's a- aaaaaaaahhhhh you're a spider!"

Manny rolled his eyes and disappeared back into his house


"Alright Billie let's go find Grim"

They arrived home only to find webs

"Mom? Dad??"


"Y/n Billie up here!"

They looked to find everyone even the cat wrapped in webs

"Get out of the house it's-"

Grim tries to warn them but Billie cuts him off

"Hey! How come I wasn't invited to the big web party? Boy I tell ya you's falls asleep and it's forget you later!"

"Billie listen to me get out of the house now it's Manny he's-"

"He's what? A big big spider?"

Y/n stares at spider Manny poking Billie for her attention


They made a run for it

Manny shot web at them many times but they kept dodging

Grim rolls his skull to Billie and Y/n

"Girls it's me"

They stop

"Oh hey Grim-aaaaahhhhh rolling head!"

"Billie wait!"

Y/n picked his head up and ran

"Billie we don't have much time Billie has come down with spiderpox"

"Spiderpox? But that giant spider-"

Y/n cuts her off this time

"Billie shhhh what do we do now Grim?"

"The only cure is magic spider venom from the spider she contracted it from do you know where such a spider is?"

"Billie said something about that earlier"

"I could check my room"

"How did I know you were gonna say dat?"

Suddenly a web catches Grim pulling him away

"Go now and spare us all from agonizing doom!"

Manny once again runs(?) after them

They run to Billies room and nail the door shut

Manny still attempted to get in

"Hi mom! Come back to keep your little girl company?"

Julie was in Billies bed covered in spiderpox with hopeful eyes


Billie whisper screamed

Manny crawls on the roof and all around the house

"Julie you'll do anything for mommy right?"

Y/n asked referring to Billie

"Yup you bet! Anything for mom"

Y/n holds up a glass cup

"We need you to fill this cup with venom"

"Hehe I thought for a minute there you were gonna ask me if you could switch places with mom cause that's the one thing I can't do auntie Y/n"

Julie giggled

Y/n nervously laughed along

"I know sweetie believe me I know"

"Wait a minute your fangs are pointed up! Cups don't work that way I tried!"

Billie started to panick

"That's alright mom check this out!"

Julie twisted her head upside down

"Pretty cool trick right mom? Alrighty milk away"

Y/n stepped back not wanting to touch her fangs

Billie milked her fangs in the cup

"Ew ew ew"

"There you go mom say what do you have planned for this stuff anyway?"

Suddenly Manny broke through the window

Manny got ready to do his worst

Julie threw the blankets off her

"Oh my gosh mom why didn't you tell me dad was so cool looking? He's like the dad I never had!"

Manny heard the word dad and did what spider dad are known for
(Just work with me here I'm trying ><)
Grabbed Julie and was ready to bite her head off to which she did not complain

Y/n threw the venom at Manny and he was back to normal

"Billie, Y/n what just happened?"

Billie explained but neither Y/n nor Manny understood what she was saying

"Hold on there Billie just tell me this were you involved in anyway?"

"Yeah I guess you could say that"

"Alright that's all I needed to here come on Y/n we're outta here"

He grabbed her hand and headed towards the door

Julie stopped Manny before they could leave

"Will you be my daddy?"

"Does a chicken wear underwear?"

Before Julie could reply Billie made her leave to which she did

Manny and Y/n left but ended up becoming spiders as well as the rest of the possible world thanks to Billie

The End

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