The love that dare not speak its name

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(I'm assuming this is what Billie would look like as an anime girl and then I'm just over here like 👇)

Today grim is teaching me and Billie how to be a grim reaper

"So you want ta be like me eh?" Grim asked

"Yup" we answered

"I don know if I should be flattered or terrified ....
Rule number 1) selecfion is the key to a sucessful reaping ya got dat?
Now let's see who we have to pick from"

We looked through the line of people until grim spotted a boy who looked kind of like my sister but was a boy.
With brown hair.
Picking his nose.

"Yes, I think we found our first victim, what do ya think Billie?"

"He's perfect"
She said with hearts in her eyes

"Alright girls be prepared for some serious reaping"
Grim said with  fire in his non-excistent eyes
Billie ran straight to the boy
"Excuse me"

He answered in a country like voice

"Are your legs tired?"

"No not really, I took the bus here"

"Um ... well if your legs were tired than it would be because you've been running through my mind all day"

I facepalmed at the pick up line my sister tried to use
You just met the boy Billie

"I don't get it"

"Me neither... would you like to be my boyfriend!"

"Hm okay"


"Billie! What are you doing? Rule number 2) do not consort with the reapy"

"Come on grim, she likes him"

"Guys I would like you to meet my new boyfrend .. uh .... boy"

Grim walked away
"I'm going home"

Billie's new boyfriend pushed her away stepping closer to me
"Hey there pretty lady, my names Blandon"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n"

Billie stomped towards us pushing Blandon behind her

"Alright that's enough y/n you ain't gotta drool all over him I saw him first you know, he's mine!"

I gave her a confused look
" ...... what?"

"I saw that look you gave him!"

"What look?"

"There that one your doing it now!"

"Billie I still have no idea what your talking about"

"Just back off ms 'I like to steal Billie's boyfriend' girl!"

" ..... have you gone crazy?"

"Yes. Crazy in love!"

"With y/n"
Blandon added

"With Y/n.... my names Y/n?"
Billie said with much confusion


Billie would not stop talking about that boy and I'm pretty sure she hates me now for whatever reason

"Isn't Blandon just the cutest? His hair is like wow and his eyes are like woah. I can't believe he gave me his number"

It was a sticky note with his name and the number 5 on it

"And his left sock to remember him by"

She licked he gross sock

"It tastes just like Blandon"

"Ew.. Billie you know you shouldn't lick that, and how would you know how Blandon tastes anyway"

She put the whole sock in her mouth

"That's not even his sock.. "

Later that day

Billie just wouldn't let the sock go so I stopped trying, we sat on the couch with Manny watching TV

"Before today I thought dirty gym socks were smelly, now they just smell like love"

Manny looks to me for answers
"What's this dork talking about?"

"Apparently Billie fell in love but this time with a boy"

He gasped in disbelief
"A boy?!"

Then dad exclaims happily
"A boy! Good job Billie, dear Billie's fallen in love with a boy! If he's human you owe me five bucks"

"This is just ridiculous, when has Billie ever had anything in common with a human? Let alone a boy.
So who's this pathetic lonely desperate creature?"

"His name is.. uh.."

"His name is Blandon"
I answer for her and she tries to attack me so I make a run for it

"You like him don't you?! Well you can't have him he's mine! mine! mine! mine! mine! mine!"

Just as she's close to catching up to me Manny grabs her

"Don't you dare lay a hand on her!"

She looks at him then at me
"I never want to speak to you again!!"
She yells at me before walking away

Then within seconds she comes back
"Can you walk me to the mall? Mom says I'm not allowed to go alone"

I nodded still scared for my life

Later on

"So where is he?"
I ask looking around

"I don't know he told me to meet him at the mall when I called him but where could he be? he wouldn't stand me up, right?"

She starts to cry
"I can't go on with him!! Oh, there he is."

Blandon was sitting right behind us the whole time
"Hey, you remember Y/n?"

"How could I ever forget"
He says hearts surrounding him as he clings to me

"Unfortunately Y/n can't stay, she's got tons of things to do"
Billie says trying to get rid of me

"What? No I don-"
She picked me up tossing me somewhere else

All I do is go and walk to a nearby table and play on my phone

"So Blandon I was just thinking that it's time that things got a little more serious and since you are my future husband I only have 3 conditions.
1) Don't ever look at anyone else
2) Don't ever think anout anyone else
3) Don't ever talk to anyone else
and 4) same rules as 1 2 and 3"

"Yeah about that, you see Billie when I first agreed to be your boyfriend I only said that so you would worship every ground I waln on and rip your heart into shreds later. Thats how relationships work. I thought you understood, I waited my whole life to meet a very special girl, a girl that's not afraid of her feelings, a girl who is (y/h) tall, has (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, who's lovable and loves to wear her hair in a (h/s)"

"That's me!"

"I was talking about Y/n"

While he was talking Billie dressed herself up to look like her sister but no one pulls it off better than Y/n herself

Billie growled under her breath stomping over to Y/n

"Hey Billie what's up?"

"What's up is I knew you were trying steal Blandon away from me"

"What are you talking about, Billie"

Y/n had a bad feeling about where this was going so she slowly got up

"Don't pretend like you don't know anything, you were plotting to steal him this whole episode"

"Billie, I wouldn't do that to you, you know me better than this. I don't even like him, I like Manny"

Blandon wrapped his arms around me
"Go ahead Y/n, tell her about us"

I pushed him off me
"There is no 'us' and there never will be"

Billie ran towards me so I ran away from her and for a while she just kept chasing me until Manny showed up hitting her with grims book, I hugged him for safety

"What did I tell you about touching her!"
He growled at Billie

"This doesn't involve you"

"It does now, Blandons turning you against eachother I found this in grims monster manuel"

He opened the book showed a slimy blue monster with a lot of eyes

"He's really a doppleganger, a shape shifting monster from another realm that takes on different forms in order to cause misery"

Billie runs up to Blandon in tears
"Blandon say it isn't so, please"

"Uh, it isn't so?"

"Tell her or else"
Manny threatens

"Alright it's true you found me out, everything you've heard about me is true. you happy now?"

He walked away sadly transforming back to his orignal form

"B-b-blandon, is that you?"
Billie asks

"You see when I arrived in this dimension my initial plan was to create as much jealousy and turmoil as possible, but what I didn't plan on was falling in love"
Blandon explains

"I don't care about that Blandon I still love you"

"I don't mean you, I meant Y/n"

"I'll kill you!!"

I yelped and held onto Manny tighter as he raised the book and hit her again

Billie did that

"Alright it's about time you got to steppin and don't let me catch you in this dimension ever again now scram before I get really angry"

And just like that Blandon was gone and Billie tried to chase after him
"Wait Blandon don't go please Blandon!! I swear one day I will find you again and we'll be together forever"

20 years later

Manny and I got married years ago and today it's Billie's turn

Billie found Blandon and I am Billie's maid of honor

"Do you Billie take Blandon this hideous disgusting creature as your husband?"

"I do"

"And do you Blandon take Billie to be your awfully wedded wife?"

"Billie? I thought I was marrying Y/n"

Billie turned to me angrily
"I'll kill you!"

Once again Manny had to hit her with a book to restrain her

"Don't touch my wife!!"

he then wraps his arm around my waist turning to the camera
"Remember kids, love can sometimes lead to pain"

He kissed me and the screen turned black

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