Chapter 1: Where Katsuki Bakugo learns fear

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"Are you serious?"

"Dead serious."

Hack looked at Eraserhead in total shock. Here she had been lying at the hospital, waiting for them to drag her off to prison, but here was her favourite hero telling her that she would be set free, provided that Eraserhead kept her under constant surveillance. Other than that, she was being promised a normal life. It sounded too good to be true.

"No, like—, isn't Vigilantism punishable by law or something?" She asked slowly, fidgeting with her hands.

He blinked slowly at her.

"Do you want to be punished?"

"No—," she began, but got cut off.

"Then I don't expressly see what you are fussing over so much. And I won't be breathing down your neck everyday, so don't worry. It's just a general surveillance."

She felt so relieved that she nearly sunk into black ink. She controlled it at the last moment, because shifting back was a nightmare. She cast a gaze at her left arm, which was covered in bandages. The doctors had said that it would scar. She wasn't too thrilled to discover how it looked presently, even if she had a good tolerance to gruesome sites.

"Well, anyways, I believe the nurses are saying that you shall be released soon," he said, breaking off her train of thought, "I suppose I have to bring you to Nezu.......oh right, there is another condition."

She was pretty sure that he said that for the drama, as she stiffened, ready for the punishment to come.

However, he just gave her a borderline insane grin and said,

"You shall be attending UA."

And the bottom fell off her world

The path leading up to the main building was clean. It was early morning and she had arrived with Eraserhead, who she discovered was to be her homeroom teacher. However she had been left to her own devices after they passed the gate. She was well acquainted with the floor plan, having hacked the system numerous times to leave a message for checking things out.

In her four years of Vigilantism, she had managed to make the Principal fire four teachers, due to their history with abuse. She reckoned that the Principal purposefully did it for his own fun, for it was definitely obvious with his High Specs.

It appeared that she was the only one to be this early. No one was in the classroom. A cool breeze lifted her inky hair, and she took a deep breath. She wasn't that fond of crowds but Eraserhead's hands were tied. If was either this or actual prison. She could do this. Besides, Endeavor's son would be coming here as well.

It helped her plans, for she hadn't been able to come up with a definite plan to speak to him. After all, even if the school proved to be utter hell, she still had a chance to put the Flame Hero in prison. She was already salty about her new layer of burn scars, over her former scars, all crisscrossing each other. Her hand, unveiled was nothing but scar tissue, so she made a point to carefully cover it with her shadow shifting powers.


She blinked and turned her head to see a boy with dark blue hair which was smartly combed. He was wearing square spectacles and his expression could only be described as "Plus Ultra serious". His neat looks made her self conscious of her own unruly clumps of hair. She had resolutely avoided a barber and Eraserhead, being Eraserhead, didn't care much for appearances either.

"Yeah. This year they put an extra seat, I was so shocked. I thought I was gonna end up in 1-B or something. Not like I have an issue, but there is this annoying blonde that I kinda want to avoid, heh."

She really hoped that he didn't ask her how she knew of said blonde, and to her immense relief, he didn't.

"WELL, THAT'S GOOD TO HEAR. MY NAME IS TENYA IIDA," he began, moving his hands around in robotic motions. It was sort of interesting to see.

She realised that she would have to give a name. She didn't remember her own name, the doctor had said something about repression of memories due to trauma.

So she hurled out the first name she could think of,

"Makoto Akaguro."

Iida gave her a serious smile and sat down at his own desk which happened to be right in the middle of the class. She texted Eraser aboutt name, hoping the man would get her point. He was one of the most rational heroes she had the good fortune to encounter.

The class began filtering in slowly.

However her eyes widened when she saw one in particular. Her cat ears and kitsune like tail were nothing she would forget in a hurry.

Without thinking much about it, she gasped out,


Said person looked at her and her eyes widened, and did a double take.


Ah, that must be her nickname. She would later wonder how her sister had managed to figure out who she was when she looked nothing like before. It was all in her eyes, apparently, according to her, which were the doorways to her same soul. She doubted that it had remained the same, but that was a mystery for another day.

"OHMYGODSISTERIMISSEDYOUSOMUCH," she began, throwing her arms around her neck. She stiffened before gingerly hugging her back, hoping that her anxiety didn't strike up the wrong way. However her wishes were dashed when the familiar white of panic fogged her mind and she pulled away as fast as possible, without seeming unnatural.

The hurt and confusion on her face soon changed to a disdainful look when someone yelled from behind her.


Yet another loud and annoying blonde. However this one had red eyes and seemed to detest wearing ties.


Seven years definitely hadn't done much for her temper, apparently. Flames licked the tips of her fingers, her fire Quirk coming to life with the change in her mood.


By the blonde's reaction, it was evident that no one ever had the gall to yell back at him in this manner for he took a split second to recover.

However, he was insulting her sister. She wouldn't let that fact be swept under the rug. Morphing her face into shifting darkness with glowing white eyes somehow made the temperature of the room fall. In essence, essentially.

She gripped his collar coldly, "If you wish to pass, ask politely for permission, otherwise choose another path. Yelling and bullying won't get you respect, Katsuki Bakugo."

Izuku Midoriya had been running late, and when he heard the sound of raised voices outside the classroom, he had already said his last prayers. He was definitely dying in this Hero Course if Kacchan was in his class as well.

However, when the voices abruptly ceased, he frowned and looked over to see a girl who looked like her face was the face of the void itself glaring down at him.

"Yelling and bullying won't get you respect, Katsuki Bakugo. Only fear. People will be glad when you leave then, when your death marks the end of you tyranny."

Izuku audibly gulped at her words. Even though she wasn't speaking to him, she was terrifying. It felt like the Grim Reaper had come to collect his soul. Cold sweat drenched his shirt and the entire class was still, audiences in what seemed like a horror film.


However she hadn't left his collar, yet. Bakugo tried shaking it off, but her grip was unreasonably strong. He could have sworn that he had seen claws.

"Learn to respect others," she said with a tone of disgust, "Otherwise Hack will find you."

She left his collar and he staggered back a few steps, before moodily stomping off to his own seat. Her face went back to her normal form, even if it looked like it had been carved out of a black hole itself, dark eyes shimmering in a darker face, covered by unruly clumps of black hair.

As if a spell had been lifted, the class went back to their normal activities.

KK had assumed that they would leave her be, terrified of her form, but she had forgotten that UA was also a gathering for the weirdest of the weird. Bakugo didn't question why she knew his name, probably having thought that he was famous enough to be known by a total stranger.


A well built boy with spiked red hair grinned up at her. She gave a hesitant smile back, wondering what to say. Conversing wasn't one of her strong suits.

"Wow, sis, you have definitely become a lot more scary for bullies since we last met."

Axel gave her a sunny smile, and patted her lightly on the back.

She turned to her right to see a chilly boy with dual toned and heterochromatic eyes sitting there. More specifically, Shoto Todoroki, who she had decided to save from his household, having met his burnt chicken nugget of a brother a few years prior.

He literally vibed "Now near me and freeze, for I have the chill of Antartica."

To normal people anyways.

KK, now Makoto Akaguro, was by no means, normal.

The red haired boy introduced himself as "Eijiro Kirishima" and she smiled, as if she definitely hadn't memorised the names of the entire class prior to this. He went off to sit at his own seat, which was somewhere in the front. Axel's seat was thankfully beside her, it relieved her anxiety slightly.

Izuku was interjected by Ochaco before he entered the classroom and he flushed slightly, not used to having people of his age talk nicely to him, especially a girl.

"Hey, sis, you still in ships?" Axel's voice made her turn around with a slightly disturbing grin.

"Definitely somewhat back, but I totally ship Nighteye with All Might," she replied.

Axel jumped up.



Just then a tired voice from the doorway made them look at a yellow sleeping bag in surprise. KK stifled a laugh at the others' shocked expressions.

"If you are here to make friends, then you might as well get out."

The realisation that this was actually a man made them jump and go back to their seats.

The scruffy looking hobo got out of the bag and yawned.

"It took you all eight seconds to settle down. That won't do. Delay isn't rational."

He gave them a casual look that made most anxious for some reason.

"I am Shouta Aizawa, your homeroom teacher."

He held out a PE outfit.

"Now put this on and get to the grounds. I'll be waiting."

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