Chapter 15: Where Mystery Woman makes an appearance

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The UA Sports Festival attracted a lot of attention.

It was entertainment for those watching and recruiting opportunities for the heroes.

And an opportunity for those participating to prove themselves.

The Business Course came to mostly advertise their products while the Management Course was.....the Management Course.

The General Education Course lacked the enthusiasm the most, for they felt that they were being paraded around to showcase how good the Hero Courses were—, and while this was true to an extent, sometimes those with useful Quirks in other courses did catch the eye of the heroes and teachers.

Such a particular case was Hitoshi Shinsou, who had caught the eye of a particular undeground hero, Eraserhead.

Or the UA teacher, Shouta Aizawa.

"You like that kid huh," Present Mic's voice was soft for someone who shouted all the time.

Aizawa scowled, not that it was discernable with the bandages wrapped around his face.

"He has potential."

Which in Aizawanese was, "I am adopting him."

Present Mic nodded sagely.

"Makes sense."


Earlier that day, a rather unknown underground hero had also appeared at the stadium. She never really appeared in the other years, save for the three years when the Support Hero Beam attended UA.

Her white hair streaked with yellow and blue was tied up in a rather complicated hairstyle, much like her rather colourful life. She wore a tight fitting suit as most of her profession, deep blue, black and white with a black cape. 

An infrared lens covered her left eye and white gloves covered her hands.

A black mask covered half her face.

She had a thin smile on her face, one almost of nostalgia, despite never having actually being a UA student herself.

Aizawa had noticed her and scowled, her presence never bode good news for anyone involved.

"What the hell are you up to this time?"

"Tsk, Eraser, you must treat your elders with respect~~."

Her words had a playful tilt to them, as if everything in the world amused her and she personally didn't feel anything towards a particular situation, as if it was the same amusement with which one would observe a movie—, removed from the plane of reality where the events were occuring.

"To hell with respect."

Aizawa was getting more and more irritated by the second.

The onlookers surreptitiously moved away, for it was an unspoken agreement in the Hero Community to not get involved with the matters of underground heroes unless you were one of them.

Present Mic was the only one brave enough to stand by, having gotten used to it after being around Aizawa for fifteen or so years.

Or rather, he was one of those the both of them really didn't mind.

"Well, as you know, there is something called etiquette even for us, underground heroes."

Seeing that the conversation was going no where with his "elder" constantly taking it off course, Aizawa forced himself to repeat his earlier question.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here."

Said person cocked her head, still having the smile as she said,

"Why, isn't that obvious~~. I am here to see the UA Sports Festival~~."

If Aizawa had been a lesser man, he would have strangled her on spot.

Not that he could have in the current situation with his hands in casts.

So, forcing as much of irritation he could into his voice, he grit out,

"You never come for the other years. Why now?"

She licked her lips.

"Well, well, isn't that a mystery?"

And with that she disappeared, before Aizawa had a chance to activate his own Quirk.

A lone paper fluttered down which he caught with much difficulty.

On it was written,

"Improve your reflexes, Aizawa-kun~~."

He crushed it and stamped it under his foot in fury, even if it sent flashes of pain throughout his body.

Present Mic inched nearer, presumably to escort him to the announcer's box where they were would be sitting for the rest of the event.

He heard his friend grumbling in pure frustration.

"Hero Grim Reaper
Quirk: Teleport
Harbringer of misery."

With that he hobbled off, providing zero context for the situation except for a last few words muttered under his breath,

"Most annoying hero after Endeavor."

What kind of hero would one have to be to earn such a sort of title?


"Fake heroes," Stain growled as he prowled about.

The fake he had cut down earlier had been rushed to the hospital, near to death.

He had tsked at his frail sight.

How weak.


Never did it cross his mind that there could be an error in his judgement, or that the heroes he cut down without prior research were actually good ones.

Or maybe he did do research.

In the typical Stain way, evidently.

His major grudge against Ingenium was that this hero required the support of a full team instead of being a pillar of strength like his....for lack of a better word, senpai.

Or maybe there is a better word such as the Symbol of Peace, Number One Hero, Source of Envy for Mr. Satan, etc, but it sounded more fitting for Stain in his crazed idol worship, for who eliminates heroes by comparing them to an incomparable person?

His phone rang, the ringtone set to "I am here" in a grandiose voice and he growled and flipped it open, going slightly slack jawed at the caller id, for.....he really hadn't expected her of all people to call him.

Perhaps it was rage at being interrupted in his grand endeavor, perhaps it was guilt, perhaps it was a mixture of both, frosted by shame at his own inability, a reminder of his failure that he dropped it in shock, causing it to shatter when it hit the pavement below.

He cursed.

"How gorgeous......"

A female voice, obnoxious to the extreme sounded behind him and he turned, imagining that he would find her rolling her eyes at him for a split second, but he was only greeted by thin air.

He was thinking too much.

Hosu was addling up his brains.

KK shrugged and kept her phone down, having expected the silence.

She really shouldn't be feeling so hurt about it either, but alteast he could take responsibility for the heartbroken look on Iida's face.

Yeah, that was it, she had called him to ask which fabulous idea caused him to attack Ingenium of all people.

"I will have to leave," Iida muttered, getting up.

"....Hope he gets better," she muttered as he strode past her.

She wasn't sure whether he had heard her though.

She put her hands in her pockets, looking at the yawning stadium in front of her.

Izuku, Bakugo, Tenya, Shoto, Fumikage, Eijiro, Axel and herself had moved onto the second round.

She felt slightly nauseous.

After the initial adrenaline had worn off, the incredible noise was starting to mix together, making her head ring.

After the dark and relative quiet of the rooms where she did her "work", the light was too much.

The brightness felt blinding.

She wasn't suited for this.

She wasn't suited to be in the light.

Even her own Quirk—

The crawling darkness shifting beneath her skin, never seeming to be her own, making her feel sick and tainted, the feverish feeling of using it—

—showed where she would be suited best.

Her head felt like it was stuffed with cotton, and she stumbled.

Clutching onto the wall for support, she dialed a number.

"Would it be too much if I drop out right now? I mean, it wouldn't be really useful for me if I showed the exact weaknesses of my Quirk, right now, so—"

The words spilling out of her mouth felt foreign, as if her body and mouth were on autopilot.

The perpetually tired voice of Eraserhead answered the call, cutting her off in the middle,

"Yes, I understand the Sports Festival is a headache. Take your time off, we will say that your guardian is sick."

Which, for one, really wasn't wrong.

Maybe Eraser had understood—.

"Thank you."

She cut off the call and disappeared.

Later Axel would come looking for her only to hear that she had disappeared somewhere from Aizawa.

"She left again, huh...."

She would also learn that Iida had left for family business which would lead to Kaminari making a terrible joke about families having business when the Sports Festival was concerned, causing him to earn a slap to the face and a threat in his ear,

"I will make your family have issues if you don't shut up right now."

He nearly passed out from fright.

Bakugo raised an eyebrow at the spectacle but proceeded to ignore it otherwise.

He had better things to do.

Beating everyone and becoming the Number 1 hero for instance.

The next match was of Deku and Half n Half, who both looked troubled for some reason.

As Shoto walked into the platform, Bakugo had a sudden flashback to conversation he had unwittingly overheard prior to the first match.

He scowled.

He had no desire to feel something as gross as sympathy for that bastard.

"3, 2, 1, BEGIN!!!"

Midnight's voice echoed around the stadium.

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