Chapter 5: Where Shoto Todoroki doesn't ice swipe his way to victory

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KK and Tokoyami had been assigned the villain team. Which was perfectly fine with her, considering her previous role in society. She had made her scythe dissipate, for it was impractical in an indoors fight with such limited space. Tokoyami seemed to be fond of her and they bonded over dark humor on the way to the top.

"Fumikage," she began, "If I am not too wrong, Shoto will start with a sweeping ice move considering his Quirk. He had frozen his left half, which implies that he isn't in a hurry to use his flames."

Tokoyami was admirable in how he didn't question exactly how she had reached her conclusions. Which she was grateful for.

"So, neither of our powers would be inconvenienced. Now, Shoji will probably play lookout, to track where we are. I could teleport to where he is, but my aim could end up being horridly wrong. Now, I must ask you to guard the bomb with your Dark Shadow, and I shall use my darkness slip to protect our feet from being frozen. After that, we shall engage them. Try taunting them if you feel like you are losing."

"It sounds like I shall found as a sitting duck, and you shall fight with the powers of the dark," Tokoyami began, "No offense, but you stand in the danger of Quirk exhaustion as well, so it would be better if we split the task."

KK looked slightly uncomfortable at asking to "split the task", but she managed out a, "'Kay," just as All Might asked them to start.

Sure enough, within moments the ice came crawling up the entire building. If not for the darkness layer of the void below them, they might have ended up being frozen in place. Even so, they stalled, pretending that they had frozen in place.

Todoroki stalked up, definite that he had already won.

However, he was in for a surprise when black tendrils rushed out towards him and bound him in place. Tokoyami leapt up with the capture tape, which led to him sending up a barrier of ice which also made the tendrils dissipate as KK lost focus. She touched the frozen bomb, willing it to be shifted to the corner of the room. It got pushed through the shadows before Tokoyami's Dark Shadow pecked and broke through the ice.

Taken aback at the sudden display of power, he was forced to back up and send another wall of ice at them which Dark Shadow broke through. KK shadow travelled behind him and whipped the capture tape to capture him, only for his last second icy retaliation.

Undaunted, she skid on said ice and lunged for his left side, knowing that it was a weakness.

It proved correct, for Todoroki's reaction wasn't fast enough to not be strangled with the capture tape. Defeated, he fell down, irritated.

KK smirked at him, before disappearing, presumably to find Shoji to capture, leaving Tokoyami alone to defend the bomb.

He remembered her words from before.

I am sorry, but I suck at teamwork.

All Might's declaration of Shoji being capture came exactly five minutes after his.

KK reappeared beside Tokoyami and fist pumped him.


The rest of the trials went relatively dull. KK and Tokoyami got the praise from her fellow classmates for taking on Todoroki's seemingly God level powers. She laughed a bit, sounding happy.

Meanwhile, Todoroki was busy glaring at his left hand.

She left him to it, consciously feeling that she sucked at emotional support, even though they were friends.

Axel came and clapped the both of them on their backs, grinning and cracking jokes.

Somehow Izuku got dragged into this as well, and Axel(who claimed that Bakugo had designated her as his new rival) tried to talk to Bakugo as well, returning his explosions with her fireballs. She was shivering slightly, an effect of her Quirk, which caused KK to drape a blanket Momo conjured later over her. She was glad for the warmth.

And apparently didn't have an issue with Bakugo.

KK looked at him, trying to wonder what she saw in him that made her decide to initiate conversations with him.

Or what Bakugo saw to actually start yelling about being ignored when she went a single day without talking to her.

She exchanged a significant look with Todoroki who shrugged.

"I ship it," she told him over lunch the next day. He seemed to agree.

Izuku was just relieved that he wasn't being physically hurt anymore.

A/N: I like to theorise that Todoroki produces the fire from inside of him, raising his body temperature to ignite the gases around him which keeps going due to the presence of oxygen. So if an Air Manipulator goes and puts a vacuum on his left half, he cannot use his flames.

And Axel draws on the outside heat to produce the heat, as long as there is heat, she can control it. If it's a cold region, she can draw on her body heat, but it produces the counter effect to Todoroki's exhaustion, which just leaves her cold due to the loss of body heat.

Now she has a good precision when the fireballs originally leave her, but the farther they go, the more unstable they become, until they explode at a certain distance.

Todoroki overheats if he overuses his left side, which is why I like the idea of him raising his body temperature, and she cannot absorb extra heat, she can concentrate it in her palm and then throw it as fireballs or small tongues of flame. Overusage causes scorched palms along with shivering, if she draws on her body heat.

If taken to the extreme, she has a good danger of hypothermia along with burnt hands.

Also, forgive my typos. 

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