I am groot...

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I... Am Groot....

// She has a problem with this Ifunny...

/ She's getting way to happy over something she posted....

I am Groot....

// She just jumped out the fucking window and bounced back up some how...

/ It's because we made the ground around the house a trampoline type of ground...

I am Groot....

// I forgot about that... Wasn't it because Groot jumped out the window once?

/ He actually "Fell" out the window... I don't know how he " Fell" though...

( OH MY GERD!!!!!)

// 0-0 I think we should really help her out...

/ How? She's to happy... She won't listen...


( -_- Groot silence... I'm gonna stay as happy as possible while I have the small moment of fame for posting something that so many people for some reason find funny...)

I AM GROOT! * Takes away phone*


// Um Groot. That wasn't a very good idea...

/ :-: *Whispers* Fight, fight, fight...

// I didn't think you were so violent Second thoughts...

/ Fiiiiiiiight!

( GIVE MEH MY PHOOOOOOOOOOOONE!!! * Jumps on Groots back clawing for phone*)

I... Am Groot....

// It's official, Kalli's gone mad....

/ It was inevitable...


// KALLI!!!

( * Looks over* WHAT?!?)

/ Are you gonna show them the gif or not?

( Oh.... * Jumps of Groots back* I didn't realize we were showing the public this....)

( * Whispers* Follow my Ifunny... 0-0)

// -_- Don't follow her Ifunny... She's to addicted to it...

/ Follow it so it can make her even more crazy so she can fight Groot...

.... I am Groot....

/ I mean, noooo, don't follow it!!!

( Can I go back to being happy over my Ifunny stuff?)

// Sure, Why not?

( YAY!!! * Runs through wall jumping up and down on the trampoline flooring*)

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