(I have a question...)

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( What do you get when there's two dumbasses who have a HUGE ego for themselves?)

// Idk what?

/ LOGAN AND SCOTT!!! XLogan_HowlettX Scott_Cyclops

( EXACTLY! Their both so weird I swear... 😂)

// what happens when an amazing lord of Mischief turns them both into each other?

( Idk, what?)

/ A huge fucking cat fight about who's going to fuck Jean and who's going to die if they lay a finger on her!!!

^^^ Scott proves a point there...

^^^ Why do you want someone to go fuck themselves? Is it cuz you can't get Jean to fuck you? { ROASTED!!!}

( Anyways, it has been proven that these to dumbasses threaten each other when their no themselves so Loki, do me a favor and do that again since I was laughing my ass off the first time... 😉 Thanks bro... TheReal_LokiOfAsgard )

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