// Tagged by a random person...

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( Groot! Come here for a second!!!)

* Runs through wall* I am Groot.

( You were tagged by some random person to do this challenge thingy... It's like a questions thing....)

// I'm pretty sure we all already know his answers...

/ Yeah... :p

( Anyways, The first question saaaaaays.... Dogs or cats...)

I am Groot.....

/ You've gotta say one or the other...

I am Groot....

// I don't think Rocket counts as a cat but I guess if that's your answer...

( Um, okay... 2. Team Cap or Team Stark?)

/ Does Groot even know them?

I am Groot!

( He says Team Cap because of spidey being on that team... Plus he saw this picture...)

// I love that picture ;)

/ Did he just.... Say something...

( O.o He did say something nice....)

I am Groot....

// I mean... Wow what a dumb picture!

( Anyways... Question 3: Fav song?)


/ That's not a song my tree friend...

// it's a song in his hears... er, holes where ears should be?

( Question 4: Fav Movie....)

// I feel like I already know the answer....

I am Groot.... We are Groot....

/ I'm gonna say that he means Guardians of the Galaxy....

* Shakes head* I am Groot...

( O.o He's saying it's actually Deadpool...)

I am Groot. :)

// Wait REALLY?!?

/ I seriously thought it would've been Guardians of the Galaxy...

( Um, before people get butt hurt about his choice of movie which I totally agree with to be honest, the next question...
5.} Jurassic park?)

// Oh god...

/ Not that movie...

* Shakes head disapprovingly.* I.... Am Groot.....

( Um, I haven't seen it... 0.0)

// GASP!!!



( I don't see what the big deal is, I just don't really like the movies I guess XP anyways,
6.} Favorite Food?)


// He got way to excited over this question...

/ What is he even happy about?

( The fact that I gave him gingerbread cookies that looked like him and when I said " Order for Groot" he was happy to stand up and yell " I AM GROOT!!!")

I AM GROOT!!!!!!!

// What does he even eat?

( Apparently gingerbread cookies...)

/ Hm, I thought he would be more into beef jerky for some reason...

( * Shrugs* Eh, I guess he's full of surprises... Anyways, NEXT QUESTION!
7.} Fav soda?)

I am Groot...

// He said he prefers water...

/ What if he drank sparkling water? Dressed all fancy and everything...

( Um, alright. Well he answered that sooooo,
8.} Favorite Football Team)

I Am groooooooot! I- Am groooooot! I AM Groooooot!

// Oh god he's singing the star spangled banner...

/ It's actually pretty nice... Relaxing....

I am gr000oooot...

( Bravo!!! Now that we've got that out of the way what's your favorite football team?)


// Oh, that's right. Rocket and him only go to earth to shoot things so he doesn't even know what football is...

.... I am Groot....

( Alright, well then we'll just say his favorite football team is Groot... Nailed it! 😂
9.} You ready for the Olympics?)

I am Groot?

/ He doesn't know what the olympics are...

O.o I am Groot...

( Um... Let's just say he is ready for the olympics...
10.} Crush?

I.... Am.... Groot...

// Well, do you have a crush big bad tree monster?

/ For the moment his crush is probably himself!

( Can't forget Jean XD
11.} Girlfriend?)

I am Groot. ;)

// He says no... He available. * Hint hint...*

( Oh my... 0.0 Um... He's trying to be a player again...)

/ Let him, it works for him to be honest...

(12.} Do you like Ryan Renolds?)

I am Groot!!!



( Sounds like all of you guys have a celebrity crush XD)

// Mhmm...

/ You've gotta admit he's a cutie... X3

I am Groot....

( alright, LAST QUESTION!!!
13.} Fav Starwars Movie?)

I... Am Groot....


/ -_- Their trying to act out the scene with Vader telling Luke he's his father...

( Hm, it wasn't that bad I guess... I prefer The Empire Strikes Back for some reason I liked that one... But then again I love all the Star Wars movies... Other then force unleashed... Not enough light saber fights...)

I am Groot!

( He found another picture... -_-)

// * Shakes head* My goodness....

/ can we just be done with this question thingy?

( Yeah, I'm to lazy to tag people though so you guys do you and do whatever you feel like doing. If you wanna do the challenge then go ahead...)

I am Groot...

// Yes, you are Groot... We've understood that for a decent amount of you being able to have an account on this app Groot...

{ Ps. Was tagged by RealBlackWidow to do this so BAM! There you go 😂}

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