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To say the least, I was hella shocked.


















I started to hyperventilate.

"Um... are you mentally stable?" my sister, Mia, asked; While giving me this look that screamed 'you're not okay you need help'. Shes 16, and hella annoying sometimes. 

I shook my head no and she nodded and walked away. I'm guessing she assumed this was normal.

I checked my phone again, the picture was still there; Namjoon making the cutest face possible while holding the camera, Jin being so. damn. extra, hoseok and yoongi looking at each other in disgust, jimin trying his best to be in the photo (due to his height) and taehyung and jungkook smiling innocently at the camera. 

I mean, I knew I said Jungkook was my bias, but holy shit. Namjoon was always my first ever bias in BTS and that special place in my heart is reopening. 

I threw my phone on the pillow again, smashing my face into the couch cushions.

"wggt ish laif," I spoke, sounding a little strangled. 

I must have drifted off to sleep because when I woke up, it was 1:14.

I quickly checked my Discord messages, seeing that I had two. One from coconutboi who I'm assuming is Jungkook and one from ihatesnakeu who is 100% Hoseok. 

coconutboi: so... you know

I think Joonie has a little


on u LOL

ihatesnakeu: just please remember not to tell anyone

we trust you, Riel!




I laughed to myself and started getting ready for work.

"MIA! I GOTTA GO TO WORK! WATCH JISOO!" I yelled from my room, sliding on some pink tint and grabbing my purse. I smoothed my skirt and straightened my top, trying to look presentable and professional. You see, I work at Yonsei University Library. It makes certain people feel old, but I freaking love it in there. The smell of books, the nice window view especially when it's raining, and all the interesting people who come in during the hours I work. I shoved my headphones in my ears, just like every single damn fanfiction I've ever read, and quickly exited my room. I made sure Mia was with our sister and grabbed the Nutella sandwich I had made the night before out of the fridge, and rushed over to the front door, jamming my feet into the all back shoes. huh; reminds me of my high school life. I quickly rushed out the door, heading to the nearest train station because after all, I did live in Myeongdong and that's quite far away from the university. 2.6 miles to be exact.

"Hmm... the train ride is going to be..." I said thinking out loud, whipping my phone out to check. "39 minutes?! Oh crap, better go now." I mumbled, walking faster, the cold air nipping at the exposed skin on my legs. 

39 + 5 minutes bc im lazy af and had to get some food train ride later

I pushed open the doors of the library and quickly sat behind the front desk, turning the laptop on and filling out the short stack of forms that was left on my desk. Twas pretty chill in the library most days, but today there was a whole bunch of squealing near the back.

Someone shushed them, and then I noticed my coworker, Jay, walking over. 

"Some people being loud?" I snorted, holding back a laugh.

"Yeah," he rolled his eyes, "apparently someone famous is coming."

"WHO?" I whisper-yelled.

"I think it was BKS? BLS? BLT?" he murmured, trying to remember the three letters I was dreading to hear.

"BTS?" I tried, and he snapped his fingers and nodded.

I slumped down into my desk, banging my head onto the desk.

"Whelp. I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that and I'm just gonna leave you to it..." he laughed, probably off to go hang with his boyfriend, Daniel. 

"Noona? Can I like, check out this book?" a boy said, poking the bell. I quickly nodded and gave him a small smile.

what the heck.. why is this 13-year-old looking boy checking out AP Calculus...

I checked out the book and asked him for his library card.

"Riel?" a voice behind him said.

I looked at the man before realizing who it was.

"Yoongi and Namjoon?!" I whispered-dumbfounded.

I quickly wrapped up the chat and finished checking out the boy's book. Sending him away and making the boy's come forward.

"Well, you see..."

Just a little insight on Riel's point of view... don't worry we're going back to discord format next chapter. Thanks for reading! <3 Ily guys!~

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