Cold Delights

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Though I feel a springtime yen

Feel confined by winter's pen

Look around my brown homeland

Seek allure in sleepy land

Bare branches glint with sunlight

Sycamore trunks glowing white

Shadows crisscross along ground

Bare trees reveal gray squirrel's bound

Frozen grass sends ears a treat

With sharp crunch beneath my feet

Tiny tracks on snowy deck

Stories told of critter trek

Many birds seek nutty treat

Joined by squirrels with long toed feet

Tiny mice came in the night

Safer hike in dim moonlight

Atop fence an orange cat

Seeks prey in my habitat

Ears twitch with a captured sound

Tracks movement in leafy ground

One day when I stepped outside

Red brown hawk with wings spread wide

On low branch quite near the ground

Did she catch a squirrel mid-bound?

Gray squirrel chatters in tall tree

Flicking tail before he flees

Hawk drops down behind a hill

Wonder if hawk made a kill

Such a thrill to see large bird

Her calls I have often heard

Frequent sightings now suggest

Somewhere near she has a nest

Nature's heartbeat still thrums on

With each season, dawn to dawn

Even in mid-winter cold

Step outside, let eyes behold

Copyright 2021 - 2022 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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