Summer's Slip

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As summer heat slips away

Cool winds trickle; treetops sway

Cold winter fears kept at bay

Flowers burst in full display

Green leaves fade with each cool gust

Goldenrod drips yellow dust

Asters bloom in purple thrust

Plants recede into brown rust

Bean pods brittle; bulge with seed

Daikon radish grew with speed

Rabbits seek green tasty weed

Bare stems taunt grasshopper greed

Sunchokes bud for autumn bloom

Tall grass spikes a fluffy plume

Bird flocks swirl in high sky zoom

Dead plants crumble to earth's tomb

Early mornings filled with dew

Crows caw from a high-tree view

Distant train wheels call, "choo-choo"

Rain cleaned sky a bright deep blue

Copyright 2021 - 2023 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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