Chapter Seventeen: Grating Nerves

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The entire summer, Hiccup had imagined that the night he caught the gang and threw them behind bars, he would sleep well again. He wouldn't be up until the crack of dawn, running himself into the ground as he had been night after night. He'd hit the pillow early, snuggle up next to his wife and be able to truly relax knowing that his village was safe. Maybe he could catch a few more Zs than usual and sleep in a bit late. Heck, maybe he'd even have a few extra minutes to shave this infernal scruff off his face. He couldn't have been more wrong.

Instead, he lay awake most of the night, staring at the ceiling with a dismal frown. Astrid had eventually fallen asleep once her tears of frustration had subsided. The couple was rightfully distraught over their son's actions, behaviors, attitudes. They were at a loss.

So there he lay, the famous Chief Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, wide awake in the middle of the night in his comfortable bed in his warm house while his son, his baby, sat in a cold, dank, uncomfortable cell, probably shivering and feeling alone as ever.

Hiccup stiffened, holding back a groan. The thought alone made him want to jump out of bed and bring Finn home. He couldn't stand the thought of his son sitting in jail like a criminal. But he knew he couldn't do that. He couldn't reward or feel sorry for the boy or allow him to get away with his crimes. Because that's what they were: crimes. Crimes against the tribe, the people who loved and trusted him, Astrid, himself! Even Gobber, who was one of the few individuals who the boy still held in high regard. Or so they thought.

Sighing heavily, Hiccup looked at Astrid sleeping beside him. A soft smile came to his face when she hummed and snuggled closer into his shoulder, her arm wrapping around his waist lazily. Even after so many years of marriage, she still hogged most of the bed, pressing herself up against his body. It was a wonder he didn't fall off the edge of the bed more often. He almost snickered at the memory from their first year of marriage when she'd snuggled him so far to the edge that they toppled out of bed at a whopping six am. Annoying at the time for sure; funny to look back on now. Oh, the little perks of early marriage life. Little did they know of the big adventures heading their way full force.

Gently kissing her forehead, Hiccup whispered, "Things will be okay. I promise."

Tugging the blankets over them, Astrid sighed contentedly from the resulting warmth. Soon the chief felt his eyes drooping, and finally sleep overtook him.


"Wow. You look awful."

Hiccup grunted in response to Snotlout's flat remark. He swiped a coffee cup from the breakfast drink bar and sat down beside Snotlout. The other council members nodded at him respectfully as he carefully took a swig. He winced and set down the cup. "Ow."

"Hot?" Tuffnut asked.

"No, it's cold."

"Oh, well don't freeze your teeth." Tuffnut shook a finger at him from across the table. "One time I froze my teeth with a massive bite of ice cream and let me tell you, it was singlehandedly the most painful experience of my life. So of course I had to do it again."

"It was awesome." Ruffnut snickered.

Hiccup sighed, giving Horst a look that said "help".

Horst hid a smile and sat forward. "Let's get things started. How would you like to proceed?"

Astrid slid into the extra seat beside her husband, a blueberry muffin and glass of orange juice in hand. "We're going to interrogate them one by one."

"Who's going to be present?" Manny the Mad asked, stroking his sword thoughtfully.

Hiccup swallowed hard, knocking back the caffeinated beverage. He could practically feel the fog clear from his brain as the caffeine hit his blood stream. Shaking his head to clear it, he replied, "I think we're going to mix things up. I'll conduct every trial with one other council member. For instance, Fishlegs will be present for his own children's trials. I think that's fair. Manny, you can help me grill Frey. Snotlout..." Hiccup paused, watching his friend carefully. "Do you want to be there for Cale's?"

Snotlout took a few moments to respond. "I'll do it."

"Are you sure? I can have someone else step in."

"No. I should be there." Snotlout firmly replied. "He's not my relative by blood, but he is my wife's brother."

"All right," Hiccup nodded. He assigned the rest of the council to the remaining teenagers and listed off the order of which they would go. "Finn will be last. We'll take care of him. Horst, what's your plan for Erick?"

The council turned their eyes to the brown-haired man. "We'll crack down on orders this morning, then I'll be taking Erick and Cliff to the mill this afternoon. We both agreed to help the boy gather materials to get the rest of the Thorston's home fixed."

"Good, so he'll be occupied."

"Yes." Horst smiled. "I'll work him to the bone."

Hiccup snorted. "He's honestly repentant, I think. He'll work hard to make amends anyway. I don't have any worries there."

"Neither do I."

"All right, any questions or comments?" Nobody replied. Hiccup pushed back from his chair. "Great. Fishlegs, go get your daughter. Meet me in the back booth."

The burly man sighed heavily and stood. "Okay."

Twenty minutes later, Fishlegs marched into the Hall with his hand firmly on Helga's back. He ushered her to the booth, where she sat down across from the chief with a timid expression. Her eyes were downcast and red, from tears or a sleepless night, Hiccup couldn't tell.

"Hi Helga," Hiccup greeted her calmly. "Before we start is there anything you want to say?"

Helga's brow pinched in worry but she shook her head.

"All right," Hiccup flipped open a notebook and pulled out a pencil. "Helga Ingerman... Fourteen, athletic, smart, pretty, a little crazy now and then. I know you have some of those Thorston genes in your blood so I don't expect you to be prim and quiet. But you also have the Ingermans in there." Hiccup gestured his pencil toward Fishlegs, who sat there silently watching. "You're smart, Helga. What made you decide that this was okay?"

Helga finally met his eyes. She nibbled her lip nervously before replying, "Um... I don't even know when it started. F-Finn..." She swallowed hard. "H-he just went on an adrenaline kick and thought it would be fun. And... it was fun the first time, but after the next few times I knew we shouldn't do it anymore."

"So why didn't you stop?"

The blonde frowned. "Finn wouldn't let any of us quit."

"Why does that matter? If Finn told you to jump off a cliff without your dragon there to catch you, would you do it?"

"You don't know your son as well as you think, chief." Helga replied softly. "Finn doesn't take no for an answer."

Hiccup watched her shift in her seat uncomfortably. He tapped his pencil against the table. "Tell me more. What don't I know?"

Helga's face reddened and she glanced sideways at her father, who merely stared back silently. "Um..."

"Did he threaten you?" Hiccup asked. The girl squirmed in her seat, her hands clenched together in her lap. "Helga." She looked up at him with wide eyes. "I need to know. He can't do anything and you're clearly afraid that he might. What did he say to you?"

Helga's eyes filled with tears. "H-he threatened Gunnar. We wanted to leave the gang and when we asked Finn... when I asked Finn, he threatened to beat up Gunnar." Fishlegs stiffened in his chair. "And he threatened Gunnar every time he brought it up. P-please don't be hard on Gunnar, he tried so many times to get out-"

Hiccup held out a hand. "Okay," he said softly. "Thank you for telling me. Another thing that may or may not be gang-related: why did you break up with Finn?"

Helga blanched and swallowed hard. "Um... w-well, he's kind of a jerk and I got sick of it."

"Helga, look at me," Hiccup said, waiting for her to meet his eyes. "I know boys. I know how they can use girls to get what they want, whatever that means. They hurt girls emotionally, physically, mentally. I need to know this because you are important. If my son hurt you in any way, I need to know so I can deal with him accordingly."

Helga looked down at her hands. The men waited patiently. Finally, she spoke in a shaky voice: "W-when I broke up with him, h-he got really mad. We were arguing and I told him how mean he is and just how much Benen would hate that. He grabbed my arm and shoved me against a wall."

Fishlegs stiffened, his chair squeaking beneath him. "Did he leave a mark?"



"Yes." Helga whimpered. "There was a bruise on my arm for about a week."

Hiccup felt a torrent of rage rise in his chest, but he'd never seen Fishlegs on the verge of combustion. The man looked like he was ready to march off to the jail and kill the boy himself.

"Has he touched you again?" Fishlegs asked tersely.

"No." Helga shook her head, her lip trembling. "Daddy, I'm sorry, I tried to get out of it-"

Fishlegs scooted forward, his rage dissipating, wiping her tears away with his thumbs. "No. You did the right thing by trying to get away from him. You did the right thing trying to protect your little brother. I'm upset that you ever got into the gang, but we've made a turn. Things are going to change from here on out."

Helga nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. Fishlegs held her as she cried while Hiccup sat in his seat, debating on the various punishment scenarios he could inflict on his ridiculous child. He shoved the thoughts aside, masking his frustration when Helga returned to her seat.

"All right Helga, first off," Hiccup said. "I'm sorry about Finn. For everything. If he ever lays a hand on you again or approaches you with anything less than a heart-felt apology, I want you to kick him in the hard candies and come find me." Helga's eyes bugged and Fishlegs coughed, masking a chuckle. Hiccup's eyes were dark with malice. "I mean it."

"I-I hope it never comes to that..." Helga gulped.

"You're an Ingerman brain with the blood of a Thorston. If he bugs you again, don't you hesitate. Show him what you're made of."

Helga blinked, trying to hide a chuckle. "Erm... okay."

"Second, your father and I will discuss what your punishment will be. We'll let you know what your job is."

"Okay. I'll do whatever you want me to do."

Hiccup smiled. "Atta girl. Thank you for being honest."

Helga nodded, glancing at her father. Fishlegs stood, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Let's go home, Helga. I'll bring back Gunnar."

"All right."

For the next four hours, the various council members brought the teenagers in one by one to discuss their actions, motives and punishments. By lunchtime, only Finn was left. Astrid insisted that her husband take a lunch break before talking to their son. Hiccup dejectedly complied, wishing he could just get the thing over with already. But as usual, his wise wife knew best; he hadn't realized just how hungry he'd been. After lunch, he felt refreshed and less addled.

Instead of having his son ushered to the Great Hall, where many people were gathered for late lunch hours, Hiccup decided to discuss things with his son and wife at the jail. If things got heated, he didn't want an audience. Even Cale hadn't thrown a fit over his trial and harsh punishment—he'd merely sat there with a sullen glare. There was no telling what Finn would do.

Close to one o'clock, Hiccup and Astrid walked into the nearly empty jail. Most of the teenagers had been permitted to go to their homes with a guard watch, but Hiccup sincerely hoped none of the kids would be so stupid as to start something up. A few dejected criminals, Cale and Frey included, scowled at them as they trudged past, but they continued unblinkingly to the back of the jail where their son sat in his cell.

Hiccup caught his breath when caught sight of Finn, seated in the back of the cell and staring blankly at the wall. Perhaps it was a trick of the dim light but the boy's face looked pale except for the dark circles beneath his eyes. His once bright red hair hung around his face like a dark curtain and his blue eyes seemed dead, devoid of the sparkle Hiccup had become accustomed to when looking into his son's face. It was enough to give him flashbacks to nearly two years ago, when his little boy had sat motionless in his room for weeks, staring blankly at the wall.

The boy's parents pulled up rickety chairs and sat down in front of the cell. Finn didn't move. After a few tense seconds, Hiccup cleared his throat.

"Is there anything you'd like to say to us?" he asked softly, hoping that his voice was calm and inviting.

Finn didn't move. He remained stubbornly staring at the wall as if no one had spoken at all. After a few seconds, Hiccup tried again.

"Finn, I know you hate us right now. And... you do have legitimate reasons to be upset. No one is saying you don't." he said in the same calm voice.

"But you can't ignore us forever. You have to talk to us at some point." Astrid spoke up. When Finn didn't respond, she continued. "We tried. We really did. And we didn't do the best job all the time. We're human. And we always tried to make it clear to you that we aren't perfect and we make mistakes."

Hiccup saw Finn's jaw tighten but his body remained rigid.

"Finn, say something. Anything. Shout, scream at us if you have to, but you can't bottle this up anymore" he pleaded, leaning forward slightly to get a good look at his son's face.

"I'll do whatever I want." Finn said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, you certainly made that clear." Hiccup sighed.

Astrid reached out and touched the bars of the cell almost lovingly, as if she wanted to be stroking her son's shoulder instead of the cold metal. "Do you want to live your life like this? Do you want to be old and alone someday because you allowed yourself to be... hard and bitter and angry toward everything? You don't have to live like this, Finn, you can change this."

"I don't want to change this." Finn spat, his whole body remaining rigid.

"You want something to change." Hiccup stated, leaning forward even more. "You can deny how much this hurts or how much you want to change, but this comes from somewhere. You don't want to live this way, that's why you're struggling with it so badly. Is this..." Hiccup's heart constricted and he choked down his emotions as best he could before trying again. "Is this what you want?" he asked, gesturing to the cell.

"You don't know anything." Finn growled, his teeth still gritting together in an apparent attempt to keep the inner rage contained.

"I know a sad little boy when I see one. You're not the first." Hiccup said softly.

"Yeah, that would be Erick." Finn said the name with so much malice, both Hiccup and Astrid paused.

Finally, Hiccup continued. "I've noticed your pain just as much."

Suddenly, Finn whirled around, his face twisted with rage. "Oh really? Just as much?" he bellowed, his voice echoing in the open space. "Then where were my lunch meetings? When did you give me any time to talk about my problems and my pain?"

Hiccup's felt his throat tighten. "You never wanted to-"

"You never pushed!" Finn shouted so loudly, dust fell off the rafters and into the cell. "You practically strong-armed Erick into moving in but you let me say no one time and it was like I was worth nothing!"

"You're more aggressive than Erick! He-"

Finn let out a humorless laugh. "Oh he was just easier to deal with, I get it."

Astrid spoke up. "Finn, it's not like that-"

"Yeah because while he's practically chopping his arms off from all his pain and struggle, he gets all the love and attention while I don't do anything that drastic so my issues aren't that important?"

"Tearing the village apart is pretty drastic." Hiccup replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Yeah but if I weren't, would we even be talking right now? NO!" Finn balled his fists in his lap, panting with the strain of shouting so much. Finally, he took a breath and continued. "You suspected it was me all along. You knew I had to be part of it, so why didn't you just... DO something?" he gestured to the cell around him, lowering his voice to a deadly volume. "This is what it takes. It takes me going to prison to even get a meeting with the high and mighty chief himself. And we both know you wouldn't even bother if Benen were here, you'd have just sent him in to talk me down."

"No, I'd still try to talk-"

"And it wouldn't have mattered right? Because I clearly don't care about what you have to say. You'd have sent him in after your painfully petty attempt." Finn turned his body to face them, raising himself in his seat so that he could look directly in his father's eyes. "You back offtoo easily. The difference between you and me, I don't quit when I want something, whether it's to get a sword fixed, tear apart a barn, or get a freaking point across!"

Hiccup felt a flash of anger that he quickly pushed down as best he could. He pointed to his neck. "See this scar? Do you know what I went through to get it? Were you there on Brawn, watching me slashed to pieces for you and your sister?"

"Always about her-"

"It wasn't her wooden axe I strapped to my leg. It wasn't thinking about her that gave me the strength to climb on Toothless with a stump that had just been smashed with a hammer!" Hiccup raised his voice, raw emotion seeping through every syllable. "I thought of you and how much you needed a father and I kept on going despite how much it hurt and despite how bruised and bloody I was because I knew you were worth it!"

"What does all that have to do with right now? It's great that ten years ago you were that willing but that was then." Finn growled. "You don't give me the time of day to figure out what my problems are! You'd sit with Anna or Erick all day to figure out their problems! Me, I'm just the strong muscle kid who's weak because muscles aren't what matter, it's the size of your soul, or so says the man who doesn't try hard enough for both his kids, he just uses all his extra time and energy to help another kid!"

"So let's sit down! Let's talk through this! Tell me what you need!" Hiccup grasped the bars with his hands, desperately wishing he could walk into the cell and wrap his arms around his son.

"I shouldn't have to! That's what happens when you have a kid, you find out what he needs by spending time with him!" Finn bellowed, his words cutting into Hiccup like a knife through butter.

"So you insult me, accusing me of doing nothing and never talking to you, and, as always, when I offer you shut me down." Hiccup choked out, his emotions running high.

"How are either of us supposed to get through to you when you're unwilling to let us try?" Astrid asked, her voice far calmer than her husband's.

"If Anna walked in here crying, you'd have her problem pinpointed within seconds!" Finn insisted, rising from his seat and angrily pacing around the cell.

"Adrianna is open! She's expressive! She's always willing to talk through her problems!" Astrid spoke up. "You aren't willing to talk through anything, even when we ask."

"So because I'm different, I don't get anything at all? Just because I don't emote like her doesn't mean I don't FEEL things!" Finn punched the wall in rage, his teeth gritting together and his face reddening at an alarming rate.

"I know, Finn." Hiccup said softly.

"Yeah? So what's your excuse this time?"

Hiccup shook his head, his body trembling with the effort to keep his emotion down. "I don't have one."

Finn scoffed. "Sure you don't."

"I don't have an excuse because you're right." Hiccup looked his son in the eye. "I was wrong to make those assumptions. And I have no excuses to explain away my actions because that wouldn't be fair to you." he stood, fighting to keep his voice steady as his eyes burned. "Your sister is easy for me. She's open, she's emotional, she's creative, she's like a little me. Of course I could pinpoint her problems in a second. And you're not."

Finn breathed a laugh. "Congrats, now you've figured it out."

"So I made the same mistake I made with my father. I didn't deal with it. I didn't come to you for things pertaining to emotions. I didn't let you feel the way I let your sister feel. And that was wrong." Hiccup tightened his hold on the bars of the cell. "I made a terrible mistake and I'm sorry."

Finn huffed. "Stop apologizing. It won't fix anything."

Hiccup lightly exhaled before speaking. "That's all I can do at this point, isn't it? Do you want me to carry on like this or apologize and try my hardest to do better?"

"I want you to feel something painful the way I've felt! Apologizing is just more empty words and promises! Maybe if you literally feel it, then you can have a taste of what my life is like and you can live with the realization that you caused it." Finn snapped, his eyes locked onto Hiccup's as if he was challenging him.

It was Astrid who spoke next, standing up so quickly that her recently vacated chair scooted back several inches. "Hang on a second. Yes, he messed up, we both did, but that doesn't mean that your choices are his fault."

Finn stroked his temple in mock thought. "What was he said to Erick... the boy who's lacking a father could end up in a sorry place someday? Isn't that what you said the other day?"

Hiccup's face reddened. "You're not lacking a father like he is. His father is gone, Finn, just like Benen. I'm disgusted that you'd feel sorry for yourself when he has nothing, and you shove me away continually."

"I shouldn't have needed Benen!" Finn yelled, making them both jump.

"What?" Hiccup asked, completely confused.

"Benen was my father the whole time he was here! He was the only one who made time for me the way a father should! He was the only one willing to participate in activities I enjoyed just because I enjoyed them, even if he couldn't do some of them! He was the only one who was supportive and who didn't think of Anna first! In fact, even with her it was better because he spent time with Anna when he wasn't able to with me! He made time for both of us whenever he could! He was the only one who loved us both exactly how we needed to be loved. And you just let him do his thing all while pretending you were a great parent when he brought out the best in us." Finn paced angrily as he spoke but finally rested his head against the wall. "He was the only one I could... I could talk to." he added in a strangled voice.

Hiccup and Astrid stood in stunned silence. Hiccup felt like Finn had thrown a brick into his heart. This was it. This was his biggest failure as a parent and he had been completely blind to it until now. His heart broke for his son's, for the obvious pain his little boy had gone through after losing the man he had loved as a father. And Hiccup had no one to blame but himself for pushing him to feel that way, for encouraging him to feel that way.

But Finn wasn't finished speaking. "When he died, everything went back to the way it was. Anna was the favorite and I was the emotionless idiot with muscles who needed to be talked down to. Gods, I was used to feeling special. I was used to being loved the way I needed. And instead of stepping up, you just disappeared." he said in a dead sort of voice, his head still resting on the wall.

"Gods, Finn." Hiccup choked out, placing his head in his hands. He felt hot tears drip through his fingers as the full weight of the last year and a half collapsed on him all at once.

"Erick and I both lost fathers that winter." Finn said in the same hollow voice. "It wasn't just me being unable to deal with my grief, I couldn't get past it because I was so alone. And when I started going outside again, you guys took it as a good sign like everything was all right. We were turning a corner. You guys moved on, even Anna moved on, and you left me in the dirt."

There was a long pause as Hiccup and Astrid processed everything their son had said. Finally, Astrid had recovered enough to speak up. "Finn, why didn't you say something? We aren't like Lara, we wouldn't have told you to get a grip and move on like the rest of us."

"How was I supposed to? You acted like everything was fine! Bringing it up would just reopen an old wound!" Finn turned away from them and shut his eyes.

Astrid reached through the bars, her hand inches from his shoulder. "Sometimes you have to reopen the wound so it doesn't get infected, honey."

"NO!" Finn suddenly yelled, pushing Astrid's hand away as he turned to face his parents again, his body rigid. "I'm done feeling sorry for myself, I'm done getting emotional about everything! I won't be weak anymore!"

"Finn, you're not weak for feeling things." Astrid gripped the bars again, her knuckles white.

"That's what he says! Putting down people with natural strength to raise those who are more intelligent and softhearted, and for what? Doesn't make me feel very strong!" Finn snarled.

Hiccup raised his head at last, allowing his son to see the tears still running down his face. "Sometimes the moment you feel the weakest is the strongest of all."

"And you never could come up with wise comments like Benen either." Finn scoffed, looking almost triumphant that he had succeeded in reducing his father to tears.

"I'm not Benen." Hiccup said in a voice choked by his tears.

"Yeah." Finn leaned forward so that he was looking directly at his father. "I wish you'd died instead of him."

Astrid gasped in horror. "Finn!"

"What, all he does is work anyway-"

Astrid slammed the bars of the cell. "STOP IT!" she screamed almost hysterically. Finn backed up a step, his face splitting into a nasty smirk. "Do you have ANY idea what he's done for you, TWICE he's nearly died and for you to say that to his FACE, how DARE you?" Hiccup rested a hand on her shoulder but she shrugged it off. "You are very young, very small boy to think so little of your father. You have no love in your heart, and as much as you praise Benen and put him down, your father LOVES you." she pointed at Hiccup with a trembling finger. "He would DIE for you, as would I. Don't you DARE open your mouth again until you learn what real love is."

"Astrid, don't." Hiccup said softly, taking her by the arm and leading her away.

"You had better drop that smirk or so help me-"

"Please, Astrid." Hiccup nearly dragged her away from her son.

"Running away again, I see?" Finn called as his parents left the prison. "Fine fine, I'll just hang out here until next time!"

Hiccup put his hands on his wife's shoulders when they finally got outside. "Don't let him get to you."

"How DARE he-"

"I know. But this is what he wants." Hiccup wiped a few angry tears from Astrid's face. "Take some deep breaths, okay? I'll be back in a minute."

"Don't bother, he won't listen to a thing you say!"

"Just one more." Hiccup kissed her forehead before heading back into the prison.

Finn was still standing in the middle of his cell. He seemed surprised that Hiccup had returned but the malevolent smirk was still on his face. Hiccup walked at a leisurely pace until he was standing directly in front of the cell and staring into his son's eyes.

"Finn, if you remember nothing else, remember this: I love you. I will always love you, no matter what you say and how much you hate me." he said in a gentle, compassionate voice, his heart constricting with the effort not to cry again at the sight of such an angry, hurt little boy.

"Yeah, right." Finn spat.

"Because love isn't an emotion, it's a choice, a promise. A promise I made before you were born and a promise I make again every single day." he continued.

"Better stop making it then." Finn seethed. "Clearly I'm not worth it."

"Never." Hiccup leaned forward, hoping desperately that his face displayed the sincerity of his words. "As long as I live, I will never stop loving you."

He didn't wait for his son to respond before turning to walk away from the cell. Finn was silent as Hiccup slowly made his way to the door of the prison. His heart was breaking from the effort not to run back and plead with his son to come home, to talk it out, to give them another chance to make things right. But he had to be fair. He had to do the right thing even though it made his heart ache. And so he left his only son alone in the dark, cold, dank prison.


It shouldn't have been an ordinary day.

Erick felt acutely aware that there were eyes on him as he had walked to the leather shop that morning. What had happened with the gang had spread like wildfire so that by lunchtime, he had felt so exposed, he decided to eat while working. That afternoon at three, he was expected to begin work on Tuffnut and Svala's new house. Other workers had started the project but Hiccup had told them to work on the other houses that needed repairing or building and to let the teenagers build the new Thorston house.

Cliff had been out that morning to pick up some more leather for the shop so it had been just Erick and Horst silently working on their individual projects. Horst hadn't said a word about the gang. Apparently he felt that everything that needed to be said had already been said. Erick was deeply thankful for this; he didn't want his mentor to treat him differently.

Just before he had to leave for the building project, there was a soft knock at the door. Erick found this odd; it wasn't as if customers weren't allowed to walk in on their own.

"Erick?" came a very familiar voice from outside. "Can we talk?"

The youngest Larson felt his heart constrict. Magnus was just outside. He hadn't spoken to his sister in a very long time. He met Horst's inquisitive gaze and nodded.

"Come on in, Mags." he called.

Magnus looked rather nervous as she walked into the shop. She looked around at the saddles and belts hanging on the walls before peering into the open office door where her brother was working. Erick turned to face her.

"Need something?" he asked in what he hoped was a casual tone.

"Sort of. Horst, do you mind if I talk to Erick alone for a minute?" she asked his boss. "It won't take long."

"Go for it."

"Thanks." she called as she shut the door behind her and seated herself in Cliff's chair.

There were a few seconds of tense silence. Erick stared at his hands clasping and unclasping in his lap before Magnus spoke up.

"I talked to mom about what happened." she said softly. "But I don't think she was completely honest."

"No kidding." Erick mumbled darkly.

"She said you and the Haddocks made stuff up." Magnus pressed. "But you don't do that. At least you never used to. What's going on?" Erick saw her lean forward in his peripheral vision. "Why did you join that gang? Why did you move in with the Haddocks, really?"

"Why are you asking this now?" Erick finally looked up at her, his stomach clenching at the sight of the deep brown eyes that his sister had inherited from their father. "You had plenty of time before."

"I have a family of my own, Erick." Magnus reminded him. "And Garrett's been sick most of the week. I wanted to come earlier but I couldn't. Even now, I have to get back to him soon but after all this, I had to talk to you."

"I joined the gang because mom's a nightmare, Mags." Erick mumbled. "Her and Nikolas. You're not in that house, you don't know what happens."

"You're right, I don't." Magnus admitted. "So tell me."

Erick took a deep breath and began talking. He told his sister about Lara blaming him for Aud's death. About Nikolas always making everything worse when they were fighting. He told her about how the gang had made him feel powerful and rebellious and then about how he had tried to leave but had been threatened. He even rolled up his sleeves and showed her the scabs on his arms. Magnus had tears running down her face when he finished talking.

"I left because I had to." Erick finished, rolling his sleeves back down. "I had to get out of that house, Mags. And I told Hiccup about the gang because Finn was completely out of control. I didn't want Annie to get hurt. Or anyone else Finn was threatening."

Magnus dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief. "This is my fault." she whimpered. "I made it worse when I didn't let you see the kids and I never came by. I should have come visit you and make sure you were okay."

"Mags, this wasn't your fault." Erick reached forward and took her hand. "Hey, look at me. No, this wasn't your fault at all. You were right, I was unstable and I'm glad you got me out of there before I hurt someone. You couldn't have known it was going to get that bad because you have your own family."

Magnus gave him a watery smile. "Things really are better now?"

"Absolutely. I'm happy with the Haddocks. Well, I was until Finn got arrested. But they're going to work through it. This isn't the first time they've gone through something like this. I still remember when they almost got divorced, it was a huge deal. But they got through it."

"Good." Magnus sighed deeply. "I hope so. I'd hate to see Finn removed from his position."

Erick didn't want to comment, lest he say something he regretted, so he kept his mouth closed.

Magnus continued after an awkward silence. "Well listen, I got to talking with Greg and we agreed that, when Garrett gets better, we'd like you to come around again."

Erick's mouth dropped open. "Really? You mean that?"

"Yes. You're doing so much better. I've missed having you around, to be honest, and the kids have been asking about you. Lalla wants her 'Unca 'Rick' back." Magnus smiled warmly at her little brother. "I thought maybe you could come next Wednesday. Garrett should be doing better and we can cook."

"Yeah... yeah, of course!" Erick's face lit up with delight at this news. "I'd love to. Thanks, Mags! I really, really appreciate it."

"Not a problem." she playfully ruffled his hair. "I have to go though. Anna's got them for the moment but I don't want to make her deal with Garrett's runny nose too much longer."

"Uhh yeah, no problem. And... Annie, can you tell her..." Erick paused, his thoughts moving too fast to keep up with them. "You know what, never mind. I'll tell her tonight."

"Okay." Magnus smiled knowingly and turned toward the door.

"One more thing!" Erick jumped to his feet and hugged his sister. "Love you."

"Aww, I love you too." Magnus kissed his forehead before letting him go. "I'll see you Wednesday."

"Absolutely. Wednesday it is." Erick nodded and waved as his sister left the shop.

Magnus nearly collided into Cliff as she left. The latter was rolling some new leather into the shop and Erick chuckled at the dramatic apology his coworker gave her before skipping in.

"Hi!" Erick chirped. "What's up? Got some new leather?" he took a deep breath. "I love the smell of new leather, don't you?"

"Woah, who are you and what did you do with Erick?" Cliff demanded, his gray eyes widening in horror.

"I am Erick. I'm just in a good mood. Is that a crime?" Erick asked, helping his coworker roll the leather into the back room.

"It's a crime somewhere, I bet." Cliff quipped, making Erick laugh.

Horst stood at the doorway, looking cheerful at the sight of both boys smiling. "Unfortunately, now is about the time Erick's got to get to work on the Thorston house."

"Ooh!" Cliff hopped up and down. "Let me go!"


"Please? I gotta stick with my number 1 bro!" Cliff put his arm around Erick's shoulders. "Plus we get out in two hours anyway and you all look done already!"

This was true. Horst had been putting finishing touches on the last saddle when Cliff had showed up and Erick had finished his own just before Magnus had arrived. Horst raised a finger, almost like he was going to lecture the Smedley boy, but apparently thought better of it.

"Oh all right. We'll all go." he relented.

"Yes!" Cliff punched the air with his fist. "Family outing!"

"Sure." Erick rolled his eyes but smiled in amusement. "Come on, then, you big dork."

Cliff ruffled Erick's hair. "That's me!" he nearly skipped to the shop door, holding it open for his friend. "Ladies first."

"Oh shut up!" Erick smacked Cliff's stomach, making him laugh.

"So, how come you're in such a good mood?" Cliff asked as he shut the door behind Horst. "Could it be that you're starting to, oh I don't know, kinda maybe sorta like me?"

"I should have left you on that boat." Erick retorted with narrowed eyes.

"Come on now, boys." Horst patted both of their shoulders. "Be nice."

"We are being nice." Erick punched Cliff's shoulder. "Trust me, you'd know if we were being mean."

"Yeah we'd fight to the death." Cliff punched him back.

"And I'd win."

"Please, we all know I'd win." Cliff stuck his tongue out at his friend.

"Maybe if I was knocked out first."

"You little-" Cliff lunged at Erick, who sidestepped him easily. "You'll pay for that, dear brother! I demand a match! You and me!"

"Arm wrestling!" Erick smirked and flexed his muscles. "I could beat you right handed."

"You are about to be proven terribly wrong." Cliff retorted.

"Boys, come on!" Horst stepped between them. "Where's this all coming from? You didn't used to be this violent."

"Well," Erick said with a grin in Cliff's direction, "that's being a bruh, isn't it?"

The moment the words had left his mouth, he almost regretted them. Cliff looked like he was going to cry. Before the Larson boy could stop him, he was trapped in a bone crushing hug.

"You are the bestest bruh in the whole universe!" Cliff squealed delightedly, making several passersby stop and stare at the two of them. "We shall conquer the world, you and me!"

"I'll settle for breathing again." Erick choked out.

Erick heard a smacking sound just above his head before Cliff let him go. He put his hand on the top of his head.

"Did you just kiss me?"

"Yes, dear bruh, it is the kiss of brotherhood!" Cliff ruffled his hair again, laughing openly.

"Ew, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with you, not being honored by my magical healing kiss?"

"Dude, I don't swing that way!"

"Me neither, it wasn't that kind of kiss, gods!" Cliff rolled his eyes. "If you can't handle my affection, I pity you."

"I can handle your affection!" Erick retorted indignantly. "I just don't want to be kissed by a five foot eleven twig!"

Cliff gasped dramatically. "You know very well I'm six feet even!"

"Maybe when you're standing on tiptoe!"

"How dare you!" Cliff said in mock offense. "I give you the honor of being my bruh and all I get is mockery."

"That's brotherhood for you." Erick shot back. "Is it really worth it?"

Cliff paused. "Oh of course it is. I could never stay mad at you!"

"Well we're here." Horst gestured to the mill, which was on top of a small hill. "I went by the construction site that morning and they said they just need some more wood and wood chips. I thought we'd start here."

"Ahh, that might be a problem." Cliff mumbled sheepishly.

"Don't like the chipping machine?" Erick asked as they walked through the doors.

"Nah, that's fine. Pretty cool to watch wood go in and wood chips come out." Cliff shrugged. "I just don't know how to cut wood."

"Don't know how to- oh gods." Erick rolled his eyes. "Someone has to teach you."

"I will." Horst said, clapping the Smedley boy on the back. "You go on and get us some more planks. We'll meet you here in half an hour."


The door to the jail opened with a loud squeal at the hinges. The guard, Maverick trudged down the aisle with a wooden box of meals, which he pushed into each occupied cell one by one.

"Late lunch today, people," Maverick called out as Berk's various criminals stepped forward to receive their meals. "Apologies from the chef, but lots going on today."

The criminals muttered their thanks, dissent, or derogatory comments respectively. The two teenagers Cale and Frey glared at him from their cells as he dropped off their food. Ignoring the unruly teens, he continued toward the back of the jail where Berk's heir and future chief was still being held.

"Grub for the prince," Maverick announced half-jovially through the bars, extending the last tray.

Fearless Finn sat facing the door, but his gaze was downcast and grim. The guard couldn't see the teen's face but his body language and poor posture showed exhaustion. Maybe the time in jail was getting to him. Maybe he was getting ready to repent of his mistakes? Maybe he'd want to speak with his parents a second time? Maverick hoped so.

"Come on now; eat while it's still hot." Maverick held out the tray once more. "It's better that way."

Finn finally looked up at the man through his bangs. Maverick watched him swallow hard and his heart ached. The middle aged man always had a soft spot for teenagers. It always pained him to see teens get in trouble. He hated to see a young, empty heart. The teenager's blue eyes looked so innocent and sad, he couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy.

"Things can always change, Finn." Maverick smiled gently.

Finn blinked and finally murmured, "I know. But some things can't."

Maverick frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry, Maverick."

Quick as a flash, Finn grabbed the guard's still extended arm, yanked him toward the cell door, and slammed his head into the metal. The sound of bone colliding with metal echoed through the jail, and any sounds of rustling from the other criminals halted when Maverick cried out in pain. Finn slid the guard to the ground gently and rummaged for the cell keys. The keys jangled loudly in the silence, but soon he found the right key and swung his door open.

He stepped over Maverick, his heart twinging guiltily at the man knocked out on the ground. He'd tried to be kind to him; probably tried to give him some ill-conceived advice of some sort. He swallowed the lump in his throat and dropped the keys on Maverick's chest.

Marching past the cells, many of the criminals jumped up in shock. A few called to him, asking to be let out. Finn marched forward, the door his only focus. Only Cale and Frey caught his attention, but only at the last second.

"Hey! Let us out too!"

"No." Finn snapped.

"Where are you going to go, Finn?" Cale asked with a scowl. "Your dad's just going to throw you right back in here."

"Probably," The Haddock heir agreed dejectedly as he strode to the door. "But first, I have to catch a snitch."


Erick laughed to himself as Horst nearly pushed the Smedley boy down the stairs, who continued to babble about the dangers of a certain Cliff and sharp objects. Horst calmly assured the boy he had a good teacher and that he'd be just fine. Their voices gradually diminished as they made it to ground level and Erick dropped the first log into the machine. He adjusted the control panel from chipper to planks, and pressed the "On" lever down.

The machine hummed to life around him. Adjusting his safety glasses, Erick stepped away from the machine as it clawed at the wood, pulling it down the tube. He glanced over the railing as the machine dropped wood planks onto a conveyor belt below and into a cart, which Horst had grabbed from his barn to carry supplies to the Thorstons. Erick wondered how many planks he should make. He had the dimensions and orders, and he'd looked at the house earlier that morning. He didn't want to make four trips because he didn't get his math right.

Adding three more long logs into the machine, Erick stepped back and looked at Berk across the way. It wasn't far off; just on the other side of a wood clearing. House tops could be seen and various villagers flying on their dragons. He could even see the fishery from here. He wondered what Adrianna was doing right now. Was she babysitting his niece and nephew? The thought startled him, wondering why she'd suddenly popped into his mind.

"Beautiful view."

Erick jumped and whirled around. There, leaning against the railing by the stairs, was Fearless Finn. He looked terrible—smudges of ash from the previous night's Great Hall excursion covered his face, his blue eyes looked dull and surrounded by dark circles like he hadn't slept. His face was a twisted mixture between amusement and outrage.

"Finn." Erick swallowed. "What are you doing here? I thought you were..."

The redhead stared him down with the frightening look. "Where? You thought I was where? Should I be somewhere in particular?"

"Jail." Erick gritted his teeth, his courage returning. He was sick of being patronized by this kid a year and a half his junior. "You should be in jail."

"Yeah, I probably should be." Finn stepped forward. Erick held his ground. "Except we have some unfinished business, you and I. You see, I don't forget an insult. Or a snitch." The teenagers now stood nose to nose. "You ratted us out."

Erick fought the urge to back away. "You threatened Annie. I couldn't let anything happen to her."

Finn sneered, "Stop acting like everything revolves around her! This isn't about her!"

"You threaten my best friend and it's going to be about her!" Erick shouted. "You're out of control, Finn! Did you seriously expect all this to last forever? Did you expect every one of us to lie down and let you mistreat us forever? This is what happens when you're a power-abusing tyrant! After a while, people get sick of it!"

"All right! I'm a power-abusing tyrant!" Finn spat. "But you're a weak, father-stealing cry baby that does everything necessary to get attention! Don't act like I'm the only one here who has issues!"

"Your parents stepped in to help me!" Erick cried. "Because they care! Stop feeling sorry for yourself and accept some help! I'm sure things would be much different now!"

"Things CAN'T be different!" Finn yelled. "And for ratting us out, you're going to get it!"

Finn tackled Erick full force, sending them crashing into the machine's power console. Erick's back slammed into the controls. The machine shuddered in confusion, changing gears and shaking with the effort. A loud whirring sound muffled the sounds of their fight as Finn continued to wale on the Larson boy.

Erick dodged a fist, gasping in pain when the other came around and grazed his chest. "Finn! Stop it!"

The Haddock boy growled, his face red in rage. Grappling with the other boy, Finn shoved him backwards. "I've never met anybody WEAKER than you! You're such a waste!" Finn threw a punch at Erick, who ducked last second.

Erick never was a hitter. But in that moment, all his anger and resentment built in his chest and he swung as hard as he could. His fist connected with Finn's jaw, and the boy crashed to the ground. Erick gasped in pain, his hand flaring. He stepped backwards, shaking his fist and hoping Finn would stay down... when his ankle caught on the side railing, just above the wood chipper.

Panic seized him and he tried to regain his balance, but it was no use. His right leg, still weak from his one day in the gang, buckled underneath him. The nearby railing fell away in near slow motion as he fell downwards. Erick didn't drop far; his body stopped falling almost instantly. But the gut-wrenching pain of flesh and bone shredding to nothing exploded across his consciousness and all he knew was the echoing screams.

Finn emerged out of nowhere, scrambling for his hands and yanking him up onto the platform. Erick hit the ground, clawing at his right leg. He heard someone screaming and felt the indescribable pain, unsure of what had happened. He was blinded by agony, his throat tearing as he loudly cried out, begging the gods for the pain to stop, to take his life right now so that he didn't have to endure it for one more second. He had to be dead already. There was no way anyone could withstand this kind of pain.

Finally he opened his eyes, his sight blurry from his streaming tears, and very nearly passed out. A vast pool of crimson covered the boards at his legs, like paint on canvas. But that was nothing compared to the gruesome sight beneath his knee. A new wave of agony washed over him and his stomach turned.

There, just below his knee, was a shattered bone sticking out of his pants where his right foot should have been.

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