1. Operation Gruvia

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"Stop it."

"Ugh, Juvia....."


"Mhmm, oh Juvia, loude-"


Grays eyes danced with rage while his face remained flustered. The pink-haired mage held his stomach as he rolled around in laughter. "Oh my Mavis, the look on your face though, priceless!" He continued to laugh while tears began to form at the corner of his eyes.

"Shut it Flame-brain" Gray grumbled as he took another sip of his hot chocolate.

"Now, now boys, control yourselves."

"He's the one to talk, not me." Gray pointed a finger at Natsu.

"What did you just say popsicle?!"

"I said h-"

"Enough!" Erza banged both the boys heads together.

"A-aye!" Natsu and Gray saluted while rubbing their heads.

"Gray~sama!" A cheerful voice called him out. Erza snickered along with Natsu while Gray just glared at them both.

"Yes Juvia?" He asked monotonously.

"Juvia wants Gray-sama and Juvia to go and complete a job together."

"Not now Juvia. I'm busy."

"But Gray-sama, you look fre-"

"I said I'm busy."

"But Gray-sam-"

"I SAID I'M BUSY WOMAN. WHAT PART OF THAT WORD DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?" Gray yelled at Juvia, causing the entire guild to go silent and look at the scene unfolding before them. Juvia had grown red and flustered. Her head bowed down and she was on the verge of breaking down. Guilt began to seep into Grays heart. Baka he scolded himself.

"Juvia apologizes for disturbing you Gray-sama." She spoke sadly, as she turned around and began to walk away. Even though Gray tried to not be bothered by it, the look on her face kept replaying in his mind.

Dammit! Why did I have to be so cruel? he thought. He knew he had developed feelings for her, but he was to scared to tell her the truth, for he didn't want to teased by his friends.

Meanwhile the entire guild had returned to it's normal state like as though nothing had happened. Juvia had decided to go on the mission all alone. Gray sat in his stool and watched as Mira approved of Juvia's mission. He also noticed Mira give a small signal, but he chose to ignore. The bluenette walked slowly towards the exit, but before she stepped out of the guild, she turned around and sent a small wave and a smile to Gray.

Gray being Gray chose to ignore it. But once she was out of the guild for good, he felt two pairs of hands slap both his cheeks while the third flicked his forehead.

"OW!" he yelled. He gently massaged his cheeks and looked up to meet the angry glares of Erza, Natsu and Lucy.

"BAKA!" They yelled at him once again.

"What the hell did I do?" Gray looked at them angrily.

"What the hell did you do? Well I'll tell you what you did stripper boy. Yo-"Natsu raised his fist, almost as to punch Gray but he was held back by Lucy. He tried to free himself but she kept a tight grip on his elbow.

"Let me punch him!" Natsu muttered while trying to free himself of her grip.

"No! I have a better idea."

"And what is that?" he asked her.

"Operation Gruvia!" whispered Lucy.

A week later:

Juvia who had completed her missions was walking back to her guild, when she noticed Lucy and Natsu sitting and chatting happily. She smiled at them and began to walk towards them but stopped abruptly when she heard them say something. Something that she didn't expect.



Natsu who had been holding Lucys hand, felt her lean forward and whispered something into his ear.

"Gray~sama has a crush on someone?" Juvia gasped after hearing what Lucy said to Natsu. She covered her mouth. She quickly looked around hoping that no one heard her. She ran as fast as possible and ran away from the two of them. As she was running away, Natsu and Lucy both turned around and stared at the water mage running away.

"Operation Gruvia : Stage I complete." Lucy giggled. Natsu who was sitting opposite her chuckled. "Did we really have to do that Luce?" Lucy looked up at him. "Do what?" He sighed and ran a hand through his hair "You know, spread rumours and stuff?" She rolled her eyes and hit him on the head. "Well duh! How else will we be able to make her jealous?" Natsu mumbled "Why does she have to be so smart" underneath his breath hoping she wouldn't hear it, but Lucy heard it and blushed slightly.


Meanwhile Juvia who had been running away, slowed down to catch her breath. Her steps became slower. But with each step took she was wondering as to whether what Lucy said was true. Maybe that's why Gray-sama was pushing Juvia, it's because he likes someone else.

The more she thought about it, the more her frown grew. No Juvia stop thinking about it, maybe they were lying. She violently shook her head trying to get rid of the idea of Gray liking another woman. Just then she noticed a petite woman walking alongside a tall and buff man.

"Gajeel-kun! Levy-san!" She waved her hand as she headed towards them.

"Hello Juvia." Levy waved back and Gajeel just grunted and smiled in response. "I see you have returned from your mission. How was it?" Gajeel asked her.

"Juvia felt it was alright Gajeel-kun." She wanted to ask them about what Lucy said to Natsu but something else distracted her. "Levy-san, why do you have Gray~samas necklace?" She asked pointing towards the cross necklace in his hand. 

"Oh this." She giggled. "Gray accidentally dropped it at the guild and Mira wanted us to return it to him, but since you are here, I guess you could it." Juvia began to panic. "J-juvia sh-should?"

"Yeah. Can you do it? Gajeel and I have to go somewhere urgent." But before she could protest, Pantherlily came and sat on Gajeels head. "Hurry up, or we'll be late." He said. He looked down and acknowledged Juvia.

"Oh dear we have to hurry, bye Juvia." With that she threw the necklace in Juvias hands and ran off with Gajeel. "Operation Gruvia : Stage II complete." Levy whispered as she ran. "Stop dragging me Shrimp! gihi"


Juvia continued on her journey. Who does Gray-sama like? Could it be Lucy, her ex-love rival. No, Lucy has Natsu-san. What if it's Ultear-san?! No, it can't be. Mira-chan? She was so pre-occupied with her thoughts, that she didn't realize who was walking in front of her.

"Hey, be careful." A masculine voice spoke quietly.

"Gray-sama?" Juvia whispered.

"Do I really sound like that Ice mage?"

Juvia looked up and her eyes widened. "Jellal-san! Forgive Juvia." she bowed. Jellal chuckled at her. "Why are you apologizing for something trivial like that?" 

"Er-rza-san?" Juvia looked at the person beside Jellal. Erza laughed lightly. "Yeah that's me." Erza narrowed her eyes at the cross necklace in Juvias eyes. "Hey isn't that Grays necklace?"

"Y-yes Juvia was asked by Levy-san to return it to Gray~sama."

"Oh well in that case, just know that he is sitting under the Sakura Tree in the park." Erza smiled at her. She interlocked her hands with Jellal's and smiled at him. "Now where is that cake you promised me?" Jellal chuckled and waved goodbye at Juvia. He and Erza began to walk alongside the river as they walked towards the cake shop.

"Operation Gruvia : Stage III complete." Jellal said into the open air, once he knew he was out of Juvias earshot.


The sun had begun to set and the sky was now filled with shades of purple, orange and yellow. Juvia smiled as she felt the warmth of the evening sun hit her face. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed Gray sitting under the Sakura Tree shirtless and resting peacefully. She smiled and blushed at the sight. She began to walk towards him. She stretched her hand out, almost about to wake him up but stopped herself.

"I SAID I'M BUSY WOMAN. WHAT PART OF THAT WORD DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?"  Gray yelled at her, anger and annoyance evident in his voice.

Juvia didn't want to make him angry at her once again. She pulled out his necklace and placed it beside him. But just as she was about to turn around and walk away, she felt a hand grip onto her wrist.

"Thank you." his raspy voice sent shivers down Juvias spine.

"G-gray~sama!" Juvia whispered. A blush rose on her cheeks and dared to not look at him.

"Hey, sit down." Juvia was hesitant at first but eventually sat down, leaving a good gap between them. Gray noticed this and pulled her towards him. Once their bodies were touching, he threw his arm over her shoulder and pulled her closer.

"Gray~sama. J-juvia i-is -" her muscles stiffened at the sudden contact but relaxed when his fingers began to draw small circles on her arm. "Gray~sama?"

"Hmm?"he responded with his eyes still shut.

"Juvia has a question."

"I'm listening"

Juvia took in a deep breath and let it out "DoesGraysamalikesomeone?'

He sighed in defeat and looked at her. "Yes I do."

Her innocent blue eyes stared back at him sad and dejected. "Is it someone Juvia knows?"

"Yeah." He blushed a shade of crimson.

"Oh well then, Juvia has to leave. Goodbye Gray~sama." Quickly she stood up and began to walk away. The tears were threatening to spill, but she didn't bother to wipe them away. Now Gray-sama likes someone and it's not Juvia....but Juvia loves Gray-sama. Juvia will find this love rival. Juvia will defeat her. Juvia will-

Juvia was to caught up in her thoughts that she didn't realize Gray running behind her and calling her name. "Juvia!" He called her out once again and grabbed onto her arm. Juvias head whipped around but before she could process anything she felt warm lips on her own. Her eyes looked at the man in front of her and sighed dreamily. Gray cupped her right cheek as he deepened the kiss.

After what seemed like an eternity, he pulled back. Juvia fluttered her eyes open, as her pale face flushed a crimson color.

"I'm sorry."

"Bu-" He quickly put a finger on her lips.

"No let me talk." She began to protest but eventually nodded. "I wanted to apologize for my behavior last week. It was wrong of me to yell at you like that. I'm sorry." Juvia giggled. Gray looked at her confused. But soon enough her giggles turned into roars of laughter. He looked at her amused and confused.

"Juvia forgives you Gray~sama." Gray lets out a breath he had been holding back. "But only on one condition"

"And that is?"

"Juvia wants to know who you like."

"Who I like?"

"Mmhm." Gray put a finger on his chin and pretended to think. "Hmmm, who do I like? Can I give you a hint?"

"Gray-samaaaa" she whined.

"Okay okay, but I'll give you a hint. She is a beautiful girl who is deeply in love with me. She has gorgeous blue eyes, blue hair and makes Gray and Juvie buns for me." Gray sweatdrops as he mentions the last part." Also she knitted me a beautiful grey scarf on our 413th anniversary."

Juvia knew who it was, but decided to play along. "Really Gray-sama? That is a very dedicated girl. I hope whoever she is, she is a lucky girl to have you." Juvia giggled internally as she moves away from Gray.

Gray frowned at her. "Didn't you realize who it was? It was you all along baka." He whispered as he placed his forehead against her and tightened his grip around her waist.

"Juvia knew that Gray-sama. She just wanted to play with you." Juvia chuckled and snuggled into his chest. She felt his heart race fast as he felt hers too. Both the mages continued to hug each other and sway slightly on their spots as they watched the sun set.

Meanwhile hiding behind a bush, Natsu, Lucy, Levy, Gajeel, Erza and Jellal, Mira and Lisanna watched in silence and sighed at the couple who had just confessed their love to one another.


I know, I know. This is terrible. It's too rushed and all over the place.

I wanted it to be tragic, but then I felt that if my first One-shot was tragic, it really won't be nice. And anyways we've had enough of Gruvia tears.

Hope y'all liked it. Don't be a silent reader😊❤



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