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"Shit. Shit shit shit oh FUCK, THE FLASHLIGHT!"

Through the darkness, winds, and freezing air, one might haven able to see a flashlight fall out of  a bicyclist's hands, all the while yelling expletives. The rider quickly and ungracefully pushed themselves off of the falling bike to give chase to the rolling flashlight.

"God, when did it get so dark, damnit?! I hope my parents don't get pack soon, because if a car doesn't kill me, they sure will!"

Unnoticed to the angry individual, a leaf floated down from a nearby tree, landing in the hood of their hoodie. At least what would appear to be a leaf, to the untrained eye.


'Crap. Crap crap crap oh HELL!'

What was meant to be a simple glide to the other end of a street turned into a tug of war match between an abnormally miniature person and fierce winter winds for control of a leaf. Of course, the wind was winning and pushing them back towards where they came. Chills ran down their spine not only because of the frostbite that seemed to be forming, but because of the new obstacle that came into view.

A human bean.


The leaf and wind did not listen to the tiny person's silent request, continuing on a crash course with the back of their head. At the last second, they managed to take control, and guide it downwards, into the black hood of the person.

The larger of the two didn't seem to notice it at all and continued to walk. A satisfied noise nave from the giant, shaking the miniature to the core. Gravity seemed to stop for a moment as they bent down before quickly rising up again.

"Damn cylinders and having to roll and whatnot."

The voice overtook their hearing, second only to the howling wind. Before the small being could regain their bearings and even attempt to exit the cloth prison, movement overtook them once again. As they looked to see what was happening, they realized the bike was on the move and the leaf was to ripped to attempt a glide. They were stuck.


The human set down the bag of food on the kitchen counter and pulled off the hoodie they were wearing. While good for warmth, this one was a bit to itchy and hot in the warm house. They sighed as they put it down next to their food. They had an undershirt with the logo of a random band on it which was much better then going around shirtless.

They stepped over to the shoe bin before pulling off their sneakers and setting them aside. They then slowly padded over to the office to avoid slipping on the tile with their socks. After entering, they located the open drawer and dumped the flashlight into it.

"I need to keep better track of time. Don't really need or want to do that again." They sighed to themselves, closing the drawer.

As they re-entered the kitchen they where met with the smallest person they'd ever seen standing on the edge of the table.




Sorry for my untimely demise, I lacked any and all motivation to do anything related to writing for a while.

So think of this as a Christmas gift, ey?

And as the cool kids say,

-.. .. -.. / -.-- --- ..- / .- -.-. - ..- .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - . / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / ..-. --- .-. / - .... .. ... ..--.. / .. -- / .. -- .--. .-. . ... ... . -.. .-.-.- / .- .-.. ... --- / - .... .- - ... / -.- .. -. -.. .- / ... .- -.. .-.-.-

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