The Multiverse Bar

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"Soooo... The Multiverse Bar, eh? What is this place anyway, Cameron?" A little voice popped up from my shoulder.

"I really have no idea. I saw a light from the house yesterday and I wanted to investigate."

"Yeah, but it's a bar in the middle of the woods! What in the fricken frack is doing here anyway? And why didn't you investigate it yourself?"

"Because it will be fun to see what it is together!"

"You said I'm going to be staying in your pocket!"

"Fair point, but just, c'mon... Pleassseee?" I beg trying my hardest at puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, whatever."

I should probably explain myself. My name is Cameron, and the feisty little girl I'm shoving into my pocket-

"Watch it!"


-Is Samantha. We met a while ago, when she almost fell off a kitchen counter while I was heading for a midnight snack. After a bit of smooth talk from me that involved not much smooth talk and more grabbing like a five year old, I convinced her to stay. We became pretty good friends over the week after that. It's now been three years we have been arguing like this. But, like, in a friendly way. Anyway, back to the story.

After I push Sam into my hoodie pocket, I finally open the double doors into the bar. And, let me say, the name is quite deceiving.

The inside is quite a boring sight. It is just your basic bar... If it had a budget. There were just a few tables and the actual bar, as well as a couple doors heading to who-knows-where. Not even your classic pool table or an arcade machine! Unsurprisingly for a bar in the woods, there's only one customer who seems overdressed. He's got what appears to be a tuxedo on. He's got jet black hair, combed down so much, it probably isn't a centimetre thick currently.

"Ah, welcome newcomer!" A voice surprises me. Suddenly, tuxedo man turns around and gets up before he begins to walk over to me. From the front, he looks even more like a business man with his dark brown eyes, sharp jaw, and a smirk that makes me worried for some odd reason.

Before I know it, he's directly in front of me. "Welcome to the best bar in the multiverse! My name is Zachariah, what's yours good sir?"

"Oh, my name's Cameron, pleasure to meet you." I added on the last bit to seem nice, but the guy kinda freaks me out. Either way, I offer my hand to shake.

"Well, Cameron, I'm sure you have some questions!" He says cheerfully while giving me a hefty handshake.

"Questions? About what?" This dude gets weirder by the second.

"Oh you haven't seen? Just look outside the window!"

This is peaking my interest. I step towards the window to look out and-

"What the hell?" It's like... space. I would have thought it was some kind of dark paper taped to the window from outside if it didn't have depth and stuff, as well as shimmers of lights coming from here and there.

"Oh, what is it?" Samantha whispers from my pocket.

"Shh!" I whisper back hastily. I don't what this Zachariah character to know about her-

"Ah, I see. Why don't you take her out, lad?" I feel my heart either stop or beating so fast, I can't feel it anymore.

"Eh, um, what?" I sputter out.

"Oh don't be so worried! Everyone here has some odd secret or another. Apparently yours is a borrower! Take her out, I want to meet her!"

"I, uh, okay then." I say nervously as I reach into my hood pocket and pull the girl out. I expect her to be scared but she just seems as curious as ever.

"How'd you know I was a she?!" She says immediately as I let her out. At that, the man chuckles while tapping his head.

"Intuition I assume. The name is Zachariah if you didn't hear earlier, pleasure to meet you madam." He says while holding out his finger, seeming to want a hand shake.

"Samantha, and likewise." She says while shaking the finger between both her hands.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, what the hell is this place?"

"The Multiverse Bar, of course!" The man replies with a chuckle. Seems like he's getting a laugh out of confusion. Bastard.

"Yeah but, hold on." I say before walking over to the front door and opening it. Outside is the same place me and Samantha came from earlier. "See?" I say pointing to the outside before pointing to one of the windows, still with the space outside of them.

"Well this place exists between many different universes. Sort of like an area to meet those from different places and times! Also, please some inside, you might be interfering with someones entrance."

"Huh? Ok then..." I say while walking inside, away from the door. As soon as it closes, it opens again, this time in a darker area with a woman walking in.

"Alright, who the FUCK held the door open?!" Said the woman, now looking sort of angry.

"Oh relax dear, we have newcomers! Meet Cameron and Samantha." He says before we each give a small wave. "Cameron and Samantha, meet my companion, Zoey." This is his girlfriend?!

"Sup, newbies." She says while giving us a wave in return.

"Wait you two are lovers?" Samantha peeps up from my hand. At that, it's Zoey's time to laugh.

"Yup, we love each other. I show him some of the fun in life and he shows me the fancy things in life! Like wine! Much better then a beer."

"You're idea of fun is robbing people blind, love."

"I only rob cuck-faces! Besides, I haven't done it recently!"

Zach gives her a pointed look.

"Alright fine, I haven't done it today!"

"Much better. Good to be honest. Good for the soul."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Have you shown the new ones around?"

"I was just going to do that before you had shown up. Now, if you'll excuse me, c'mon you two, let me show you around." He says before walking over to a hallway and waving us toward him.

I walk over to him as we begin to head down the hallway.

"So... The Multiverse Bar... what is this place?" I ask as continue along.

"As I said earlier, it exists between universes, allowing it to be accessed from many universes, including yours. And, despite being called a bar, it's more of a luxury hotel! It has rooms to work on your strength, watch television, and play something called vi-dee-oh games."

"You mean- wait. When are you from? You said this can be from a different time a while ago as well."

"You caught me, sir. I am from the 1800's."

While I wanted to ask him on his view on black people, I decided against it.

"Wow, that's pretty cool. So, anything else?"

"We also have 'The Question Room'. I am told that when you enter, certain questions for yourself will appear on a screen. I am told you can just say your answer and it will automatically record it. The future is wondrous, would you not agree?"

"Yeah it is. May I ask, why you knew what TVs are but not video games?"

"Simple. Zoey has shown me some, yet not all, the wonders of the modern world. There is, however, something I must tell you about the TV room. It has access to shows from all over the multiverse. Due to this, the owner of the bar has added a button onto the remotes I have deemed 'The Dreary Button'."

"Eh? What's that?"

"Well, certain universes have some... cruel qualities."

"Such as?"

"Well, for example, one could... One could have found out about borrowers. And well... Maybe have deemed them as pests..."

"Oh shit."

"THIS IS WHY I WAS SO NERVOUS WHEN WE MET, CAMERON!" Samantha yelled from my hand.

"I know, but pests? Dear God."

"I'm afraid so. People are cruel. Well, I think we should change the subject."

"Yeah, um, what happens if I learn of something that might be coming in my world? Like World War Three or something?"

"Good question. When you leave the bar, It alters all memories of what happened until you return again. You will still remember coming, and having a few drinks. But not the fact that this place exists between worlds and such. That is, with exceptions."

"How so?"

"Well, The Owner has allowed me and Zoey to remember coming here since we come here everyday to meet each other."

"If that's the case, why don't you two lovebirds go to the same world, then?" Samantha questions.

"A valid point, miss. We deem what happens as 'The Glitch'. See, the bar can exist at different sizes, so when you exit the bar, you are reverted to your original size if you go into a different dimension. The problem lies with the fact Zoey is three inches tall-

"Ooh that makes sense. But that's like, only, a twentieth of you size or something."

"You didn't let me finish. I am not exactly human. I am a giant who is more or less eighty feet tall."

"Wow. Really? Giants exist?"

"There is an infinite amount of worlds out there. Of course there would be one inhabited by giants." He chuckled.

"Well, I didn't think I would ever see or talk to giant who is the same size as me from the 1800's."

"That's just the kind of people you meet at The Multiverse Bar."


1530 words and two and a half hours and this is done. It's quite a bit shorter but it's sort of meant to be a pilot episode for this idea.

So, do you all like it? I think it's a neat way to incorporate a Q&A into a story made up of miniature stories. So, yeah. If you got questions, now there's a way for them to be answered.

I have absolutely no idea why I wrote this when no one had any questions.

Oh well.

And remember: The BIG RONA' is bad. Stay inside and stay frosty.

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