Seán x shrunken Anti ft. Jackie (Vore)

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Anti's pov

I was sleeping soundly when I heard a noise outside, I stirred in my sleep and eventually woke up. I yawned and got out of bed, I looked out my window and saw someone unfamiliar. I glitched down to spy on them, she was wearing a purple cloak, she looked sus.

I stepped out of hiding and into our backyard to confront her. "Hey! What are you doing?" I called while walking up to her, she turned around and she was wearing some amulets and carrying a book of some sort.

She walked closer to me and smirked at me, I got a bad feeling, before I could talk she spoke first. " are perfect for this spell. Let's see..." She examined me for a minuet. "Evil...Menacing...Murderous, an asshole to your brothers..." I paled a little, how the fuck did she know that? I shake my head a little. "Hey, how did you-"

"Well Antisepticeye....I'm a witch, and frankly, you deserve what I'm about to do." I cross my arms and look at her like she's crazy, I saw her eyes glowing a bright purple and I suddenly felt tingly but sleepy as well, I fell to the ground and grunted quietly, it felt like a thousand knives were being stabbed into me at the same time all over.

Right before I fell asleep I heard her say this. "Good luck with your new life, you're gonna need it~" And with that she turned and then just disappeared into thin air as I fell asleep.

- Time skip -

I groan and hear birds chirping I try to open my eyes but it's too bright. It takes a while but I can finally see, a lump forms in my throat as I notice that everything around me is massive. My mind catches me up on last night, right...that weird witch did this to me, I don't know how small I am.

It looks like I'm just a bit taller then the grass, which is like 2 inches. I sighed and tried to make my way back towards the house, I heard the door open and saw Jackie step out into the grass. He doesn't look that big to me, I continued to try and get to the house when a shadow casted over me.

I turn and look at the person creating the shadow and it's Jackie, I feel my face pale and I start to shake a that he's up close he is fucking massive....colossal even, he looked down at me and his eyes widened. "Anti? Is that you?" I don't respond, instead I bolt away from him running...I heard him laugh as he grabbed me easily.

He put me on his palm and then cupped his other hand over me, he started walking somewhere with me and I whimper a bit. I heard the back door open and shut, at least I'm in the house now and not outside. I heard muffled talking when suddenly Jackie opened both of his hands and left me free fall, I land on my back and quickly get up looking around.

I notice I'm in another pair of hands, that are cupped, I looked at who was holding me and paled again as I saw Seán with a huge smirk.

Seán's pov

I was sitting on the couch playing on my phone when Jackie comes up to me. "Seán! Look what pest I found in the yard." I turn to him confused, he motioned for me to cup hands so I did, he released what he was holding and it fell into my hands. I look down to see Anti, but he was just 2 inches tall, I saw him look at me and I have a smirk on my face as I think of all the things I can do to him.

I see that Jackie had left so I stood up and went back to my room with Anti still in my hands, I close and lock the door behind me and I heard him whimper, I just laughed lightly as he's the one thats scared for once. I walk over to my desk and drop him on it and sit down, I look at him and he's looking around scared and finally looked back at me.

"So, big bad Anti isn't so big anymore hmm?" I tease a little bit. He starts to speak, "L look....I'm sorry that I hurt you guys, but I need your help to get back to normal, this witch shrunk me-" I cut him off with a laugh.

"What makes you think I want to help you? I kind of like you this size, so defenseless against me...karma's a bitch isn't it?" He looked at his feet and refused to look back at me, I just laughed lightly and got up to go get something from the kitchen.

Anti's pov

He left me alone and I immediately tried to find a way down but there was none, I sighed and tried to hide as I heard him coming back with something. There was no where to hide either, I whimpered as he entered and sat at the desk once again.

He placed a glass of water near me and I looked at him confused. "What's this for?" I ask shakily, "You looked thirsty, let me give you a hand~" He suddenly grabbed me by my ankle and lifted me up above the glass, I gasp and start struggling bit his grip is tight.

I whimper and I hear him laugh, I look at him pleadingly, he just smirks at me and my heart drops as I feel him loosening his grip, I start hyperventilating now. "S Seán!? Please don't!" I beg but his smirk widens and he let's go of me, I'm free falling and plunge into the water I go down a bit before I start swimming towards the top.

I gasp for air and cough water out of my mouth, my green hair soaked and covering my eyes a bit. I hear him laughing a bit and look at him, he notices and talks to me. "Oh don't act like you don't deserve this."

He plays some games on his computer for a while and I'm trying to find a way out of this, I remember my powers and try to use them, but they're gone. I hear him log out of his computer and turn towards me, he smirks and it sends a chill down my spine. "Man, I am thirsty. If only I had a drink nearby. Oh wait!"

He said sarcastically, he grabs the glass and my eyes widen with genuine terror, my heart is beating out of my chest as he brings the glass up and looks at me. "S Seán...." I whimper, "Please don't do this! Th think about this!! please!!! I I'll be good I swear!!"

My pleads fall on deaf ears as he brings the glass to his mouth and starts to gulp the water down, I gasp as I'm getting pulled closer and closer to his mouth. I swim against the current pulling me trying to swim for my life, I panic as it doesn't seem to be working.

I can hear his throat muscles working and I shiver in fear, as I don't want to be there. Thankfully he pulls the glass away from his lips, I'm hoping that maybe the water filled him, but that hope gets crushed instantly as he let's out a tiny burp and brings the glass back! He starts drinking again and I don't have the strength to fight back against the current, all I can do is whimper as the water pushes me into his mouth.

I can't do anything as he swallows the water along with me and the water pushes me down easily, I do get stuck at one point but he continues to drink the water and more gets dumped onto me and pushes me the rest of the way down.

I fall into his stomach and whimper I hear him stop drinking and sigh. "Wow, you tasted good~ Have fun in there glitch." I start to hyperventilate, not wanting to die in here, despite knowing I deserve it. "Seán please!!!" It's no use, I'm too deep and he can't hear me, I start to cry silently.

I feel him rubbing his stomach and I whimper while curling up. I heard him yawn and my panic set it even more, I start hyperventilating, praying and hoping he doesn't decide to go to bed. I start to sob now as I remember everything I did to him and the others, that I truly deserve to die.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't see or feel the food around me. I realize how no one would care if I died, if I just disappeared and never came back, it would just make their lives easier.

I regret everything, every mean thing I said to Jackie and how I messed up his hero work, how I had attempted to kill Chase's kid and Stacy. How I tried to push him further into his drinking and depression, how I made JJ a puppet and possessed Marvin to try and kill the others with his magic.

How I possessed Henrik and tried to get him to poison the others and Seán. But worst of all, killing innocent people who didn't deserve what I did.

As I sit here and think back on all my monstrosities, I find myself wanting to die so I can go to hell where I belong, where I can never hurt anyone ever again. His stomach rumbled happily as the acids started working on me and the surrounding food.

I could feel my skin being broken down, but I didn't care, I deserve this pain. I was a mistake, I don't even know why Seán hadn't gotten rid of me before this, I know he didn't mean to make me and I know he wants me gone and hates me.

I could feel my muscles getting weaker and weaker as the acids worked harder, I sighed and closed my eyes waiting for death to consume me. Finally, after the pain got unbearable I saw white....but it was different...I blinked the white away and noticed I was in Seán's room, on his bedside table, looking at him sleeping with BB curled up next to him.

I looked at myself and noticed that I was transparent, I had turned into a ghost, I'm not sure why. I guess this is my eternal suffering, my hell, my purgatory. I suddenly saw BB look directly at me, he got up and walked over to me, I was afraid but then remebered I'm dead and a ghost.

He licked me and I felt it! He mewed softly at me, I reached my hand out and stroked his nose as he purred. He mewed again which caused Seán to stir, I hid behind the lamp, not sure if he would try to hurt me or not.

Seán's pov

I yawned, a little tired from playing games on my computer, I'm still a bit hungry so I get to the kitchen to find something else to snack on. Plus, I know if I eat something that the acids will work faster, I'll probably let Anti out sometime tomorrow.

He has powers, so he's not in danger, he'll realize that soon enough, so I finish eating and go about my day, like recording a few videos and hanging out with the others, not worried at all about Anti.

My stomach was making growling noises, I shrugged it off as the food I ate. I crawl into bed and BB hops right next to me, I run my fingers through his fur as it calms me to a deep sleep.

- Time skip -

I woke up to BB meowing at something, I sat up in my bed and lifted him into my lap, and continued to pet his fur he purred before hopping off the bed and trotting out of the room. I yawned and stretched, figuring I should probably let Anti out now. "Ready to come out?"

There was no reply, I sighed, he's probably angry at me, I shrugged and tried coughing him up, but nothing was coming out. I got a confused look on my face and rubbed my stomach to see if I could feel him.....I couldn't, my eyes widened and I sat up straighter.

"A Anti? C c'mon man d don't mess with me l like this." Still no response, I start hyperventilating and talking to myself. "H he had his powers......right? Right??!" A feeling of dread and horror washes over me, not wanting to believe I killed him, but in my heart I know he's gone. Because of me.

Tears start building up and pour down my face, "no... no! I...I killed him..." I whisper that last part as that realization sends me hurtling over the edge, I break down a little and curl up slightly. "I'm sorry....I'm sorry....I'm so fucking sorry...."

I'm crying into my hands at this point, yeah he hurt all of us, but he didn't deserve to die. "Oh god...w what am I gonna tell the others? I I'm a monster." I heard what sounded like a tiny gasp, I looked around to see if I could tell where it came from.

I looked over at my bedside table and saw something duck behind my lamp. "H hello?" I softly call out, whatever it was, it looked transparent, I moved closer to my lamp and peeked behind it. I was shocked to find Anti! I try to grab him but disappeared and reappeared out of my reach.

I look at him confused and wondering why he's transparent, he's just staring at me....A look of horror crosses my face as I back away again. "N no, no.... p please tell me I didn't....." Tears were rolling down my face as I realized that he's a ghost...and that's why he's transparent, he flew a little closer to me and I whimpered.

Anti's pov

I was watching him break down, and then he called himself a monster, I couldn't hold in my gasp, he heard it and tried looking around, he found me. He tried to grab me, I didn't let him grab me, meaning I made his hand go through me.

He looked at me confused and then backed away, "N no, no.... p please tell me I didn't....." He was crying again, I flew towards him but he whimpered, I continued anyway. He closed his eyes and it was then I realized that he was scared I would hurt him for revenge.

I'm not going to, I flew closer to his hand and hugged it, I saw his eyes open in confusion. "Anti?" He questioned. I continued hugging his warm hand, "Yes. Unfortunately you killed me." I saw tears building again but I continued talking. "Seá's ok. I was absolute shit to you guys. I deserve this."

I looked up at his blue eyes filled with tears. "Don't for one minute think that this makes you a monster. You aren't a monster. I was the monster. I'm sorry for everything." He grabbed me and I allowed it this time, he brought me to his chest and hugged me close, he then brought me to his face.

"Anti...I I'm extremely sorry. It was stupid of me to think you would've been fine. You didn't deserve this. No matter what you've done, you have always been considered family, I I don't know how to tell the others about this." I sigh quietly, "Seán...they don't care about me, they never have. They might be....happy even."

I fly a bit away from him and hug myself. "Anti....we have to tell them-" There was a knock on the door but before anything else could happen they open the door and walk in, but stop when they noticed me. It was Chase. "Uhhhh what's going on h how is Anti flying?"

Chase tries to grab at me but I make it so his hand goes through me. He gasps and back away, surprised but pales as he realizes something. "A Anti? A...You're dead?" I nod, "H how?" I stay silent and Seán shakes his head. I slowly turn and look at Seán like he's an idiot, Chase notices.

"Seá you know how Anti died?" "I...." He looked away. I turn to Chase, "It doesn't matter, there's nothing we can do, and...I deserved it. should tell the others." He nods. "Ok...and Anti?" I look at him "You didn't deserve to die."

And with that he left. I have a shocked look on my face I turned to Seán and fly over to him again. "You can't tell them....please. They won't forgive you." "And that's well deserved. I killed you." I hug his finger again. "Let me talk to them...please?"

Chase's pov

I left to tell the others, everyone was watching a movie in the living room, I walk in and grabbed the remote. I turned off the TV and everyone groaned and looked at looked at me. "Guys we need to talk."

I stood in front of the TV and looked at them, they all had their eyes on me. "I don't know how to tell you this...but....Anti's dead. His spirit/ghost is still here though." Everyone's eyes widened and I hear Jackie growl a bit. I asked him what was wrong.

"Earlier today, in the morning I was walking in the backyard and found Anti. I gave him to Seán...he has to have something to do with this." I just shook my head like he was crazy. "Actually...He's right."

I look to the entrance and see Anti, everyone turned towards him as well. I went to sit with the others as Anti flew in, Anti started speaking again.

Anti's pov

I took a deep breath and started talking. " was Seán." I saw some of them stand up angrily. "Wait! It was accident! He didn't know...he's torn up about it." Everyone sat down again except for Jackie. "Jackie, don't confront him. It was an accident."

I hugged myself and they looked at me weirdly. "Besides...I deserve this." Everyone silently gasped, they had asked me why I would say that so I explained. "I hurt all of you guys, tried to kill you guys...made your lives worse. I was a monster to all of you."

At this point tears are streaming down my face. "I'm sorry...but I know that doesn't change anything..." I suddenly felt some warmth and noticed that Marvin was trying to hug me with his hand.

I let him and then curled up in his hand, I sniffled a little before calming down and looking at him while sitting up. He asked me something. "Anti how did you even get this small?"

"Well...I heard noises coming from outside last night and went to investigate. It was this...woman who was wearing a purple cloak and was wearing some kind of amulet. She somehow knew who I was....she did this to me, I then fell asleep and then woke up in the morning. Jackie then found me and gave me to Seán."

Marvin nodded his head. "I'm sorry this happened to you. You didn't deserve this. Sure you may have been a pain, but that doesn't mean you aren't family. Even though you're a ghost now, you're still our brother."

I started tearing up and wrapped my arms and legs around his index finger. I looked around at everyone and noticed that Jackie was gone.

Seán's pov
I was crying on my bed while Anti was talking with the others. Jackie suddenly came in, I whimpered and tried to back away, afraid he would hurt me. "Was it really an accident?" I blinked but curled up in my blanket.

"Yes. I I didn't know it would kill him. I thought he had his powers..." I sniffle a bit as I remember what I did. "And what exactly did you do?" I look at him again. "He didn't tell you?" He shook his head and I sniffled again. "Something bad...I I don't want to tell you. You'll just be more mad at me..."

He sighed and sat down on my bed. "Hey, if it really was an accident, then I won't blame you." I look at him with tears in my eyes and told him what happened. "I'm sorry...I'm so fucking sorry. I I thought he had his powers...if I had known...." I started crying again and he suddenly hugged me?

I hugged him back and buried my head into his chest and whimpered a bit. "I don't deserve this. Please don't tell the others... they won't forgive me..." He looked at me again. "They have a right to know" I just nodded sadly.

- Time Skip -

It's been months and the others have forgiven me, I've been having therapy sessions with Henrik because I still feel guilty and I can't forgive myself. Anti's spirit/ghost is still here, he's still part of the family.

Everything turned out ok, but I still feel like it's my fault, I should've known better. But it doesn't matter now, we all love eachother.


That was a long one-shot. 3600 words. Anyways, requests are always open even though they might take a while to finish.

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