tiny anti x reader ( vore )

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Y/ns pov

I was so sick of anti treating the egos and jack like shit. I was going to make him pay. I snuck into anti's room in the septics home. I stole one of marvin's potions from his room while he was sleeping.

I poured the potion over anti and brought him back to my house. I put him under a glass and waited for him to wake up. I went to the living room to watch some TV and I heard a groan. I smiled and walked into the kitchen where he was.

Anti's pov

I woke up on a hard surface and groaned. I looked at my surroundings and everything was massive and I didn't know where I was.

I heard footsteps coming into the where I was. It looked like a kitchen. I tried to run but an invisible force stopped me. I was under glass... I turned around and screamed.

Someone who I don't know was smirking at me. They lifted the glass that I was trapped in. I started backing away fast when they grabbed me by my leg.

They lifted me up to their face and I started hyperventilating. "Hey there glitch bitch!" They chirped, they were a fan... Shit.

They brought me over to the sink and held me over the garbage disposal. "So care to explain why you've tortured the egos and jack for so long?"

They asked. I honestly didn't have an answer. They turned on the garbage disposal and their grip started to loosen. I screamed. They laughed and dropped me into the sink, not the garbage disposal just the sink.

They turned on the water and I started moving towards the hole in the middle. "W wait please!!" They just laughed. They turned off the water and grabbed me.

I sighed in relief, but then they lifted me above their head!! I screamed again. They dropped me in and closed their mouth.

I whimpered as they threw me around their mouth. They moaned and then started swallowing me. I let tears slip from my eyes. Is this what it felt like when I tortured the egos and jack?

I sighed. I deserve this don't I....... I was going down their throat and into their stomach.

Y/ns pov

I teased him with the garbage disposal for a bit. Then I picked him out of the sink and lifted him above my mouth he screamed and I laughed as I dropped him in.

I heard him whimper and sort of felt bad but remembered everything that he's done to everyone. I started swallowing him. I felt him land in my stomach and curl up.

I heard him sobbing and whispering "I'm so sorry" my stomach gurgled. I sighed. Did I really want this? I don't know anymore.

I debated whether or not I should let him out when I heard quiet sniffles coming from my stomach area.

I sighed again and started gagging him up. He came into my mouth and I walked to the bathroom. I grabbed him out and spit the extra saliva into the sink.

I gently dried him off with a paper towel. I gently cupped him in my hands and walked into the living room and sat down on the couch with him.

Anti's pov

I started going up and back into their mouth. They took me out and dried me off gently. Then they cupped me in their hands and went and sat on the couch in the living room.

I was confused as to why they didn't kill me. After all I've done I deserve it. I sighed sadly.

They looked at me weirdly "you should've let me die. After all I did to everyone. I deserve to die..." I said as tears rolled down my face. I was suddenly pressed against a wall of fabric.

W were they trying to hug me? But t they just wanted to kill me! I didn't hug back though. They brought me up to their face and they had tears rolling down their face. "I'm so sorry" they whispered and hugged me to their cheek.

I got a little wet because their tears were rolling down their cheeks. "Anti you didn't deserve that. And no one deserves to die. It was wrong of me to do this to you." "But-" they cut me off.

"Anti please.... I I I I...." They sighed. "I I have to take you back to the egos." "NO. please don't.... Th they hate me. They'll kill me..." They just shook their head and walked out the door.

Y/n's pov

I walked out the door and to the egos home. I knocked on the door. Jackie answered "hi?" He said confused. He then noticed anti and growled at me. "What did you do to him?" "I.... I shrunk him...f for revenge for what he's done to you guys." "Ah I see. Want to come in?"

Jackie's pov

I started acting nice so they would trust me. Once I got them into my room I would shrink them and make them pay for what they did to anti. "Wanna talk about it?"

I asked as I led them to my room. They walked in and looked around. I quietly locked the door. I used my powers to make them dizzy. They held a hand up to their head and groaned.

"You alright?" I asked "y yeah I just need to lie down" they handed anti to me and passed out on the bed. Anti looked angrily up at me

"what the fuck did you do?" I just chuckled and placed him under a cup. I then used my powers to shrink them.

They soon woke up and screamed when they saw everything was bigger then them. I heard anti banging on the glass behind me as I walked over to the 'fan'. They backed away from me but I still picked them up.

They started hyperventilating. I lifted them above my head and opened my mouth and dropped them in. I started tasting them. They pleaded for me to stop. I just laughed and swallowed them. Anti was now yelling at me.

Anti's pov

I can't believe Jackie right now. "Jackie STOP!" I yelled. He shook his head after swallowing them. He turned to me. "Why are you defending them?

They did this to you!" "That's because I deserved it! That fan doesn't!!" "Anti you don't deserve to die..."

I said to him. "Jackie they where devastated when they said I wanted die. They were regretful. If you don't spit them up... Your a monster."

I turned my back to him and crossed my arms. I heard him sniffle and then start gagging the fan up.

I turned around and Jackie had tears in his eyes and rolling down his face. He lifted the cup and placed the fan next to me who was passed out.

He fell to his knees and buried his face into his hands. I walked over to them and gently shaked them awake.

Y/ns pov

I passed out and expected to never wake up again. But I awoke to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw anti looking at me, it also sounded like someone was crying.

Anti pulled me up and hugged me tightly. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Y yeah. I'm ok." I looked over to where the crying was coming from and it was coming from Jackie.

I walked over to him. "J Jackie?" I said. He looked up at me and his eyes were red and puffy, he had tears rolling down his face. I gasped.

"I I I'm so sorry I did that to you." He choked out. "Hey, hey it's ok. I kinda deserved it after what I did to anti."

I smiled at him. He weakly smiled back. He gently grabbed me and hugged me to his chest. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Y/n. My name is y/n." He gently placed me on the ground and grew me back to normal. I hugged him.

Unfortunately anti wouldn't be able to get back to his original size ever again. But I felt terrible. I asked them if I could live there. And they said yes.

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