Chapter 3

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A/N ....

Hi guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I had school exams and then my parents took my tablet off me. Now it's the hols for two weeks so I will update again soon. I am also going to be starting a regular updating schedule, like once every 1-2 weeks. Sorry again for the wait! Here's Chapter 3.

Kelly didn't have any time to scream. Fireflame bounded into the fire, and suddenly the world was made of licking red flames and a whirl of heat. Kelly tried to draw her legs up so they wouldn't get burnt, but she realised with a shock that the flames weren't harming her. She could feel the heat of the fire, it surrounded her and touched her, but it didn't leave so much as a mark. Fireflame must have felt her confusion revertebrating down the mind-link they shared.

He laughed in her mind.

:|Of course the fire can't harm you, Kelly. You are a Child of Fire. You are immune to its effects.|:

Well, that explained it. The fire spun higher around them, and suddenly, they were falling. Falling, and not stopping. Kelly could hear someone screaming. Then she realised that it was her. The scream broke off abruptly as they came to a stop, and Kelly inhaled a mouthful of ash and heat.

"Warn me next time you're going to do that, ok?" she scowled. Fireflame nickered.

:|Get used to it. You'll be Fire-travelling a lot more often after this.|:

"How exactly does that work, anyway?" Kelly frowned.

:|Exactly? I'm not sure. But every Guarder and Companion can use their element to travel anywhere in the world, unless it's Warded against them. So if a Night Rider tried to invade Camp by using Shadow-travel, he would disintegrate from the power of the Wards.|:

"O-okay then. But, um, what's a Night Rider, and what is Shadow-travel? And what is a Ward?" Kelly asked.

:|The Night Riders are our enemies. They are Guarders and mortals turned evil, and their mission is to destroy the Guarders. Shadow-travel is their form of Element-travel. Wards are very strong protections. As I said, if a Night Rider tried to bypass the Wards that protect our Camp, they would disintegrate.|:

"Ok." Kelly still didn't fully understand, but she didn't press the matter.

:|Come, the Keepers and Guardian are waiting for us.|:

Kelly now felt even more bewildered. "Who are the Keepers and Guardian?"

Fireflame dipped his head indulgently.

:|Of course, you haven't grown up here. The Element Keepers are the most powerful Guarders of their element. They are pretty much the leaders. The Keeper of Fire, Keeper of Air, Keeper of Earth, and Keeper of Water. They answer to one person only, and that is the Guardian of Elements.|:

Fireflame paused to make sure Kelly was still following him.

:|The Guardian of Elements is the most powerful Guarder of all time. She can control all four elements, and is immortal. She can only be killed by one person and that is the leader of the Night Riders. Likewise, the Guardian is the only one who can kill the Dark Leader. They are each other's counterpart in power.|:

"I think I've got that." Kelly answered, still feeling like she was in the dark. (No pun intended.)

She was about to say more, but the words died in her throat as a white-clad Guarder strode up to her. The Guarder was flanked by four others, all wearing different colored armour. One in sky blue, another in gold, a third in dark green and the fourth in silver. Instinctively, Kelly knew that those were not the usual colors worn by the average, everyday Guarder. No, she knew who these people were. The Guardian of Elements, and her four Element Keepers.

"Welcome, Kelly. I am Lightningstar, and these are the Element Keepers. Flintstar, the Keeper of Fire." She indicated a handsome man with jetblack hair who was wearing gold. "Cloudstar, the Keeper of Air." The Keeper wearing silver nodded to Kelly. The one in dark green was Vinestar, Keeper of Earth, the Guarder in blue was the Keeper of Water, Streamstar.

"It is a good omen that Fireflame has found his Guarder. We are in perilous need of fighters at this time." Lightningstar continued.

"My lady?" Kelly asked, confused.

"Did Fireflame not explain it to you?" Streamstar said. Kelly shook her head.

"We are at war." Flintstar informed her. "The Night Riders have grown in strength, and we have lost many Guarders."

:|They killed my family.|: Fireflame said sadly.

That did it. She might have only just met Fireflame, but she was his Guarder, and no one hurts him.

I'll hunt down those Riders and kill them. Kelly vowed to herself.

Kelly wasn't normally a violent person, but after being bullied her whole life by Courtney, she didn't much care for people who hurt others.

"Has Fireflame told you about Choosing?" Vinestar asked.

"No. I assume it's how a Guarder is Chosen?" Kelly answered.

"Yes. When we go to the Spiritstone you shall be given your Guarder form and your Guarder name. You will also recieve your pendant." Lightningstar said.

"Pendant?" now Kelly really was confused.

"Each Guarder has a pendant that holds all their magic. The symbol is different for each Guarder. A red flame for Fire, a purple breeze symbol for Air, a light green leaf for Earth, and a raindrop for Water. The Keepers have different symbols, but you will learn about them in your history class." The Guardian said.

History class? Kelly thought. Great. Even in mythical worlds, I still have to do school.

"Now," Lightningstar continued briskly. "You and Fireflame need to travel to the Spiritstone so you can begin your training right away. If you are a true Guarder, you will know what to do. Follow your instincts. They will guide you."

Kelly gulped and nodded. Now that this was actually happening, she was having serious doubts.

All she had wanted was a new family. She was tired of being picked on, tired of being treated as a slave, of being alone. She wanted all that to stop, and to be recognised as her own person. Becoming a Guarder would grant that wish. She would leave the mortal world behind and enter a new one of magic, fighting and danger.

"Are you ready?" Lightningstar asked.

"Yes." Kelly said in a trembling voice.

Lightningstar led them to a small clearing in a forest. Kelly glanced up through the trees, and could spot four stars shining brightly, even though it was daylight.

:|Those are the four Royal Stars.|: Fireflame said, sensing her curiosity.

"Royal Stars?" Kelly whispered.

:|Our powers come from the Royal Stars. There is one for each element. The reason that the Keepers and the Guardian all have 'star' as part of their Guarder

name is because it represents their connection to their Royal Star. The Keepers are able to draw down direct power from their Star, making them more powerful. That is why they are chosen as Apprentices to become a Keeper in the first place. The Royal Star that powers us, as Fire Guarders, is Regulus. Aldebaran powers Earth, Fomalhaut for Water, and Antares for Air. The Stars shine in this clearing because this is where the Spiritstone is. You can always see them from here.|:

"Oh. Ok. But where is this Spiritstone that everyone is talking about?" Kelly questioned.

:|You'll see.|: Was all Fireflame would say.

As the sun came directly overhead the clearing, it hung dead centre of the Royal Stars. The ground trembled, and directly beneath the sun the earth split and a shimmering white stone rose up. Now, this was no ordinary stone. It was massive. It was easily as tall as Kelly, and twice her shoulder width. Kelly let out a small gasp of amazement when she saw it. Right away, she knew what it was.

The Spiritstone.

Lightningstar gave Kelly a slight push, and she stumbled into the centre of the clearing, with Fireflame at her side. Kelly glanced back at where the Guardian and the Keepers were, but they had disappeared.

Kelly approached the Spiritstone hesitantly. When she and Fireflame were a metre away from it, they were suddenly frozen to the spot, unable to move.

The Spiritstone glowed with power. It emitted a white mist that curled itself around them.

Who summons the power of the Royal Stars? a silvery voice echoed through the clearing.

Kelly swallowed the lump in her throat, and finally gathered enough courage to speak.

"I am Kelly. I have been Chosen by the Unicorn Companion Fireflame. He wishes for me to become his Guarder."

Kelly blinked in surprise at what she had said. The words had just come out of her, she hadn't meant to say any of that.

Lightningstar was right. Kelly thought. She did know what to do.

Hmm. You have the power. The voice said. Now Kelly was starting to feel a bit uncertain.

The white mist thickened, and Kelly was blinded. Then all she could feel was pain. So much pain, all around her neck and chest. Kelly tried to scream, but she couldn't move or speak. Suddenly, the silvery voice rang through the mist.

I name you Flameheart, Guarder to Fireflame.

Then the mist dissipated and Flameheart couuld move once more.

Her legs buckled, and she landed on Fireflame, clinging onto his mane in an effort to stay on her feet.

She saw Lightningstar and the Keepers emerge from the forest that surrounded the clearing. The Guardian was the first to reach her, and pulled her up.

"Are you alright?" She asked anxiously.

Flameheart nodded. "Yea, just a bit, um, shaken."

"What did the Spiritstone name you?" The Keeper of Fire, Flintstar queried.

"Flameheart." The new Fire Apprentice replied.

"Figures." Streamstar said, glancing at Fireflame.

Flameheart glanced down and gaped in amazement.

She was no longer wearing her old mortal clothes. Instead, she was dressed in riding gear, with cherry red jodhpurs, brown leather riding boots and a beige coloured blouse. They were the clothes of a Guarder.

:|Well, my Guarder in training. Welcome to your new life.|: Fireflame said.

Flameheart grinned tiredly at him.

"Yea, this is definitely a new life for me."

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