| Chapter 16 | ❤️

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Dimitri parked his car a block away from the flower shop. He watched her move around the shop through the window. It seemed that she and the other florist were close. The elderly florist came into the shop from the storage room and said something to her. She nodded and smiled beautifully. She came outside the shop and picked up a large bundle of white roses. She carried them back inside and skillfully used all of the white roses to make identical bouquets.

She had used white wrapping paper and ivory ribbons. The bouquets looked simple and elegant. She walked back outside and went behind the flower shop, coming back with a wooden wagon. She gently placed all the bouquets in the wagon and took off her apron. She loosened her hair and started to pull the wagon behind her, walking towards the direction of the cemetery.

He got out of his car and followed her, making sure to keep his distance far enough that it wasn't suspicious. He watched her walk into the cemetery and start to put a bouquet to each flowerless headstone. He walked to her and grabbed a bouquet from the wagon, catching her attention. She recognized him as the man she had met yesterday. She smiled and took the bouquet which he handed to her.

"Rose," he said, grabbing another bouquet.

Her eyes twinkled like midnight stars as she looked at him. "I never got your name yesterday," she said, placing the bouquet on another headstone.

He smiled and replied, "Dimitri. It's Dimitri Belikov."

Together they walked and placed bouquets on headstones as they conversed. By the time they were finished, he had successfully asked her to let him take her to lunch. She was reluctant at first, but agreed at the end because of how familiar she felt with him. They got along so well. She saw no reason how to let this feeling progress a little further. She was not going to deny it. She liked him since the first time he walked into her aunt's flower shop. 

"The last time I came back was five months ago. I don't know if there's a good restaurant around here," he said as they walked to back to his car.

She smiled and said, "I don't really know that well either. I grew up in America and when my mother passed away, I was sent here to my aunt Svetlana. I spend most of my time in the flower shop."

That explained why she was not fluent in Russian. She preferred English on any day. When they reached his car, she ran across the road with her wagon to the flower shop. She put her wagon away and ran inside the shop.

"Aunt Svetlana!" 


She found her aunt adding more water to the carnations' metal bucket. Svetlana looked up at her niece with a smile.

"What is it, dear?" she asked, setting the plastic water bucket down beside her.

Rose tucked a strain of her hair behind her ear and said, "A friend asked me out for lunch. I'll be gone for only an hour."

"A friend?" 


"Dearest, have I met this friend of yours?" Svetlana asked, wondering who this friend was. Ever since her niece came to live with her, she hadn't been able to make any friends. She had also never been anywhere besides the flower shop, home, and the flower market which they visited every weekend. She felt hesitant in letting her youngest niece go and she was her beloved youngest sister's daughter. 

Rose smiled again and said, "Kind of. Please let me go. I promise I'll be back in an hour!" Before Svetlana could protest, she ran out of the flower shop. 

Svetlana shook her head after her niece and laughed at her childishness. However, she trusted her niece's decision. She couldn't wait to see this 'friend'. 

"When my mother passed away, I had nightmares for so many months. In my nightmares, a man was trying to sacrifice me on an altar," she explained over lunch. "I know it sounds strange but it felt very real to me at that time."

Her words made Dimitri stop. He cast his eyes to her face and watched her intently. It was really her. However, she didn't realize that her nightmares were actually her past. He couldn't comprehend what happened to her that night. She just disappeared. Now she was like this. 

"Don't worry," he finally said, "No one's going to sacrifice you. I won't let them."

She threw her head back and laughed, "Do you really think that I really believe my dreams? If something happens, then it's meant to be. Good or bad."

"You don't believe in guardian angels?" he asked, testing her.

She looked at him for a few seconds and replied, "No, I don't. They're just. . .I believe that seeing is everything."

Her answer reminded him of the first time they met when she was an angel. He smiled at her and said, "I used to be like that. Someone taught me that seeing isn't everything."

She drank her orange juice and said, "Well, until something miraculous happens to me, my belief stays the same. Anyway, do you have any candies with you?"

"You like candies?"

She threw her hands up and said, "How can I not love them?! M&Ms are my favorite. I simply cannot live without them. I need to get some before we head back."

She got up and walked to the small snack section they had inside and paid for a few M&Ms and other sweets. She came back to him and they both shared a smile. Only, his smile was weaker than hers because his mind was occupied with an important thought. 

They drove back to the flower shop and he walked in with her. Her aunt, Svetlana, was handful with orders. She hurried over and asked, "Aunt Svetlana, what's going on?"

"A wedding," her aunt replied, " The bride has especially requested for our flowers."

Rose turned to Dimitri and said, "Thank you, Dimitri, for taking me out for lunch."

"Not a problem," he replied, smiling.

She awkwardly waved at him and said, "Bye!" She ran into the storage room to help her aunt with red cheeks.

He waved back and walked out to his car. He drove back to his mother's house, thinking about Rose. He found a little funny that the woman who was his guardian angel, now a mortal, didn't believe in angels. He didn't even know where to start or how to help her. 

As soon as he stepped out of his car, he was greeted by his niece, Katya, who was old enough to walk and communicate. When he picked her up, she giggled started to tell her story which consisted of the Three Little Pigs, the Ant and the Grasshopper, and last but not least, the Tortoise and the Hare. She had combined the stories together and created a new one. Dimitri had to take some time to understand his little niece. It seemed that her story was never-ending because she was still talking.

"And the tortoise became best friends with the wolf. . ." she told.

"I thought the wolf is the villain?" he questioned, looking at her with adoration.

She seriously shook her head and protested, "No! The three pigs tried to eat the wolf and the grasshopper, remember?"

He laughed and said, "My apologies." 

Sonja came to him and took the little one away, smiling. Dimitri went up to his bedroom and closed the door. He sat on his bed, remembering that time Rose used her powers to burn his book. She really knew how to get his attention. She always did the unpredictable.He missed seeing her everywhere he went. Ever since she disappeared, he had stopped stocking his kitchen cabinets with sweets.

He took off his ring and her image as an angel played in his mind.

* Flashback *

He opened the door after a long tiring shift and came to face with a winged, red-dressed, brown-haired girl. Her smile could light any NASA rocket. Thinking that she was some costume-crazed girl, he slammed the door in her face. He went back to his couch and picked up his book, continuing where he left off.

"Excuse me?" that girl from the other side of his door was now in his living room. She did a little sarcastic wave and said, "I'm Rose. Your guardian angel."

She was crazy, he was sure of it. But how did she manage to get in without him knowing? His instincts kicked in and he dropped his book, pulling out his gun. He aimed his gun at her and averted his gaze to the large black wings behind her. He knew this was not normal. He swallowed and turned his attention to her.

"Who are you?" he asked carefully.

"But I already told you," she replied. 

He didn't believe her. Not even one bit.

"How did you get in?"

She looked at him as if he was the crazy one.

"Through the door," she answered casually.

"But I locked the door!" he said, feeling frustrated and a little afraid.

"Literally! Right through the door!" she exclaimed truthfully, gesturing to the front door.

Impossible, he thought.

He shook his head and muttered, "Impossible!"

She shrugged and said, "Eh, not really. I am here. You are here. I'm talking. You're listening. You're real. I'm real. Like I said before, I'm your Guardian Angel." She added a proud smile at the end. 

There was no way she could be his guardian angel. He had never prayed for one.

* End of flashback *

He smiled at the memory. She would get so angry every time he told her that angels weren't real. She was the only person he knew who wasn't moved or triggered by a gun at all. She completely ignored it. There were too many things he couldn't forget. Somethings were too deep in his heart for him to even wish to forget.

Author's Note: Poor Dimitri! So many things that haven't been revealed yet. Be patient, my friends! I will soon reveal them to you.  ;)

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Hugs and kisses from your author and friend,


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